Wave Of Prayer

Dec 21st, 2023

As the violence in Gaza continues to intensify, the colder weather and heavy rains have caused flooding, worsening the humanitarian crisis. UNRWA has stated that its shelters for internally displaced persons in the middle and southern areas of the Gaza strip are over nine times their capacity, hosting the 1.9 million internally displaced persons. Additionally, the spread of disease has increased, with health authorities documenting 360,000 cases of infectious diseases in shelters, including diarrhea, influenza, meningitis, hygiene related conditions such as lice, and 1,500 cases of intestinal disease are reported daily due to food shortages.

Almighty God, we call to you in anguish over the sickness and suffering your people in Gaza are experiencing. How long, O Lord? We remember that you were born in the likeness of humans, and you know what it is to experience pain and bodily suffering. Bring healing to all who are sick and bring protection to all who seek shelter. Ultimately, we pray for a ceasefire and for lasting healing that will come only through your complete justice. 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer.

On the 16th of December, two Christian women, Nahida Anton and her daughter Samar Anton, were shot and killed by Israeli military snipers as they walked within the grounds of the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. Seven others were shot and injured as they tried to protect those sheltering inside the church compound. Earlier the same morning, a rocket fired from an Israeli tank targeted the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa, damaging the building and displacing the 54 disabled persons who live there. 

Almighty God, we are distraught over the deaths of Nahida and Samar, and there are no words that can be said to express our grief and outrage. We trust that you are weeping now with the families of the martyrs, and we hold onto your words from Matthew, “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Comfort the Christians in Gaza who continue to seek shelter in the Holy Family Parish and provide for all the disabled who were displaced by the attack on the Convent. 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer. 

From the 11th-14th of December, the Israeli military conducted a raid in Jenin, leading to the reported deaths of 12 Palestinians, 34 injuries, and over one hundred arrests. Since the 7th of October, 271 Palestinians, including 69 children, have been killed in the West Bank, and more than 3,481 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank. 

Sovereign God, we pray that your comfort for the families of those killed would come in the form of true and lasting justice. In your power, bring an end to all violence. We trust that you are the source of all justice and goodness. We long to see you, “judge the world in righteousness, and the peoples in faithfulness” (Psalm 96:13). 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer. 

On the 12th of December, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire. 153 members voted for the resolution, 23 abstained, including the UK, and 10 voted against, including the U.S. Although the General Assembly resolution shows an increase of international pressure for a ceasefire, the resolution is non-binding. This comes after the U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution for a ceasefire on December 8th, which if it had passed, could have been binding. 

God of all nations, as a majority of the international community are calling for an end to the violence, we lament that a few nations with a disproportionate amount of power are allowing the atrocities in Gaza to continue. May your Spirit guide these leaders to conviction and repentance and increase all global efforts to bring about a ceasefire. We pray with the prophet Isaiah, “Let the wicked forsake their ways, and the unrighteous their thoughts” (Isaiah 55:7). 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer. 

Sunday, December 17th marked the third Sunday of Advent, when Christians light the third candle of “joy”. The winter solstice, the longest night of the year, also falls during this week. Many around the globe are using the holiday season to inspire creative activism in solidarity with Palestine, changing lyrics of popular Christmas songs to calls for a Ceasefire, but many others remain complicit or ignorant to the horrors that civilians in Gaza must endure this winter. 

Lord Christ, when you walked on this earth you proclaimed, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). This Advent, when joy feels so distant, we ask that your light pierce through the darkness of our suffering. As we approach the longest night of the year, we remember the long nights of waiting and watching that Gazans have endured now for over two months. We pray for your light to come in the form of deliverance from all violence and injustice. May our firm hope in this coming deliverance be the source of our joy. 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

Despite the cancellation of normal Christmas festivities in Palestine, this Saturday, December 23rd, Sabeel Jerusalem is holding a Christmas play for the local community. The play is entitled “Emmanuel” and is meant to reflect on the current situation while also focusing on the hope that “God is with us” in the birth of Christ. 

Emmanuel, God with us, we thank you for how the arts can bring depth and beauty to our human experience, even into the somberness of this Christmas season. May this play provide a source of community and a sense of hope to all who will attend or take part in this event. 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer 

On the 12th of December, the World Health Organization reiterated its call for the protection of health care and humanitarian assistance in Gaza. Overall, only 11 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are partially functional, services and supplies are limited, and the two major hospitals in southern Gaza are operating at three times their bed capacity, while also sheltering thousands of internally displaced persons.

Lord, we pray for the healthcare workers who continue healing and saving lives in impossible conditions. Honor their courage with your strength and provision. May governments quickly act in the way of justice to allow all necessary aid, supplies, and fuel to reach the few hospitals that remain in Gaza, so that no more lives may be lost. 

Lord, in your mercy…. hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and the Mainland of China. 

Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Since the end of the temporary pause in fighting, the Israeli army has widened its attacks in southern and central Gaza, with some of the heaviest aggressions since the 7th of October. Many homes sheltering displaced Palestinians have been bombed, refugee camps have been hit, and more people have been internally displaced, bringing the total number of those displaced to over 1.8 million. The weather is becoming colder, food, humanitarian aid, and shelters remain scarce, and the population density where the displaced are seeking refuge is high. Humanitarian professionals in Gaza are describing the situation as “Apocalyptic.”

• Sovereign God, you are the creator and sustainer of this world. No prayer fully expresses our suffering, and no statement says all that can be said. As the suffering in Gaza is described as “Apocalyptic,” we hold on to the mystery of our faith that your justice and mercy will redeem all suffering, and all evil powers and agents will be accounted for. We acknowledge your presence in Gaza through our actions of solidarity and our work to end all forms of injustice around the globe.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 10th of December, Christians across the globe marked the second Sunday of Advent by lighting the candle of “Faith”. While the world is celebrating the Christmas season by decorating trees and holding Christmas parties, in Palestine, we are commemorating Christmas by foregoing the usual celebrations, waiting for God to deliver us from 75 years of settler colonial violence. Indeed, we are living out the reality of the Christmas story. 

• Emmauel, your incarnation took place in our land 2000 years ago; like those in the nativity story, we await your saving presence. Lord, this year, help us to deeply understand the meaning of your incarnation, which promises liberation and justice for the oppressed. May we proclaim Mary’s prophetic words this Christmas, “He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty” (Luke 1:52-53). 

Since October 7th at least 266 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 3,365 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank. Settler attacks against Palestinians and their properties are on the rise, causing the displacement of 1000 Palestinian families, including 388 children. Furthermore, Israel has increased the incarceration of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem with no charge or trial, making them hostages. 

• God of the oppressed, we do not have enough time to properly mourn as the suffering continues. The pressing realities of death and sin have crushed our spirits, broken our hearts, and changed the fabric of our being. O Lord, you seem to have forsaken us, where are you in these times? As we lament, we proclaim that, “The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9).  

Horrific videos and images have emerged of at least 100 Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces who were forced to be stripped to their underwear, blindfolded, and made to kneel on a street in northern Gaza. These Palestinian men were reportedly taking refuge in two schools affiliated with UNRWA and the images, which were widely circulated on social media, have been confirmed by the Israeli army.  

Crucified Christ, you were publicly humiliated and naked on the cross. You are familiar with the experience of many Palestinians who have been humiliated by imperial powers. Lord, restore the dignity of the oppressed. Redeem this world by ending all structures and systems of sin and bring about the restoration of relationships.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

On the 8th of December, Sabeel organized the monthly meeting of Palestinian Christian civil society organizations in Jerusalem which also included Christian clergy. This meeting was held in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem as an act of solidarity with the Armenian community, who are struggling to preserve the Christian presence in the Old City of Jerusalem and keep their precious lands from being sold.  

Divine creator, we are all overwhelmed with the immense struggles and suffering we are facing. Like Christ, we are weeping over the situation in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine. Help us, O Lord, to do more than regret our circumstances, but to act with unity and zeal. Lord, we pray that the cries of the Armenian community in Jerusalem will be heard by you and that your justice will rain down, quenching our thirst for justice. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

On the 8th of December, the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. The vote came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a rare move on the 6th of December to formally warn the 15-member council of the global threat from the two-month-long war. 13 members voted in favor of the ceasefire resolution, the United Kingdom abstained, and unfortunately, the United States vetoed the demand for a ceasefire. 

All-knowing God, we are baffled by the United States’ veto and the United Kingdom’s abstention. God, as each day passes, you are the only one who knows how many lives could have been saved if there were a ceasefire. Let the outrage over these decisions increase global efforts for a ceasefire. Lord, as we struggle for justice, we remember the words of the apostle Paul, “Be angry but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Dec 7th, 2023

On the 1st of December, the truce between Israel and Hamas expired and the fighting has resumed. Israel resumed its attacks on northern, southern, and central Gaza, killing a reported 800 people as of the 4th of December. At least 1.8 million people in Gaza are internally displaced. Hamas has also begun again to fire missiles towards Israeli settlements and towns neighboring Gaza. During the truce, many Palestinian prisoners were released who had not been tried or charged, that is hostages, and several Israeli and foreign national hostages were released. Moreover, some humanitarian aid was allowed to enter Gaza.

• God you are the Alpha and the Omega, again and again violence reigns and the innocent suffer. We have faith, although it is not easy to understand that “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). Lord, you are eternal, unlike systems, leaders, and sin, which are temporal. Help us glorify your name through justice, which is love made public. Let us be agents of your kingdom by calling for an immediate ceasefire and holding all those who partake and enable war crimes accountable. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

As several Palestinian prisoners, including minors, are being released from Israeli jails as a part of the truce agreement between Israel and Hamas, the horrific stories of their experiences are now emerging. There are reports that Israeli prison guards torture, beat, sexually assault, and threaten Palestinian prisoners. Many Palestinian prisoners continue to be incarcerated without charge or trial, making them hostages, while Israel has arrested more Palestinians as it released during the truce.

• Liberator of the captives, we are thankful for the release of the several Israeli hostages in Gaza and the several Palestinians who have been arbitrarily detained, many of whom are children. We pray that all evil hidden in prisons will be exposed and accounted for. Lord, free all the captives, the wrongfully incarcerated and imprisoned, and let them return to their families unharmed. Likewise, we pray for liberation to those who are self-imprisoned by their hatred and racist supremacy.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer                     

On the 3rd of December, Dar al-Kalima University organized an event titled “Hope from Bethlehem: Peace for Palestine A Christmas Solidarity Campaign with the People in Gaza”. Well-known artists from Palestine and abroad performed to encourage the call for an immediate ceasefire, an open and sustainable humanitarian corridor into Gaza, and a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. As we enter the season of advent, many in the Western Church have marked the first Sunday by lighting the candle of “Hope”, and many in the eastern Church began their “Nativity Fast”. 

• Emmauel, God with us, Advent in Palestine this year feels like a paradox. We meditate on the hope of the incarnation whilst we live in a hopeless reality where children are killed, lives lost become mere numbers and statistics, women have no safe place to give birth, and injustice is celebrated. Lord, this is your story. As we meditate on your incarnation, let it be a time of active waiting which feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, heals the sick, and struggles with the oppressed for their liberation. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer             

On the 29th of November, the United Nations observed the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”. Marches, sit-ins, protests and various other events took place as people from all around the world expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people. While governments in the West support the injustices committed by the State of Israel, many of their citizens regularly criticize their governments and protest on the streets in record breaking numbers.

• God of the oppressed, for more than 75 years Palestinians have been robbed of their lands, homes, dignity, and lives due to the structures and systems of sin. We have been dehumanized to the point that our mere identity is a crime from birth. Lord, we thank you for the beautiful solidarity around the world from those who are advocating for justice and praying for mercy for our enemies since, “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him” (Proverbs 14:31).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer          

Last week, several Palestinians, including two children, 8-year-old Adam Samer al-Ghoul and 15-year-old Basil Suleiman Abu al-Wafa were killed by Israeli forces in Jenin refugee camp. It is reported that the Israeli military during their raids prevented Palestinian ambulances from reaching the injured. Moreover, Israel arrested at least 133 Palestinians from East Jerusalem and the West Bank indefinitely with no charges, and there have been reports of settler attacks on Palestinian farmers and burning of olive trees. 

• Almighty God, give assurance to the bereaved families that although their loved ones have passed from their sight, they have not passed from your love. Draw near to us as we mourn so that we may utter the words of the prophet Job, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you” (Job 42:5-6). Help us to see you in this nightmare. Console us through liberation, heal us through justice, humble the rulers of the world that are responsible for the loss of so many Palestinian lives.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 25th of November, three young Palestinian men, Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid, and Tahseen Ahmed, were shot near a university campus in the US. According to the police, the young men were speaking Arabic and two of them were wearing keffiyehs when attacked. Several sources claim that biased media coverage and the political discourse in the US have led to an increase in anti-Arab and anti-Islam sentiments, making the shooting a hate crime.  

• God of love, all Palestinians around the world suffer from hate on different scales. Lord, heal Awartani, Abdalhamid, and Ahmed. Restore them to full health and strengthen their families. We call for your justice towards the shooter and an end to the violent rhetoric and ideologies which motivated his crimes. Lord, replace all forms of hate and violence, whether through guns or through words, with actions of love and words of truth.  

• We join the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Myanmar and Thailand.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers 

Hisham Awartani’s poem written in the 6th grade

“Hope dwells in my heart

It shines like a light in darkness

[This] light cannot be smothered

It cannot be drowned out by tears and the screams of the wounded

It only grows in strength

This light can outshine hate

This light can outshine injustice

It outshines segregation and apartheid

As of Greek legend, Pandora opened a box

And when she did that, all the evil escaped

But luckily, Pandora closed the jar before hope could escape

And as long as hope stayed in that jar

Hope would never escape

So I ask you one thing, learn from that story

Learn to never give up hope

Learn to let hope give power

In the darkest of times

And let the light shine.”

Wave of Prayer

Nov 30th, 2023

On the 22nd of November, Israel and Hamas agreed to a four-day pause in their fighting. This agreement, which is subject to extension, includes the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons in exchange for 50 Israeli hostages held captive by Hamas in Gaza. Furthermore, under the terms of the truce, hundreds of trucks will be allowed to enter Gaza, carrying fuel, humanitarian and medical aid. 

All merciful God, although we are thankful for a temporary pause which will free prisoners and hostages, and allow some lifesaving aid into Gaza, we are not satisfied. Lord, grant us an unwavering spirit that continues to struggle for liberation, justice, and peace. We pray for a complete ceasefire of arms, as well as the end of oppressive ideologies, checkpoints, human rights violations, and anything which sustains and encourages hatred in our context and around the world. Lord, until we see the day when all is redeemed, increase in us the zeal to struggle for truth and love.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

November 20th marked World Children’s Day, commemorating the UN General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959. At least 6000 children have died according to Palestinian officials since the 7th of October. Furthermore, at least 1,800 Palestinian children remain missing under the rubble, and thousands more are injured. All live in conditions that no child should ever live in. 28 out of the 39 premature babies born, have been evacuated to Egypt after they were left without incubators when al-Shifa Hospital ran short of fuel and medical supplies following the Israeli raid on the hospital. 

Heavenly Father, since the 7th of October, your children in Gaza have been some of the most victimized. Each child killed, injured, trapped under the rubble, sick, or living in trauma, is known by you, including their innocent smiles and distinct talents that reflect your image. Lord, we plead for your compassion for the premature babies who are fighting for their lives. For all those mourning we hold on to your promise as mentioned in Isaiah 66:13 that, “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you…”.     

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 20th of November, Friends of Sabeel North America, along with a diverse coalition of Christian voices, released a statement in response to the horrific situation in Palestine-Israel. In this statement, they call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties, adequate supply of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and accountability for the perpetrators and enablers of war crimes, in accordance with international law, amongst other demands to see the end of the oppression that Palestinians face.   

God of the orphan, the widow, and the refugee, we thank you for all the voices that are calling for an immediate ceasefire and the implementation of international law. We remember your words in the book of prophet Micah, “What sorrow awaits you who lie awake at night, thinking up evil plans. You rise at dawn and hurry to carry them out, simply because you have the power to do so.” Lord, change the hearts and actions of those who perform injustice, and amplify the voices that are calling for righteousness, so that all may hear.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Israeli soldiers and settlers continue their raids and violent acts in many areas in the West Bank. This has resulted in the deaths of several young Palestinians, the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, especially in the refugee camps, and the incarceration of many without charge or trial. At least 400 Palestinians have died in the West Bank in 2023, with the death toll expected to rise every week.  

All merciful God, we come before you proclaiming as that you are a “righteous judge and always condemn the wicked” (Psalm 7:11). Lord, we trust that your judgment will be dealt in the West Bank and that you will condemn the wicked. Help us to be salt and light for the oppressed. We pray that the day will come when we will thank you for your justice and praise you in songs of joy. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 23rd of November, Sabeel held their monthly women’s Bible Study in Terra Sancta Parish Center. This Bible Study is one of a series of sessions which offers space to interpret the Bible contextually, and prayerfully discuss the current reality. Sister Ghada Na’meh led the Bible session with the help of the Sabeel staff. 

Jesus of Nazareth, you are the Word made flesh. Help us to hear, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the message of your goodness by meditating on the Holy witness of the Bible. May these Sabeel Bible lessons illuminate scripture’s message of liberation, resilience, and hope, making our faith meaningful to our present reality. Bless all who led and participated in the Bible lesson.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 26th, the leader of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem announced it would cancel a once-secret 2021 land lease deal with a real estate company that has alleged links to settler interests. Since then, contractors, armed settlers and bulldozers have been sent to seize the land – which, along with the parking lot, includes Armenian Church property and homes of several families. Despite this, the Armenian community in Jerusalem have remained steadfast in their protest and refuse to give in to the intimidation. 

God of truth, the Armenian community has been in Jerusalem for at least 1600 years, contributing to the rich and beautiful mosaic of Christianity. Lord, we thank you for their resilience which exemplifies their connection to Jerusalem and love for their community. We pray that all threats on the Armenian property will be eliminated and may you sustain their presence in Jerusalem.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

The 23rd of November marked Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Although this holiday has virtuous elements of gratitude, family bonding, and thanksgiving for the harvest of the season, for Native Americans it is a “National Day of Mourning.” For Indigenous peoples, the day is a reminder of the genocide, dispossession of their homes and lands, and the continued violence on their culture and livelihood. It is also a chance to protest and raise awareness for the struggles of Native American tribes in the face of colonialism. 

• God of light, we join in mourning with our Native American brothers and sisters who continually suffer from colonial violence. We, like many other indigenous people groups around the globe, face a colonial structure of violence and erasure. Lord, give us strength as we face the storm and work to end all forms of colonial structures, ideologies, and actions which oppress natives around the world.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Nov 23th, 2023

With every minute that passes, the situation in Gaza worsens. According to several sources, Israel has dropped the equivalent of two nuclear bombs in explosives on one of the most densely populated areas in the globe. While intense bombings and fighting continues in the north of Gaza, the south is also bombed frequently. All of Gaza is facing a severe humanitarian crisis; nowhere is safe. 

Sovereign Lord, the blood of the thousands of lives lost is crying out from the ground, haunting us day and night. The words of prophet Habakkuk remain true to this day, “The law is ignored and justice is never upheld…” We come to you, O Lord, asking for your liberating love, comfort, and strength. Do not let us become numb to the pain of the oppressed as time goes by. Lord, show us the way of genuine solidarity rather than pity or despair.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

Since the 7th of October, the number of Palestinian political prisoners has increased significantly. Among the political prisoners are 200 children and more than 2000 administrative detainees who are being detained indefinitely with no charge or trial. The reported conditions of the prisoners are of torture and overall inhuman treatment. It has been reported that 5 Palestinian detainees have died since their imprisonment. Since 1967, Israel has arrested a reported 1 million Palestinians. Over 200 Israeli hostages remain in Gaza with their security uncertain, as more days pass without a ceasefire. 

God of justice, liberator of prisoners, captives, and of all humanity the through the incarnation of Christ. We pray that you liberate all who are unjustly incarcerated and held as hostages. As we pray for the captives, we hold on to our faith that “The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.” May we work for liberation on this earth by being agents of your Kingdom. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On November 10th, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem announced that there will be no Christmas festivities this year due to the horrific events in Palestine-Israel. Although festivities will not occur, the Heads of Churches asked congregants to focus on the “spiritual meaning of Christmas” and to both pray for and donate to the victims instead.

Emmanuel, help your Church and its flock discern how best to be witnesses to your care for liberation and justice for the oppressed during the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Lord, encourage us to hold a prophetic voice in our words and deeds, that we may boldly speak against the injustices of this world. Help us to practice what we preach as we seek to build our house on the rock and not on the sand. Help us with our unbelief and grant us a heart of humility.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Over the last week, Israeli forces have raided many areas in the West Bank. At least 185 Palestinians have been killed since the 7th of October and the Israeli army had been levelling the streets with armored bulldozers for several days. At least 15 herding communities: 98 households comprising 828 people, including 313 children, have been displaced due to settler violence or increased movement restrictions since the 7th of October.   

Holy God, abuse, displacement, and death are things you experienced on your flesh 2000 years ago. Lord, we plead for healing to the injured and comfort for those who have lost loved ones. We know that justice for the oppressed is the only thing that will bring true peace. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, medical workers, journalists, taxi and ambulance drivers, and many others, have performed true acts of heroism. They have healed the sick and injured, given a voice to the voiceless, and helped rescue those trapped in the rubble, risking their own lives. At least 44 Palestinian journalists and over 192 Palestinian doctors have died since the 7th of October, with many others injured.

God of life, we express gratitude for the courage and steadfastness exhibited by the medical professionals, journalists, taxi drivers, and rescue workers in Gaza. Their unwavering commitment to saving and empowering human life is a powerful reflection of the goodness and compassion within our community. Lord may their acts of love and benevolence inspire and uplift all who strive for freedom, justice, and security. Send your Holy Spirit to all who are injured, sick, and trapped under the rubble.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer         

While the crisis in Gaza and Palestine continues to make news headlines, others around the world are also suffering from conflict. The civil war in Sudan has caused the displacement of at least 6 million people, with reported ethnic killings. The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has resulted in displacement and thousands of deaths. People in many other areas in the world such as Somalia, Myanmar, Ukraine, Nepal, continue to suffer. 

God of the oppressed, help us to understand that the cry for freedom is for all those under oppression and when injustice occurs it is a threat for all peoples around the world. As we struggle to achieve liberation, justice, and peace within our context, let us remember that it is linked to others around the world. God, provide liberation for all peoples and help us foster solidarity for one another.    

We join with the world council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of East Timor (Timor Leste), Indonesia, and the Philippines. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers

Wave of Prayer

Since the 7th of October, the situation continues to worsen in Gaza. Israel’s intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip, one of the world’s most densely populated areas, has caused the reported deaths of over 11,000 Palestinians, including more than 4,000 children as of the 13th of November. Thousands are trapped under the rubble. Unfortunately, the death continues with every hour. With the restriction of water, food, medical supplies, fuel, electricity, and the displacement of over one million people, Gaza is facing an unprecedented health crisis that risks outbreak of deadly infectious diseases. Meanwhile, the 240 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in Gaza and their security is becoming more and more uncertain. 

Divine Creator, as we lament all loss of life, we plead for you to send manna to the hungry and multiply their food as Christ did to feed the 5000. Lord, quinch the thirst of all who are searching for water and justice. May our prayers ascend to the heavens like incense. Have mercy and protection on all who are suffering, particularly those vulnerable in Gaza. How much longer shall this suffering continue, O Lord?  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 9th of November, Sabeel Jerusalem held a silent vigil with the lighting of candles and lifting of prayers for the current situation. This occurred in the Tera Sancta School courtyard and was attended by at least 300 people. Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzabella shared a short reflection on the situation and was among the many who attended the event. Additionally, on the 10th of November, Sabeel held a webinar titled “Transnational Solidarity amongst Liberation Theologies: Palestine and Beyond”. This event was aimed to foster more transnational solidarity and action amongst liberation theologies. 

Resurrected Christ, whilst feelings of despair are dominating our daily lives, we “Trust in the Lord and do good”. We thank you Lord, for the efforts of the Sabeel Jerusalem staff, their allies, and many others who played a role in making these events possible. We pray that these events planted seeds that one day will grow. We ask your Spirit to water the seeds already planted, as we know that they hold future promise. May the Holy Spirit work in all our efforts for justice, liberation and peace.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer        

As the period of suffering continues with the continuous bombing and fighting in northern Gaza, many Palestinians from northern Gaza have been displaced and forced to walk an unsafe route by foot to take refuge in the south. These images of displacement remind us of the painful memories in the Nakba of 1948. This is evidence that the Nakba was not a historical event but is an ongoing system affecting all aspects of life.

Emmanuel, you were displaced as an infant to Egypt, forced to flee for your life. You were a refugee, vulnerable to suffering and abuse. Lord, as your precious children in Gaza are displaced for the second or even third time from their homes and lands, grant them your protection and mercy. Lord, we pray that you help our unbelief and provide a liberation where all Palestinian refugees can return to their homes with dignity.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

On the 8th of November, the Israeli Knesset passed an alteration to the Counter-Terrorism Law. This amendment introduces a new criminal offense, namely the “consumption of terrorist materials”, with a maximum penalty of one year’s imprisonment. Arrests have already been made against Palestinians with Israeli citizenship under the pretext of the amendment. This is happening in addition to the many Palestinians with Israeli citizenships who have been fired from their jobs or are under threat of violence for expressing sympathy over the loss of innocent life in Gaza.  

Almighty God, whilst governments, media platforms, and organizations attempt to control the thoughts and voices of the oppressed through intimidation, we remember that you, O Lord, are the highest authority. We pray for the freedom of expression, whilst wisely discerning that in exercising this freedom, we must refrain from violence, discrimination and marginalization of any peoples. We hold on to our faith that you, O Lord know and listen to the cries of the oppressed.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

Over the last week, Israeli raids in the West Bank, especially in Jenin refugee camp, have been a frequent occurrence. Moreover, settler-violence in the West Bank has soared, especially in Area C. As a result, several Palestinians have been displaced from their homes due to fear of settler-violence. The whole of the West Bank has been damaged economically and socially as nearly all checkpoints are under complete closure, restricting the movement of Palestinians. 

• God of liberation, we come before you like the persistent widow pleading for justice. We continue with our prayers for all Palestinians in the West Bank, especially in Jenin refugee camp, who are undergoing immense violence. Comfort the bereaved families and heal the injured. Lord, liberate the Palestinians in the West Bank by ending the brutal occupation and colonization they experience. 

On the 7th of November, Sabeel and other Israeli organizations conducted a silent vigil for all lives lost since the 7th of October. Among those who attended the vigil were Palestinians and Israelis whose loved ones have been killed or kidnapped. Additionally, on the 10th of November, Sabeel organized a meeting for Palestinian Christian church leaders and organizations in Jerusalem to discuss how to respond to the situation in the best manner. 

• God of inclusivity, whilst we are overwhelmed by the ongoing suffering, we know that we must be courageous and act so that we may be witnesses to your kingdom. Lord, send your Holy Spirit to help us act for justice, mercy, liberation, and peace. When we are tempted or afraid, encourage us to walk faithfully and carry our own crosses. We hold on to our belief that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Australia.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers 

Wave Of prayer

Nov 9th, 2023

It has now been over a month since the beginning of this period of suffering and misery. The situation in Gaza is indescribable. The death toll continues to rise. Stories that manage to be written or scenes captured on camera seem as though they are from a horror film. One tragic story is the tragic bombing of Jabalia refugee camp which killed many people. Along with the 22,000 injured, and the collapse of nearly all services in Gaza, there are thousands of missing people, including more than 1,200 missing children buried under the rubble. Journalists operating in Gaza describe the situation as “Hell on Earth”. 

Holy God, for more than 75 years we have been hurting and experiencing perpetual trauma. The current events in Gaza lead us to the same question of the prophet Jeremiah: “Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable?”. As missiles and white phosphorus rain down from the skies on Gaza, killing all indiscriminately, we ask you O Lord, to show your compassion and mercy for the oppressed. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, Israeli forces have intensified their nightly raids of Palestinian homes, villages and cities in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. There have been more than 1,800 arrests. Palestinian detainees endure harsh treatment and are held in poor conditions in Israeli prisons. Moreover, more than 200 Israeli hostages remain in captivity in Gaza, some of whom are elderly and children. 

God of the captives, you were imprisoned and know what it is like to be held captive. We pray for all those wrongfully imprisoned and captured as a method of warfare. In moments of despair, may they know your compassion, in times of distress, may they know your peace. Lord, we pray for the safety of all wrongly incarcerated Palestinian prisoners and the Israeli hostages in Gaza. By your power we pray for their immediate release and safe return home

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

On the 1st of November, many in the Western Church celebrated “All Saints Day” commemorating all the saints and martyrs of the church, known and unknown. The following day commemorates all the faithful who have departed from this earth known as “All Souls Day”. These days provide an opportunity to remember the spiritual connection between the living and those who have passed on.

God of life, we come from a land which has been, and is being, drenched in the blood of the martyrs and saints, known and unknown. We are currently witnessing your saints in Gaza who are doctors, journalists, and rescue teams attempting to save lives and give a voice to the voiceless. We also behold the thousands of martyrs who bear witness through their deaths to the injustices of this world. O Lord, we ask ourselves: what are we doing to stop their crucifixion? We hold on to our faith that the day of resurrection redeems all suffering and liberates the oppressed.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

 Since the 7th of October, Israeli military and settler violence is soaring in the West Bank, particularly in vulnerable communities in Area C. More than 132 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed, some communities in Area C have been displaced due to increased settler violence. Leaflets have been distributed by settlers warning Palestinians in the West Bank of a forthcoming Nakba. Videos are emerging on social media of Palestinian detainees from the West Bank being tortured and mocked by Israeli soldiers.

• God of refuge, as we are overwhelmed by the horrific situation in Gaza, let us not be blind to the evil actions occurring in the West Bank. We are one people who are suffering from the same matrix of coloniality. We lament the lives lost in the West Bank and ask your provision for those displaced from their homes, those under constant threat, and those tortured and abused. we know that the “Lord maintains the cause of the needy, and executes justice for the poor…”

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, hundreds of thousands of protestors around the world are calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. These voices come from a mosaic of identities, expressing global concern for all human life in Palestine-Israel. The call for a ceasefire is intended to allow lifesaving humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, ensure the safety of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, and to end the loss of civilian life. 

• God of peace, we thank you for all the voices, petitions, and protests calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. These voices witness to your love for all people who are suffering. Each day that passes without a ceasefire, more innocent lives are lost, and the likelihood that prisoners and hostages will be safely released becomes more uncertain.  We come before you, God, asking for you to intervene for an immediate ceasefire.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

On the 31st of October, Sabeel organised a women’s Bible study at Terra Sanctae Parish centre in Beit Hanina. This time offered a space to gather collectively, provided an outlet for the suffering and the pain of the current situation in Palestine-Israel and a chance to wrestle with faith-based questions. The mere act of coming together for prayer and reflection helps in communally supporting one another in times of distress.

Resurrected Christ, we remember that you said where two or three gather in your name, you will be with them. We hold to our faith that you were amongst the women in the Bible Study organised by Sabeel. We thank you for this opportunity to gather and reflect on your loving heart for creation. We hope that these meetings will help foster a faith that is steadfast like the olive tree.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the islands of Oceania: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia (Maohi Nui), Kanaky, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Nov 2nd, 2023

Since the 7th of October, the situation in Gaza has been deteriorating. The cumulative number of Palestinians killed in Gaza now exceeds 8000, amongst them more than 3000 children. This number unfortunately, is expected to rise with every hour that passes. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is ongoing. Over 1 million people have been internally displaced, and the healthcare system is collapsing due to Israel’s restriction of essential resources from entering Gaza. Hospitals, schools, and humanitarian facilities have been hit by missiles. No space is safe in Gaza and the citizens of Israel continue to suffer as a result of the violent situation.   

• Crucified God, you are known as the “Man of Sorrows.” No statement says all that can be said, no prayer can fully express the current depth of pain and suffering. We hold on to the belief that you are co-suffering with those in Gaza, and you feel their pain on your skin. With every fiber of our being, we come before you pleading for an urgent ceasefire to allow life-saving aid to reach Gaza. How much longer, O Lord, must this suffering continue?

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

Israel has conducted a mass arrest campaign across the West Bank since the 7th of October. At least 1100 Palestinians in the West Bank have been arrested so far. Several sources highlight the severe mistreatment and dire conditions under which detainees are being held. Two Palestinian prisoners have died since their arrest due to unknown circumstances. Israel attributes their deaths to health issues, while Palestinian sources claim it is because of torture.

• Heavenly Father, as mass arrests take place across the West Bank and cruel treatment of Palestinians continues in the name of justice, we remember that you are sovereign. Grant all Palestinian political prisoners who have been wrongly convicted and are enduring mistreatment the knowledge of your love despite their circumstances. May the crimes of systems, governments, and individuals be illuminated by your light.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 25th, four family members of Al Jazeera’s Gaza Bureau Chief, Wael Dahdouh, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Gaza. Dahdouh lost his wife, his daughter, his grandson and his 15-year-old son. Dahdouh received the news from live television. This devastating story highlights the abhorrent circumstances journalists, medical workers, and many other professionals face in Gaza. Since the 7th of October, 22 Palestinian Journalists in Gaza have been killed. 

• God of truth, your son, the prophets, and the saints, spoke truth to power at a great cost. Corrupt powers always attempt to silence the oppressed and distort the truth for their benefit. We are grateful for the journalists who are providing a voice to the voiceless and we honor their sacrifices. Lord, strengthen all those in Gaza who are working for goodness, acting as your hands and feet during these dark times.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, the response of the Western Church has disappointed the Palestinian people. Some Churches have provided theological justification for the bloodshed while others remain silent. Only a few have spoken out on the side of justice and mercy. In response, Palestinian Christians issued an open letter calling Western Churches to repent and, “Learn to do right; seek justice; defend the oppressed.” 

• God of love, we believe that justice is love made public. The Global Church must do more to be a witness of Christ, to be salt of the earth, a shining light in the darkness. Any theology which promotes oppression should be challenged. Likewise, any lukewarm stance must be reformed and repented of. We thank you Lord, for the Churches who are standing for what is right, witnessing to your heart for the oppressed.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

November 2nd marks the 106th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. This declaration, expressed British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine without considering the rights of the native population. It is widely recognized as a significant factor that set the stage for the forced displacement of Palestinians.  Foreign interference, spanning from that time until today, has consistently hindered the pursuit of justice and peace for everyone in the Palestine-Israel.

God who advocates for the oppressed, generations of Palestinians have witnessed how the West facilitates their oppression. This is being observed today as the West is assisting in the continuation of suffering of all in Palestine-Israel, particularly the people of Gaza. Lord, we come before you to advocate for those who are in the margins and judge the powers which perpetuate inequality and oppression.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer.     

Next week, Kumi Now will focus on Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination. In recent times, there has been an alarming increase in hate crimes targeting Muslims, accompanied by efforts within Western media to unjustly associate all Muslims with violence. This Islamophobia is used in propaganda efforts, perpetuating violent, and racist depictions of Palestinians. 

• God of inclusivity, as we witness a rise of Islamophobia, especially in the media, we pray for the courage to challenge all hate crimes, unjust associations, and racist colonial depictions against and of Muslims. Lord, may we be witnesses to your love for all people by lifting a prophetic voice and resisting nonviolently against Islamophobia through our actions.    

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

• We join the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Canada, and the United States.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Oct 26th , 2023

On the evening of Tuesday, October 17, a strike on Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital, often called the Baptist Hospital, killed at least 500 people, most of them children and women. Images and videos revealed body parts scattered across the hospital grounds, doctors performing emergency surgeries without anesthesia, and parents screaming and crying at the side of their deceased children. This is one of the most tragic bombings Palestinians have ever experienced. In response, the Palestinian Authority declared three days of mourning over al-Ahli hospital. 

•  Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts, praying for an immediate ceasefire and an end to all violence. We ask for wisdom and compassion to touch the hearts of those in power and influence, guiding them towards peace and justice. May a thorough investigation hold all responsible for war crimes accountable, and may the deep-rooted injustices against the Palestinian people find a path to healing and resolution.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

On October 19th, an Israeli airstrike tragically resulted in the loss of at least 18 lives and numerous injuries at the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church compound in Gaza. Before the attack, the church received multiple warnings from the Israeli military about an impending strike on the area. Sadly, due to the ongoing bombardment across the entire Gaza strip, the people at the church had no safe haven to seek refuge other than within the church itself. In the past week, 31 mosques and 3 churches have been damaged in Gaza.  

God of Sumud, as we think and pray for the Palestinians who were bombed in the Church, let us remember Saint Porphyrius words “The love of God transforms everything; it sanctifies, amends, and changes the nature of everything.” We humbly pray for the people of Gaza, especially those affected by the recent tragedy at the church. Comfort the grieving, heal the wounded, and bring peace to their hearts.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Violence rises in the West Bank amid Israel’s continuing assault on the Gaza Strip. At least 89 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops or settlers in the West Bank since the October 7th and more than 1100 Palestinians have been arrested by the Israeli army. Moreover, Palestinians in the West Bank have been protesting against Palestinian Authority, highlighting the long-simmering Palestinian anger against President Mahmoud Abbas.

Eternal God, we lift up all Palestinians in the West Bank who are experiencing a soar of violence from settlers and the Israeli army. Comfort the families who have lost loved ones, may their deaths be a witness to the injustice of the occupation. Lord, grant the Palestinians in the West Bank your protection and love in this period of darkness and death. We pray that corruption in all forms will cease to exist, so that truth, justice, and peace flourish.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer.

Since October 7th, Palestinian journalists and medical professionals have faced extremely dire conditions. Several Palestinian journalists have lost their lives or live under constant threats to their safety. Tragically, some of these journalists have had to report on the deaths of their own family members. Similarly, Palestinian medical workers have also been subjected to horrible situations, with some suffering injuries or losing their lives while working under unimaginably challenging circumstances.

Merciful God, in this time we are witnessing so much darkness and sin. However, the Palestinian journalists and medical workers are showing acts of heroism, working best they can under hellish circumstances. Bless and protect them as they are doing Holy work. We thank them for their Sumud and pray that their inspiring work may be known across the globe.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 16th of October, Israeli police arrested influential singer, Dalal Abu Amnh, in her home in Nazareth. The arrest was under the alleged claims of “incitement” after she posted sympathy for the children of Gaza. This incident is part of a wider campaign of arrest and interrogation over remarks of Palestinian citizens of Israel expressing solidarity with the residents Gaza. Furthermore, Israel’s police commissioner, Kobi Shabtai, has threatened to send Palestinian citizens of Israel to Gaza for showing support for the besieged residents.

God of liberation, we lift up all Palestinian citizens of Israel who are undergoing threats, abuse, and at times physical violence. Lord, send Abu Amna and her family encouragement, strength, and pray that truth shall be revealed. We ask for your wisdom and mercy as Palestinian citizens of Israel to discern how and when to show their support for those suffering in Gaza. May lies and intimidation crumble down like the walls of Jericho.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Next Kumi Now Online will focus on the subject of Antisemitism. In recent times, there has been a rise of anti-Jewish crimes particularly committed by certain right-wing movements in the West. Indeed, this corresponds with other spikes of racism around the globe. 

God of inclusivity, you have created all in your image. We pray that antisemitism and all forms of racism halt through the power of your Holy Spirit. Grant us the strength to be instruments of justice and compassion in your name. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

On the 18th of October, UN General Secretary António Guterres, called Security Council resolution for an immediate humanitarian momentary ceasefire in Palestine-Israel to provide life saving aid for the “epic human suffering” in Gaza. Whilst 12 of the Council’s 15 members voted in favour of Guterres’ resolution, and two (Russia, and the United Kingdom) abstained, the United States, was the only vote against which vetoed the whole resolution.  

• Resurrected Christ, the rejection to merely call for a temporary ceasefire to provide lifesaving aid, reminds one of the sheer evils existing in our world. We hold in faith that all shall face your divine wrath. We thank all protests, statements, petitions, and UN resolutions which call for an immediate ceasefire, allowing for aid to go to Gaza and potentially save thousands of lives. We plead for more people to join the efforts of a ceasefire.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the Carribean.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Oct 19th , 2023

More than a week since the beginning of a series of catastrophic events in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, the suffering continues. After Hamas’ operation called “Al-Aqsa Flood” which killed more than 1400 Israelis and rendering thousands more injured, Israel launched a devastating attack on Gaza. Heavy Israeli bombardments on Gaza, from the air, sea, and land, have continued almost uninterrupted, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians lives and many more injured. It is reported that Israel has been committing numerous war crimes during their aggression on Gaza.

● God of love, we lament for all those who have recently lost loved ones, may your Holy Spirit comfort the bereaved families. We call for your mercy Lord through lamentation. This land has witnessed so much bloodshed and suffering which has created a vicious cycle of violence. We pray, for true transformation without reverting to a violent status quo, where Palestinians and Israelis are free and equal.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 7th, Israel’s Minister of Energy, Israel Katz, enacted severe measures, cutting off water, fuel, medical aid, and electricity to Gaza. These actions amounted to a collective punishment against Gaza’s residents. Gaza was already grappling with a humanitarian crisis due to the Israeli siege, but it has now escalated into an unprecedented and catastrophic humanitarian tragedy affecting two million people. Additionally, Israel issued an evacuation order for 1.1 million residents in the northern part of Gaza, with no secure routes provided to reach safety in the south. This decision resulted in further unimaginable suffering.

Emmanuel, we come before you confused, shocked, saddened, and angry. We struggle to see your presence right now and we ask “Weynak ya Allah?!”. We hold on to the belief that each person is created in your image and is precious in your eyes. As your children in Gaza are struggling for their basic needs, we pray that You provide them Your daily bread. Bless all the medical staff who are taking care of the wounded in such extreme adverse circumstances.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer     

Since the start of the escalation of violence, the EU, the United States, the United Kingdom, and several other countries have been uncritical towards Israel’s actions against Gaza. In response, on Saturday the 14th of October, thousands of protestors all around the world took to the streets in their support of Palestine, opposition to international compliance, and called for international law to be implemented.

God of the oppressed, we are resilient to the truth that you love those who are in the margins of society, and you are the Alpha and the Omega. Many voices have tried to cry out that the situation is not sustainable and will collapse into a reality of darkness where many will suffer. We pray that the international community will strive for a just solution which entails the ending of hatred, occupation, apartheid, and Jewish supremacy. May we live in a land where justice, peace, and love flourishes, where every tear will be wiped away and mourning shall be no more. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

On the 11th of October, Sabeel Jerusalem published a statement regarding the current situation in Palestine-Israel. The statement contextualizes the events within the broader framework of 75 years of apartheid and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, condemns all forms of violent resistance and calls for nonviolence, and calls for international law to be implemented. 

Heavenly Father, we ask that this statement encourages the Sabeel of love, compassion, and justice. Since the First Intifada in 1987, we have advocated for the oppressed through international law and non-violent resistance. Lord, help us in these times be a witness to Your kingdom so that Your will be done. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer  

Next week, Kumi Now Online will focus on the effects of the Palestinian-Israeli reality on Palestinian women. The violence of colonialism has created systems of oppression which are interlinked. Indeed, Zionism and the patriarchy are connected making the oppression of Palestinian women intersectional and multidimensional. Hence, Palestinian women are particularly marginalized.

Divine creator, You created humanity in Your image. You incarnated Yourself in human form. We lift up all Palestinian women who are suffering from Patriarchy and Zionism. May our struggle for liberation be intersectional and just for all people, witnessing Your kingdom where all are equal.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On October 7th, Afghanistan was struck by the first in a series of devastating earthquakes. Initial reports indicate a death toll exceeding 2000 lives, with expectations of further increases, along with numerous injuries. Many residents of the affected region are sleeping outdoors, fearing the collapse of their homes and potential entrapment under rubble as subsequent quakes may hit. The situation worsened with the arrival of dust storms, causing further damage to the tents where survivors sought shelter.                          ● Eternal God, we pray for the well-being, safety, and comfort of all those affected by these challenging circumstances in Afghanistan. May they find strength and support during these difficult times and may the world come together to extend a helping hand to those in need.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer 

● We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.