Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer 3.8.23

Next week’s Kumi Now will mark the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People which falls on the 9th of August. There is much evidence to establish the indigenous status of Palestinians on their land. Decades of loss and oppression under the Israeli occupation link them to the sufferings of other indigenous people.

  • Lord we pray for the indigenous populations of the world as they raise their voices and hold on to their distinct and diverse identities in the face of colonial oppression.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • Merciful and loving God, we give thanks that when the Sabeel General Assembly met on Friday, the 28th of July, they granted their approval to the 2022 Sabeel Reports. ‘We give thanks for the many blessings you have so graciously given us. Thank you for your presence and guidance as we walk the way of peace.’ (Sabeel, 2017).
    Lord, in your mercy..

About fifty Israeli settlers arrived in buses at the Mar Elias Monastery and church on Mount Carmel, near Haifa with the intention of breaking into the church and reciting Jewish prayers. A similar attempt had been thwarted earlier in the week. This time Palestinian worshippers prevented the settlers from disrupting services and made them retreat. Officials are now considering setting up perimeter gates to stop future incursions.

  • Lord, we cry out to you as we see more and more settler attacks on churches in Israel/Palestine as settler groups become emboldened by the present Israeli government.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Aljazeera have just screened a film by Jerome Evans entitled, Weaponising Water in Palestine, (27.7.23). It reveals how the Israeli occupation and the climate crisis have made Palestinians some of the most water insecure people in the world. Decades of Israeli occupation have left Palestinians struggling to access clean water. Israel now controls a majority of the freshwater resources in the occupied West Bank. While most of the water supply in Gaza is now unfit for human consumption.

  • Lord, we pray for all those in the occupied Palestinian Territories and Gaza suffering water shortages which threaten their health and livelihood. We pray for an equitable use of resources to enable the needs of all to be met.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Early on Thursday morning, on the 27th of July, a 14-year-old  Palestinian boy, Fares Sharhabeel Abu Samra, was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. Confrontations had broken out in the Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank after the Israeli army had started to raid the area. The military claim they are investigating his death, but the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din recently revealed that less than one percent of Israeli soldiers accused of harming Palestinians are ever charged with crimes.

  • Lord, we pray for the family and friends of Fares as they grieve their loss. Our hearts cry out to you as we witness so much bloodshed and the loss of so many young Palestinian lives under the Israeli occupation.
    Lord in your mercy..

Last weekend three Palestinian women from three different Palestinian cities, Nazareth, Jerusalem and Jenin spoke in the Newcastle area. They will visit eight UK locations to speak about how their lives are impacted by the Israeli occupation in the

‘Building Hope and Voices for Palestine’ Tour, sponsored by UK activists.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the courage of these three Palestinian women who have  undertaken the difficult journey from their homes to give their testimonies in the UK. We pray that many will be inspired by their courage to shine a light on the injustice and oppression in Palestine/ Israel that  politicians so desperately try to hide.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Four Gaza fishermen were detained  by Israeli naval gunboats about three nautical miles off the al Sudaniyya coast, northwest of Gaza City on Monday, the 24th of July. The fishermen, all from the Bakr family, were arrested  and taken to Ashdod and their boat was seized. On the same day seven Israeli military vehicles, including bulldozers and tanks, crossed borders east of Khan Yunis, in southern Gaza and destroyed agricultural land.

  • Lord Jesus, we turn to you as we lament the plight of those living in Gaza, trying to eke out a living on the land and sea without sufficient resources as a result of the 16-year-old blockade and constant  Israeli military attacks.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Republic of Congo, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

 27th of July, 2023

Next week Kumi Now will look at Israel’s use of collective punishment against Palestinians. The Fourth Geneva Convention outlawed the use of collective punishment and yet Israel still implements this form of punishment without drawing down international condemnation. The blockade of Gaza, home demolitions, forcible transfers, restricting entry permits and night raids are all routine policies carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinians. Such discriminatory policies are defended by Israel as ‘necessary to its security’.

  • Lord, we pray that international organisations and individuals will continue to shine a light on Israel’s use of collective punishment against Palestinians, in violation of international law.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Aljazeera’s recent documentary, “Shooting the Messenger’, (19.7.23), focuses on how journalists are being targeted by the Israeli army. Since 2000 more than 55 journalists have been killed and many others seriously wounded. Israel claims that its troops are engaged in an ‘act of war’ and protects the identities of Israeli soldiers who cause death or injury.

  • Lord, we pray for journalists who risk life and limb to disclose the violence and injustice suffered by Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. We pray that any violations of international law committed by the Israeli army will be thoroughly investigated by the International Criminal Court and that any targeting of journalists and failing to protect them will be exposed and condemned.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Almost 90,000 students across the Palestinian Territories, including 5,200 students in Jerusalem, are celebrating the release of the results of their Tawjihi, or matriculation exams. Sadly, not every Palestinian family is celebrating as some are grieving for the

six Tawjihi students who were killed by the Israeli army this year. The students were named as: Mahmoud Al-Saadi, Mohammad Turkman, Majdi Arrawai, (all from Jenin)

Wadi’ Abu Ramoz(from Jerusalem), Ahmed Daraghmeh, (from Tubas) and Osama Adawi, (from Hebron).

  • Dear Lord, we pray for the family and friends of these students as they mourn their young lives cut short by the Israeli occupation. At a time of general celebration across Palestine help us to remember the deep sadness of these grieving families.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Last week Nikodemus Schnabel, an abbot in the Benedictine Order of the Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem was approached by an usher at the Western Wall and told to remove the cross he wears over his robes, as she deemed it was ‘a provocation’. At the time Schnabel was escorting the German Education Minister to an awaiting car after she had visited the Jewish holy site. He stated that this incident was symptomatic of the growing number of verbal and physical attacks he had recently experienced in the city, saying, ‘there have been many spitting attacks on me, verbal attacks, people who really push me.’ In the holy city for three religions, Christians, Moslems and even some Jews no longer appear to be welcome.

  • Lord, we pray for the holy city of Jerusalem as we see a dark climate of abuse and disrespect start to take a grip.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Thursday, the 20th of July, two armed Israeli settlers broke into the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, laid blankets and possessions down on the ground and announced they would remain there. When they were asked to leave by a church official they became abusive and shouted racist insults. The church has been caught up in legal battles with settler organisations which stake claims to the site of the church land.

  • Lord Jesus, we cry out to you as we see Christian churches in Jerusalem under frequent attacks as the effort to force Christians out of the city intensifies.
    Lord, in your mercy..

It is now over a year ago since Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist, was shot dead during an Israeli military raid on Jenin. Dozens of US human rights’ groups are now urging Congress to pass a bill which would require the public reporting on the circumstances surrounding her death. Independent experts working for major media outlets have all concluded that Shireen was shot by an Israeli soldier.More than a hundred members of Congress have called for a thorough US-led investigation that results in accountability for those found responsible for Shireen’s death.

  • Lord, we pray that the circumstances surrounding Shireen’s death last year will be thoroughly investigated and openly reported. We pray that the US government will stand by its legal and moral obligations to ensure that its funding to the Israeli government does not support human rights abuses against Palestinians.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in its prayers for the countries of Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave of Prayer

20th of July, 2023

Next week’s Kumi Now will address the issue of family reunification among Palestinians. Israel’s stance on recognizing the right of Palestinians to family unification has been a contentious matter, leading to various obstacles for Palestinian families seeking reunification. One significant challenge is the annexation of East Jerusalem, which has created a political border separating numerous Palestinian families in the West Bank. Israel’s imposition of a rigid family unification policy not only conflicts with the norms of Palestinian society but also establishes a separate system for Palestinians, contrasting with the comparatively easier process for Jewish citizens. These actions by Israel against family unification among Palestinians are driven by political considerations, which are inappropriate according to international law governing occupied territories.

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for the Palestinian families who endure discrimination and separation. May Your love bring comfort to those affected by the separation and convict those responsible for inflicting oppression. May our hearts be filled with lamentation, compassion and determination to continue to work for justice and human rights.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

On the 11th of July, the Soblaban family was forcibly displaced from their home in the Old City of Jerusalem after a prolonged legal battle with the Israeli courts. They had to watch as their home was taken over by Israeli settlers, an action deemed illegal under international law. Regrettably, their story is not an isolated incident in Jerusalem, and sadly, more such incidents are likely to occur in the near future.

  • Lord, we pray that the cries for justice from the Soblaban family will be heard. May their tears one day be wiped away, replaced by joy. We beseech those with attentive ears to listen to the pleas of the oppressed. We also express gratitude to those who protested against the eviction and stood in solidarity with the Soblaban family. We continue to pray for an end to the Israeli military occupation and freedom for our Palestinian people.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

Sabeel remains busy this month with various projects and new developments. In collaboration with Bethlehem University, Sabeel held a one day leadership training among scout groups in Ramallah and neighboring areas. Additionally, Sabeel has recently welcomed two new staff members, Evon Bajjali and Samuel Munayer, who will support the ongoing projects of Kumi Now and Sabeel initiatives.

  • Lord, we seek Your wisdom and guidance for Sabeel as it undertakes its project with Bethlehem University. Dear God, may the young people who work with Sabeel grow into leaders within their own communities. May Your light, like seeds on fertile soil, nurture their development. We also pray for a smooth transition for Evon and Samuel at Sabeel, that they may become instruments of Your witness through their work in the different Sabeel projects.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

In a lawsuit filed in June, B’nai Brith, a Jewish human rights group, is seeking $35,000 in damages from Rabbi David Mivasair, a long-time anti-Zionist activist in Canada. The claim made by B’nai Brith alleges that Rabbi Mivasair made numerous tweets, including labeling B’nai Brith as “racist” and promoting “anti-Palestinian hate.

  • Lord, we pray for Rabbi David Mivasair, asking for strength and encouragement. May the Canadian judicial system recognize the truth and act accordingly. We pray that all falsehoods be exposed and consumed by Your light, while the resilient voices for justice in Canada remain steadfast and continue to grow. Let us remember that setting our minds on the Spirit brings life and peace.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

The devastation caused by military and settler attacks on Jenin Refugee Camp still reverberates. The Israeli attacks on Jenin in the Occupied West Bank, which lasted approximately 48 hours from both the air and ground on July 3rd, are considered the most significant destruction in the region over the past 20 years. Once again, Palestinians from Jenin Refugee Camp have been displaced from their homes, exemplifying that the Nakba continues to this day. Furthermore, instances of damage to property and agricultural lands by Jewish settlers against Palestinians have intensified throughout the Occupied Territories this year.

  • Lord, we pray for our Palestinian people who continue to suffer from Israel’s attacks, particularly in Jenin. May the steadfastness and love of the Palestinians who have endured these attacks serve as a testament to Your love and expose the evil of colonialism. O Christ, we implore You for restoration.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.
  • We join the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Djibouti and Somalia.
    Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

Wave of Prayer


This week’s Kumi Now will consider the impact of Israel’s separation wall, also known as the apartheid wall. The illegality of the separation wall under international law was acknowledged by the UN resolution, (ES-10/15) passed on July 20th, 2004. And yet Israel continues to construct the wall, now over 700 km long. Most of the wall has been built on annexed Palestinian land and it cuts off many communities from their agricultural land, from neighbouring communities and from access to services. It has confined Palestinians to live in isolated areas, reminiscent of the Bantustans of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

  • Lord Jesus, we pray for those suffering violence and oppression living under the Israeli occupation. We pray for your light to shine in their darkness and for hope for those living in the shadow of death.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Friends of Sabeel North America will be hosting a nine day witness trip to the Holy Land with Sabeel from Saturday, the 8th of July until Monday, the 17th of July. The tour will be led by Jonathan Kuttab, international human rights lawyer and Executive Director of FOSNA together with Nyle Fort, a minister and Assistant Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies at Columbia University, New York.

  • Lord, we pray that the participants in the FOSNA tour will be led to share all they have witnessed on their return home. We pray they will be inspired to work for non-violent change to establish a just and lasting peace in Palestine/Israel.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Sabeel’s ninth Young Adult’s Conference will take place in Jerusalem from the 18th-27th July. The conference will feature the work of various organisations, including

Kairos Palestine, Bethlehem Bible College, Dar al-Kalima and Sabeel. Ways of extending the Kumi Now initiative to an international movement will be explored.

  • Lord, we pray that the young adults attending this conference will be inspired in their future work for peace advocacy by following the principles of inclusivity, justice and non-violence.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Residents of the Jenin Refugee Camp are taking stock of the full devastation caused by the large scale Israeli military operation carried out on the 3rd and 4th of July. Twelve Palestinians were killed by gunshot wounds or air strikes, including five children. One hundred and twenty Palestinians were wounded, including twenty with critical injuries. One Israeli soldier was killed in the attack. Four thousand refugees were displaced from the crowded camp, which is home to fourteen thousand refugees. Entire streets, sewage, water and electricity networks were destroyed when Israeli bulldozers were sent into the narrow alleyways to make way for Israeli army vehicles.

  • Lord, we pray for all those who were bereaved in the Israeli attack and for recovery for those who have been seriously injured. We pray for the thousands of refugees who were terrorised by the military assault. It will have revived bitter memories of the Nakba for many refugees as, yet again, they are left homeless and destitute.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Thursday, the 6th of July, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres condemned Israel’s excessive use of force in its attack on Jenin in the occupied West Bank. He called on Israel to, ’abide by its obligations under international law’ to, ‘exercise restraint and use only proportional force’. He went on to state that the use of airstrikes in a densely populated area is, ‘ inconsistent with the conduct of law enforcement operations’.

  • Lord, we pray that the Israeli government will pay attention to the UN condemnation and stop the escalation of violence and bloodshed. We pray that Israel will fulfil its duty as the occupying power to ensure the civilian population under its authority is protected against acts of violence.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On the 30th of May, 2020, Iyad Hallaq, a 32-year old Palestinian man with autism was shot dead by an Israeli policeman in the Old City of Jerusalem. Even though the policeman was told of the Palestinian’s disability, he still went ahead and shot him. Initially the policeman claimed Iyad had been holding a suspicious object, but he later acknowledged that Iyad was unarmed. Last week the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem acquitted the policeman from any wrongdoing and simply stated that he had ‘acted recklessly”.

  • Lord, we bring Iyad’s family and friends before you and pray for them as they grieve over his violent death. We are deeply saddened that Israeli judicial system has not given any redress for this extrajudicial killing.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave of Prayer

 6th of July 2023

Next week Kumi Now will mark the date of the launch of the Palestine Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, (BDS), on the 9th of July, 2005. The BDS movement seeks to inform the public about ways in which international corporations are profiting by their support for the Israeli occupation in various ways, such as their help in the construction of illegal settlements in the West Bank.

  • Lord, we pray that more and more people around the world will stop investing in companies whose products and services are used to violate Palestinian human rights and to contravene international law.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Kjartan Ruset, a Norwegian advocate for a just peace between Palestinians and Israelis, has just died. After he met the founder of Sabeel, the Anglican priest Naim Ateek, Kjartan was inspired to set up Friends of Sabeel, Norway, which later became the group known as Sabeel Kairos, Norway. His work on the steering committee between 2001-6 did much to raise greater awareness about the difficulties facing Palestinian Christians under the Israeli occupation.

  • Dear Lord, we give heartfelt thanks for the advocacy work for Palestinians carried out by Kjartan in his native country of Norway. We pray for his family and friends as they mourn his loss.
    Lord, in your mercy..

The former Lutheran World Federation President, Bishop Munib Younan, has been awarded an honorary doctorate and the Order of the White Rose in Helsinki, Finland.
He received the award for his work as a religious leader and for his service in support of Palestinian Christians. A collection of articles written by international academics has just been published to celebrate his life’s work.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the dedication and tireless advocacy given by Bishop Younan.   We thank you for his perseverance over many years and for his repeated calls for righteousness and justice for Palestinian Christians.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Wednesday, the 28th of June, Jonathan Kuttab’s new book entitled, ‘The Truth Shall Set You Free’ was launched. The Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel North America  and Palestinian human rights lawyer writes about his personal journey from anger at the injustices he witnessed in his work to a deep commitment to peaceful activism.

  • Lord, we pray for your continued guidance and support for Jonathan Kuttab in his legal work, his work for Sabeel and his writing. We thank you for his commitment to promoting a just peace in Palestine/Israel.
    Lord, in your mercy..

We are deeply saddened by the death of Maysoon Asadi Masri, a prominent Palestinian writer at the age of sixty. Maysoon was a highly influential figure in the literary world, both for her captivating storytelling, as well as for her literary reviews. She supported other local writers and artists by featuring their work in local newspapers and other publications. She also contributed articles for Sabeel’s ‘Cornerstone’ magazine.

  • Lord, we mourn the early death of Maysoon, may she rest in peace. We also want to celebrate her artistic legacy and pray that she will inspire many other young Palestinian writers in the years to come.
    Lord, in your mercy …

On Wednesday, the 21st of June, relatives of the Ahmad family in the village of Turmus Ayya were busy preparing for a family wedding. A number of them were getting ready in a room in the courtyard of the family home. However the celebratory atmosphere suddenly turned to terror when more than four hundred armed Israeli settlers raided the village, setting fire to homes and cars, throwing rocks and threatening the residents. One young Palestinian and father of two children, Omar Qattin, was killed in the raid. Young Palestinians helped the Ahmad family to escape from danger, but the damage to their home was extensive. The young couple were later married before just a few family members with ‘no singing and no joy’.

  • Lord, we pray for Omar’s family and especially for his wife and young children as they grieve his loss. We pray for the Ahmad family who had been planning their wedding for sometime, only to have their celebrations turned to ashes by the settler raid. We pray for all those whose lives have been devastated by the escalating violence, the shootings, arson attacks and physical assaults.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

29th of June, 2023

This week Kumi Now considered Israel as a nuclear power. Next Tuesday marks the halfway point in the Kumi Now calendar. It gives us an opportunity to take stock and look back over the issues covered in the first half of the year by referencing the Kumi Now calendar on the website.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the faithful perseverance of those who continue to challenge the injustices Palestinians suffer living under Israeli occupation. May they know the light of your presence as they seek to fight oppression with nonviolent means.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Friday, the 23rd of June, the High Commissioner for the United Nations, Volker Türk, spoke out about the Israeli raid on Jenin refugee camp on Monday night . He stated that, ‘the violence risks spiraling out of control, fueled by strident political rhetoric and an escalation in the use of advanced military weaponry by Israel.’ Israeli helicopter gunships were deployed in the Jenin raid, which left seven Palestinians dead and more than ninety seriously injured.

  • Lord, we pray that the Israeli government will heed the UN warnings to scale back its military raids and use of heavy weaponry which is causing many Palestinian deaths and casualties.
    Lord, in your mercy..

A day after the deadly Jenin raid Palestinian gunmen retaliated by killing four Israeli settlers at a petrol station not far from Nablus. Only hours after that incident Israeli settlers took revenge into their own hands by storming through Palestinian towns, torching property and smashing cars. The Israeli authorities were slow to respond to these outbreaks of  settler violence and there was widespread damage to properties, terrorizing Palestinian residents  and one Palestinian, Omar Qattin, was killed by Israeli army fire.

Lord, we pray for the family and friends of Omar who lost his life during a violent settler attack. We cry out to you, Lord, as we see more and more revenge attacks between Palestinians and Israelis in an escalating cycle of violence  We pray that the Israeli authorities will  stop illegal Israeli settlers  from causing mayhem in the occupied West Bank.
Lord, in your mercy…

Eid al-Adha is the most important feast in the Moslem calendar and it will be celebrated for several days in Palestine, beginning on Tuesday, the 27th of June. One of the main traditions practiced during this festival is the charitable giving of food, money and clothes to the poor.

  • We pray for Moslems as they gather together with their family and friends to celebrate during this festival. We are thankful for the care they take to provide support for those less fortunate than themselves.
    Lord, in your mercy…

A fifteen-year-old Palestinian teenager, Sadil Ghassen Turkman was caught up in the Israeli Jenin raid on Monday night. During the assault she was critically injured when she was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. Sadly, she died just two days later.

  • Lord, we pray for those who grieve for the violent and untimely death of Sadil, as well as for those who mourn the deaths of the other Palestinians. We pray for an end to these frequent raids, presented by the Israeli government as enforcing law and order, but leading instead to more Palestinian deaths and the provocation of violent retaliation.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Sunday, the 18th of June, hundreds of protestors turned out in the city of Haifa to demonstrate against the targeting of St Elias’ Church and Monastery by Israeli extremists.

The religious extremists had entered the church on Thursday and prayed out loud there, claiming they had a right to do so as the tomb of a Jewish figure lies in the church courtyard. They were ejected from the church by a young Christian from Haifa. The Israeli police took no action against the irreverent actions of the extremists, but arrested and interrogated the young Christian claiming he had assaulted them. Residents from Haifa, Christian Clergy and Moslem Imams joined the protest in solidarity with one another.

  • Lord, we are deeply saddened by the frequent attacks by Israeli religious extremists on Christian and Moslem sacred sites across the Holy Land. We pray that the Israeli authorities will respect the sanctity of these religious places and stop giving support to the extremists bent on profaning them.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Kenya and Tanzania.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave of Prayer

 22ND of June, 2023

Next week’s Kumi Now will look at Israel as a nuclear power. Israel neither denies nor admits to owning nuclear weapons, but is thought to have 80-90 nuclear warheads. It has declined to sign the Treaty for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, (NPT) and has never allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency, (IAEA), to supervise its nuclear production.

  • Lord, we know that nuclear weapons are so powerful and could unleash untold damage in our world. We pray that Israel would admit to its nuclear power industry and sign up to international agreements to limit its production and supervise its handling of weapons.
    Lord, in your mercy…

The Israeli army has stated that the soldier who fatally wounded two-year-old Mohammad Tamimi in Nabi Saleh, on the 2nd of June, will not face any disciplinary action. Nor will the soldiers who bound and gagged eighty-year-old Palestinian/American Omar Asad at a temporary checkpoint in the occupied West Bank, in January 2022. Omar suffered a cardiac arrest brought on by the stress of physical violence. The Israeli soldiers who detained him left him unresponsive on a construction site, claiming they assumed he had fallen asleep.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of Mohammad and Omar as they mourn their violent deaths. We pray for these Palestinian families and many others who face their bereavement, knowing that those responsible for their sorrow will not face any consequences for the crimes they have committed.
    Lord, in your mercy…

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, (UNRWA), is struggling to fulfil its mandate to provide services to 5.9 million Palestinian refugees living in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Cuts in donor funding and rising costs are throwing the agency into crisis. Staff teams across the West Bank have just returned to work after a month-long strike over salary reductions.

  • Lord, we cry out to you as we watch the world turn away from the gathering crisis of more and more Palestinians born into refugee status, living their lives as refugees and dying as refugees. We pray for an end to their confinement and the implementation of a just solution to their problem according to UN resolution.
    Lord, in your mercy…

A growing number of children living in Gaza are suffering ‘ongoing trauma’ according to a recent Save the Children report. In less than eighteen years they have experienced Israeli bombings and attacks during fifteen military operations. Thousands of people have been killed in the enclave and there is no escape for those who remain. Children make up almost half the population in Gaza and many of them experience high levels of anxiety leading to frequent bedwetting, lapses in concentration and difficulties in communication.

  • Lord, the lives of children in Gaza are blighted by poverty, warfare and trauma. 
    We pray for an end to this suffering and the inhumane Israeli blockade of the Gaza strip.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Weekly protests have been held by the Armenian community in Jerusalem over alleged secret land sales by their Patriarch Archbishop Manougian to Israeli investors in East Jerusalem. The disputed land sale would make up about 25% of the Armenian Quarter in the Old City and would result in loss of property to the population of several thousand Armenian Christians who live in the area.The Palestinian Authority and the Jordanian government have now intervened to try and revoke the disputed contract and protect the Armenian community.

  • Lord, we pray that any secretive deals over Armenian community land in the Old City may be cancelled.  We pray that attempts to drive out Christians and Moslems from the Old City will be resisted and that Jerusalem will remain a place where Christians, Jews and Moslems can continue to live and worship at their holy sites.
    Lord in your mercy…

Last week the Russian Embassy in Israel announced that it will be building a branch office in West Jerusalem to serve its consular section. About 15% of Israel’s population is made up of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Israel welcomed the announcement as it is keen to increase the number of foreign missions in Jerusalem, hoping other countries will recognise it as its capital.

  • Lord, we pray that international leaders will consider carefully before opening foreign missions or embassies in Jerusalem, lending credence to establishing it as Israel’s capital city  and threatening any future peace process with the Palestinians.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Sabeel is meeting with a partner organisation to discuss setting up a year-long review of the Palestinian educational curriculum. It carried out a partial review in 2018 and passed on its findings to the Palestinian Ministry of Education. The new project will assess the inclusiveness of the curriculum and will propose ways in which education could draw  communities together in mutual respect and understanding. 

  • Lord Jesus, you came to the earth to bring us abundant life and to bring it to us all. We pray that those undertaking the review of the Palestinian curriculum will be guided by your grace to help draw together young people from diverse backgrounds to learn to respect their differences and to be unified in their desire to love and serve one another.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Malawi and Zambia.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave of Prayer

15th of June 2023

Next Tuesday, the 20th of June, marks World Refugee Day and on that same day Kumi Now will consider the plight of Palestinian refugees. In 2021 there were 5.9 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and about one third of them live in 58 refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we pray that Palestinians will be granted the right of return to their homeland, the right affirmed to them by the United Nations over seventy years ago.
    Lord, in your mercy..

The Rev. Ann Coburn died on Wednesday, the 7th of June, in Oakland, California. Ann was ordained in Danbury, Connecticut in 1977, just one year after the Episcopal Church opened the priesthood to women. She was a strong advocate for Palestinian rights and travelled to Palestine linking with Sabeel on numerous occasions. This year she received the Cotton Fite award, in recognition for her services as Director of Fundraising for the Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the life and service of Ann Coburn and pray for her family and friends as they mourn her loss. Many friends of Sabeel expressed their sorrow at her passing at the weekly Sabeel Online Service. They particularly paid tribute to her kind and thoughtful nature and her steadfast pursuit of justice and peace in Palestine.
    Lord, in your mercy..

In a strategic partnership between the We Choose Life group, Dar Al-Kalima University (Palestine), the Civil Influence Forum (Lebanon), Masarat for Cultural and Media Development (Iraq), and Al-Sabeel (Palestine), a regional consultative panel on religious and public affairs was launched on Tuesday, the 13th of June. It took place over two days, under the title: ‘Stopping the politicisation of religion and the religiosity of politics’ Twenty-one experts from Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq participated in the discussions.

  • Lord Jesus, our good shepherd, you told us that you came to the earth ‘so that we could have abundant life,’ (John 10:10). We pray that the recent forum, inspired by the document written by Middle Eastern Christians entitled ‘We Choose Abundant Life’, (2021) will inform new policies to help overcome a culture of violent conflict and death.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Late on Wednesday evening, the 7th of June, the Israeli army entered Ramallah to demolish the home of a Palestinian accused of planting two bombs in Jerusalem last November. Hundreds of Palestinians gathered to protest over the army’s presence in a Palestinian city over which it has no jurisdiction.  A Palestinian news photographer, Moamen Sumreen, who was wearing a clearly marked Press jacket, was observing the demolition from a rooftop when he was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. Another photographer, Rabih Al-Munir was also injured, shot in the abdomen.

  • Lord, we pray for Moamen and Rabih and for the others injured in Ramallah on Wednesday evening that they may recover fully from their gunshot wounds. We pray that the Israeli army would hold their soldiers accountable for shooting at journalists carrying out their work and other bystanders.
    Lord in your mercy…

Two well-known Palestinian activists were summoned for interrogation by the Palestinian Authority security forces last week. Azmi Shuaibi and Izam Haj-Hussein run a non-governmental organisation, (AMAN), focused on accountability. Their latest report has shed light on Mahmoud Abbas’ Office at the Palestinian Authority. They have produced evidence which shows that dates produced in illegal West Bank Israeli settlements were being marketed as Palestinian dates to avoid the boycotts imposed on settlement goods. 

  • Lord, we pray that the Palestinian AMAN activists will continue their work holding those in authority to high standards of integrity and accountability. We pray that they will be released by the Palestinian Authority and that any corrupt practices will be stopped.
    Lord, in your mercy..

The Israeli Prison Services, (IPS) has summoned Palestinian administrative detainees and put them under pressure to refuse to participate in hunger strikes. The Committee of Administrative Detainees has called for hunger strikes to start on Sunday, the 18th of June. Since the beginning of this year more than 1,300 administrative detention orders have been issued by the IPS.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestinians detained in Israeli military prisons on administrative detention orders, without charge or trial. We pray for an end to this inhumane treatment which drives some prisoners to starve themselves to the point of death.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Botswana and Zimbabwe.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave of Prayer

June 8th 2023

Next week Kumi Now will focus on the issue of how tourists coming to Palestine/Israel can make ethical choices in the way they travel. Some tourists remain unaware of how Israel has annexed the tourist industry. It restricts tourist access to Palestinian sites, favours Israeli tour companies and disseminates propaganda to justify its position as an occupying power. In 2019 Amnesty International published its report ‘Destination Occupation’ which exposed how illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory were being promoted as tourist venues by Airbnb, Booking.com, Expedia and Trip Advisor. 

  • Lord, we pray that tourists will make careful choices when undertaking visits to the Holy Land and especially that they will select tourist companies that refuse to profit from illegal Israeli settlements.
    Lord, in your mercy…

On Thursday, the 1st of June, an Israeli soldier shot a two-year-old Palestinian boy in the head and injured his father while they were sitting in their car parked in the village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah. The Israeli army claim they opened fire in response to gunfire towards the nearby Neve Tzuff settlement. The boy is now in a critical condition in Sheba Hospital, while his father was taken to a hospital in Ramallah.

  • Lord, we pray that doctors will be able to save the life of this Palestinian toddler and help his injured father. We pray that the Israeli army, who is in the West Bank as an occupying army, will show restraint.
    Lord, in your mercy…

This week the Israeli Parliament has advanced two bills that would bring Palestinian schools and their staff in Israel under increased scrutiny from the Israeli security services.

One bill will require the Education Ministry to carry out more stringent security checks on Palestinians training to be teachers, while the other bill will make it much harder for candidates to obtain a teaching licence.

  • Compassionate Lord, we bring before you all Palestinians with a vocation to teach. We pray that they may continue to work with passion and dedication, whatever repressive measures are passed by the Israeli government.
    Lord, in your mercy…

There has been a recent outbreak of unbridled violence in the Nablus area by Israeli settlers against Palestinian communities. Settlers in Qusra, south of Nablus, set fire to Palestinian farming land and the fires spread over a wide area; while north-west of Nablus, in the village of Burqa, near the Homesh settlement, Israelis smashed gravestones in one of the village cemeteries.

  • Lord, we are deeply grieved as we witness the suffering caused to Palestinians by Israelis living in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. We pray for an end to this cycle of violence and an end to the Israeli occupation.
    Lord, in your mercy..

A number of Palestinian activists have recently been arrested by the Palestinian Authority. 

Human rights organisations and local communities have condemned these arrests as an assault on freedom of speech in Palestinian civil society.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestinian activists who have the courage to point out iniquities, may their right to freedom of expression be fully respected by those placed in authority over them.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Asif Al Rifai is a twenty-year-old Palestinian prisoner from Kafr’ Ein, near Ramallah. He has been suffering from cancer since the age of sixteen. Despite his serious state of health he was arrested in September 2022. Since then his condition has deteriorated, but he was denied chemotherapy treatment by the Israeli prison authorities until just recently when they relented.

  • Lord, we pray for Asif as he undergoes treatment for his extensive cancer. There are twenty three other Palestinian prisoners suffering with cancer in the Israeli military prison system. We pray that they may all have access to the medical treatment they need so urgently.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Canadian Friends of Sabeel are organizing an online Remembrance Service for Fr. Robert Assaly, co-founder and long time chair of Canadian Friends of Sabeel. Fr. Robert passed away on March 26 2023 after a short battle with cancer. The event is scheduled on Saturday, June 10 from 11:00 am – 12:15 pm eastern time (Canada time zone) ( 6:00 PM, Jerusalem time).  

Please register at this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlcuCvrzMiH9y5AlYPsyeuFiANr5lyJWV6   

  • Gracious Lord, we come before you with hearts filled with gratitude for the remarkable life and inspiring example of Fr. Robert Assaly. We humbly ask that your comforting Spirit remains with his family, friends, and loved ones, who still bear the deep ache of his absence. Lord, in your infinite mercy, grant them solace, strength, and peace in the midst of their grief.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Eswatini.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

1st June 2023

Next week Kumi Now will consider the devastating environmental impact the Israeli occupation has had on Palestine, as we mark World Environment Day on Monday, the 

1st of June. Illegal Israeli settlements, military zones, the apartheid wall, the dumping of industrial toxic waste, the diversion of water resources have all been part of the exploitation of Palestine by Israeli authorities over the past seventy years.

  • Lord, our Creator, we cry out to you over the environmental damage in Palestine caused by the Israeli occupation. We pray for an end to the occupation, an end to this devastation and an end to the human rights violations suffered by the Palestinian people.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Friday, the 2nd of June, Kairos Palestine will host Patriarch (emeritus) Michel Sabbah to a public forum at Dar Al Kalimeh University in Bethlehem. Patriarch Sabbah will be leading a discussion about how to bring about a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  • Lord, we give thanks for Patriarch Sabbah and his tireless advocacy for justice and peace in Palestine. We pray that you will continue to give him deep understanding and insight into ways of resolving the conflict. Empower him with your Spirit and help him to share your wisdom and bring hope in the face of adversity.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Last week BADIL Resource Centre and Kairos Palestine gave an online presentation of a joint document entitled, ‘Palestinian Christians- ongoing forcible displacement and dispossession.’ This document builds on their initial joint study which was published in 2012.

  • Lord, you are our strength and shield, we cry out to you as more and more Palestinians are losing their homes and livelihoods under the Israeli occupation. The situation is dire and many are forced to leave the land they love. We pray that your church across the world will wake up to the crisis facing our Palestinian brothers and sisters and speak out in their support.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Last week Sabeel, in collaboration with Bethlehem University, organised a leadership training workshop for young leaders from five different groups in Jerusalem, including the Greek Orthodox Arab Scouts, Melkite Church Scouts, Arab Catholic Scouts, Armenian Scouts, and the Syrian Orthodox Scouts.

  • Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity for the young Palestinian scouts from different denominations to meet together to join in leadership training and to get to know one another. We pray that they may make friends and overcome cultural barriers as they acquire new skills and broaden their horizons.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Shadi Khoury attended his court hearing on Sunday, the 21st of May. It was alleged that he participated in a demonstration on the 22nd of October 2022, a charge he denies. The first prosecution witness was Bara, a fifteen-year-old Palestinian boy. He surprised the court when he denied any prior knowledge of Shadi and withdrew his previous confession to the police, stating that it was obtained under coercion. Another court session has been set for the 23rd of October and Shadi will remain under house arrest.

  • Lord, we give thanks for Shadi and his family and for Bara’s courage to withdraw his false witness against Shadi. We pray for patience and resilience for Shadi as he passes through this long period of confinement.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • Lord, we pray for all Palestinian students preparing to take their Tawjihi or General Secondary Education Certificate. Many students will have been studying hard over the past months and we pray that they will acquit themselves well in their final examinations.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Angola and Mozambique.
    Lord, in your mercy…