Wave of Prayer

May 9th, 2024

Israel’s military has ordered Palestinians to move out of eastern Rafah, warning it is about to use extreme force. The consequences of an invasion in Rafah would be catastrophic. 1.4 million Palestinians have been sheltering in Rafah and half of them are children, most of whom have already been displaced. All eyes on Rafah.

God of the oppressed, you know what it is like to seek refuge from the power of the empire. We ask you to protect the people sheltering in Rafah, many of whom have been displaced several times. Lord, ensure the people in Rafah that even if they are displaced, killed, and tortured that your love to them is unbreakable since, “he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On April 30th, the United General Conference of The United Methodist Church made a groundbreaking call for church investment managers to exclude the bonds of three countries – Israel, Turkey, and Morocco – that are holding subject populations under prolonged military occupation. Furthermore, certain public actions were declared to struggle for justice and peace in Palestine and to answer the cries of the Palestinian Christian community.

God of hope, we are thankful for the efforts of the United Methodist Church to struggle for justice, peace, and truth. We pray that these statements and actions will encourage more Churches around the world to be witnesses to the God of the poor and the weak.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

On the 5th of May, Israel shut down Al Jazeera’s operations in the country and seized some of its communication equipment, prompting condemnation from the United Nations and rights groups over Israel’s restriction of press freedoms. This is yet another assault by Israel on the freedom of press since the 7th of October.

God of truth, we thank all journalists who have given a voice to the voiceless and have given the world a glimpse of dark realities. We remember that, “everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” (John 3:20). Lord, ensure that truth and freedom of press will be restored so that liberation, justice, and peace can be achieved.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On Thursday the 9th of May, Sabeel will be holding a special joint English and Arabic zoom service titled “Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness: Orthodox Easter & Ascension Day”. This service marks Ascension Day for the Western Church and Easter for the Eastern Church and will include reflections from Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Patriarch Emeritus Michel Sabbah, and Archbishop Atallah Hanna.

God of love, we thank you for the leadership and actions of Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Patriarch Emeritus Michel Sabbah, and Archbishop Atallah Hanna who are part of the prophetic tradition of Palestinian Christianity. Lord, illuminate that your ascension, resurrection, and triumph happened brings good news with the oppressed and those crucified by the empire. Help us understand that if we are to be witnesses to your resurrection and ascension in our land, we ought to descend to the depths of suffering of the Palestinian people and proclaim liberation and peace.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

On the 4th of May, Palestinian Christians and the Orthodox Christian world marked Sabt al-Nour, which symbolizes Christ’s victory when he descended to hell. Whilst the origins of Sabt al-Nour are unknown, the day has become an indigenous Palestinian Christian practice potent with meanings of faith, justice, liberation, and victory. Sadly, the day was tainted with Israeli police violence which injured one of the Sabeel staff who attempted to receive the Holy Fire. Moreover, for the first time in history, the Holy Fire did not reach those celebrating in Gaza.  

God of light, ignite in us a Holy Fire which consumes any impurities, fears, self-doubt, pride, so we may bear witness to the living Christ. Lord, remind us not to focus on the tomb of Christ, for it is empty, but focus on the mission to spread the liberating fire of the Holy Spirit, even if there are checkpoints and empires in our way.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

The mass student protests in the United States are continuing. Despite facing detention, suspension, arrest, and other punishments, thousands of students have remained steadfast in their demands for a ceasefire, divestment from Israeli universities and companies that profit form the Israeli occupation, and the end of Palestinian oppression. In response, students have been met with military-style crackdowns and assault from Zionist groups.

Divine creator, we thank you for the students who are acting as good Samaritans working to end Palestinian suffering. Lord, give discernment to these protestors to continue keeping the people in Gaza the focus of the movement and not succumb to the pressures of those attempting to of derail their cause. Lord, block any attempt to disrupt the demands of the students whether by slander or violence and keep the movement going which is shaking up the world.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

May 2nd, 2024

After the withdrawal of the Israeli military from certain areas in Gaza, mass graves were found. Inside the Nasser Medical Complex in Gaza’s Khan Younis, Palestinian medics found at least 300 bodies in a mass grave, and earlier last week another mass grave was discovered at al-Shifa Hospital after a two-week Israeli siege. The death toll currently is at least 34,000, with two-thirds of the victims being children and women. The death toll is likely higher, as many bodies are stuck under the rubble or are in areas that are unreachable for medics.

God of life, in past prayers we have prayed for the Nasser Medical Complex and al-Shifa hospital. Lord, our nightmares of the horrors in Gaza are being confirmed with these mass graves. Keep our hearts from becoming numb to pain. Show us how to use our hands, our feet, and our hearts for goodness and mercy. Remind us that these mass graves are not numbers but people who loved, dreamed, and were created in your image. Lord, end this nightmare. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Last week, we received devastating news that Lara Sayegh, aged 18, died on her way from Gaza City to Rafah. Lara collapsed as she was walking on the “safe route” in an area where Israeli forces do not allow any ambulances, cars, or other emergency responses to enter. Lara’s mother who was accompanying her to Rafah is currently in a coma because of the shock. Furthermore, we learned that last week our friend, Dr. Yousef Al-Khouri’s parents apartment building has been partially destroyed in northern Gaza due to Israeli missile strikes. Thankfully, Dr. Al-Khouri’s family was not at the house but sheltering at Saint Porphyrius Church in northern Gaza.

 ● Man of Sorrows, give assurance to the Sayegh family that though Lara has passed from their sight, Lara has not passed from your care. We plead that you heal Lara’s mother and ensure she reaches safety. Lord, protect Dr. Al-Khouri’s family and all Gazan Christian families who are currently sheltering in Saint Porphyrius Church and remind them that God’s love for them cannot be destroyed or conquered. As we lament the tragedies of our communities in Gaza, we hold on to our faith that, “You will hear the cries of the oppressed and the orphans; you will judge in their favor” (Psalm 10:18).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

On the 29th of April, the Orthodox world marked the beginning of Holy Week. For Orthodox Christians, Holy Week entails strict fasting, extensive prayer, and church services, all in anticipation of Easter. This year, for Palestinian Christians who celebrate Orthodox Easter, especially those in Gaza, Holy Week is marked by intense suffering and yearning for hope.

God of the weak, as the Orthodox world marks Holy Week, remind us that Christ has come to deliver those who are suffering. Lord, illuminate that we must understand Holy Week with the suffering of those who are being persecuted now so that we may produce fruits of the Kingdom of God. Bless and protect all Palestinians marking Holy Week, especially those in Gaza.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 28th of March, the United Protestant Church in France (EPUdF) published two documents about the Churches and the situation in Palestine-Israel. The EPUdf calls for an immediate ceasefire and immediate access to humanitarian aid in Gaza. Additionally, the EPUdF recognizes the need for a just solution for all people in Palestine-Israel. 

Just God, we thank you for the various churches who strive for justice and peace for all peoples. Lord, to the churches who continue to promote and support supremacy and violence, may they transform as the Apostle Paul did on his way to Damascus. Mobilize us Lord, to continue acting unwaveringly regardless of our achievements, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works” (Ephesians 2:10).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 7th of April, Walid Daqqa, one of the most prominent Palestinian prisoners and novelists, died due to medical negligence in Israeli prisons. Walid was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after being held for 38 years. In 2022, Walid was diagnosed with cancer. Despite the many calls for his urgent release on humanitarian grounds, Israel denied Walid medical attention and treatment. Israeli forces also raided the tent where his family was receiving condolences, attacked mourners going to attend his funeral, and have withheld Walid’s body from his family.  

● God of the captives, although the powers of empire may imprison, kill, torture, harass, and silence, they cannot conquer love. We pray that you stop the systematic medical neglect of Palestinian prisoners by Israel. We plead that you hold all enablers and partakers of injustice accountable. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

Mass protests across top universities in the United States are taking place, including those of Yale, New York University and Columbia University. The movement are various student solidarity societies for Palestine and Student’s Jewish Voice for Peace. Many of the student protestors have been arrested, suspended, and threatened. The main calls from the protesters are the divestment from corporations that profit from Israel’s military, the severing of academic ties and collaborations with Israeli universities and programs and calling for a complete ceasefire in Gaza.    

Loving God, you have called us all to work for freedom, justice, and peace. We thank you for the brave students who are protesting for righteousness and are bearing witness to injustice. In these moments of deception and confusion, we remember that, “An honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies” (Proverbs 12:17). Lord, protect the honest witnesses and give them wisdom with every word they speak, so that they bear good fruits, and be protected from those who want to slander and persecute them. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

April 25th, 2024

On the 19th of April, Iranian air defense shot down drones over Isfahan, according to state media. This escalates regional tensions following Iran’s retaliatory strike on Israel after an attack against its diplomatic premises in Syria. Israel’s action came after the alleged US approval of a potential Israeli invasion in Rafah, in exchange for Israel’s agreement to avoid an all-out military assault on Iran. Gaza is still being bombed and the death toll is rising with every hour that passes.

Prince of peace, although many of us are fearful of further regional escalations, may we not forget your precious children in Gaza who continue to suffer so terribly. Lord, how awful are empires which use Palestinian lives as pawns to maintain a violent status quo. We hold on to our faith that you are a just God, and we remember Isaiah’s words: “Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless” (Isaiah 10:1-2).   

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 18th of April, Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian was arrested in her home in the Old City of Jerusalem, reportedly for incitement to terrorism, violence, and racism. During the arrest, the police also confiscated her mobile phone, computer, documents, and books by Mahmoud Darwish. This arrest was pushed forward by a campaign by students, right-wing activists, and politicians. However, Professor Shalhoub-Kevorkian was later released under the condition of being reinterrogated. 

Divine creator, we are worried and angry following Professor Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s arrest, which violates the right of freedom of speech and academic freedom. We thank you for the brave Palestinian thinkers who challenge the structures of injustice through intellectual activism. Remind us, Lord, that we ought to love you with all our mind. We plead that you protect Professor Shalhoub-Kevorkian and vindicate her name from false accusations and slander.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

On the 24th of April, Sabeel will be holding its 4th preparatory webinar for the 2024 Sabeel Conference titled “Christophobia and the Persecution of Christians”. This webinar will discuss the persecution of Christians and how Christian Zionism exacerbates tensions for Palestinian Christians. The webinar will have expert speakers such as Rev. Dr. Waltrina Middleton, Rabbi Brant Rosen, and Rev. Dr. Paul McAllister. 

Incarnated God, Sabeel as a part of the living prophetic tradition of Palestinian Christianity has been resisting Christian Zionism for decades. Lord, your name is invoked for supremacy and hatred, distorting your inclusive and just character. We, the living stones, suffer so deeply from our Christian Zionist siblings and urge them to repent. Let this webinar remind us that, “whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know the way to go, because the darkness has brought on blindness” (1 John 2:11).    

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 22nd of April, Jews around the world marked the beginning of Passover. Passover commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt as written in the book of Exodus. Passover is observed by avoiding leaven, and highlighted by the Seder meal which includes four cups of wine, eating matzah and bitter herbs, and retelling the story of the Exodus.

God of deliverance, we remember how the Hebrew midwives disobeyed Pharaoh and that you heard the cries of the enslaved (Exodus 2:23). Lord, remind us that no one can celebrate the essence of Passover if they are enslaving others and promoting supremacy. Lord, in these times of darkness give us the hope that we will one day, like Miriam on the other side of the Red Sea, sing songs of freedom. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

From April 25th to May 5th, Annie Sakkab’s short documentary “The Poem We Sang” will hold its world premiere at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. The film follows a Palestinian director as she ruminates on the generational trauma caused by the loss of a family home and forced migration, transforming lifelong regrets into a healing journey of creative catharsis, and bearing witness. “The Poem We Sang” will be eligible for the Award for Best Short Documentary, as well as the Audience Award.  

God of life, we thank you for using creativity for healing and goodness. Remind us that all of us have different gifts and talents which reflect the image of God in us. We remember the words of the Apostle Peter, “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Peter 4:10). Lord, let us serve one another by ending oppression and setting free those who live in tyranny. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Over the recent weekend, Israeli settlers and forces raided the West Bank. Notably, the Nour Shams Refugee Camp bore the brunt of the assault, where water and electricity were cut along with extensive infrastructure damage. At least 19 Palestinian were killed, including minors. Additionally, in a separate incident in another area of the West Bank, an ambulance driver was killed while on route to evacuate Palestinians injured in attacks by Israeli settlers. This weekend marked one of the deadliest episodes in the West Bank in years.

Holy God, give us sight to recognize the cause of violence in our land. We pray for all those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Lord, only you know the full extent of suffering in Palestinian refugee camps. We plead that you intervene and stop the cycle of violence and hate which settler colonialism creates and restore your good creation through liberation.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

April 18th, 2024

On the 13th of April, Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles towards Israel after vowing retaliation for a deadly Israeli strike on its consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus. Although nearly all the missiles and drones were intercepted, a 7-year-old girl, Amina al-Hassouni, was severely injured by missile shrapnel and an airbase in Israel was lightly damaged. Many fear that Israel’s future response to Iran’s attack will escalate to an all-out regional war.  

God of peace, many of us are fearful of a potential regional war. We ask that you heal the wounds of Amina and comfort her family with your presence. Lord, urge those in decision making positions to move quickly to lay the foundations for a comprehensive just peace in the region. Illuminate that the pivotal step towards achieving this requires putting an end to Palestinian suffering.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Hundreds of armed Israeli settlers stormed villages in the West Bank over the weekend, setting fire to several homes and cars, killing at least two people, and injuring many in one of the largest attacks by settlers this year. This attack was carried out in the pretext of revenge after a 14-year-old settler was found dead in the West Bank. Raids by Israeli settlers and soldiers against West Bank towns and villages have increased since October 7, killing hundreds of Palestinians.

God of justice, we lament over all those who have been killed by violence and hate. Lord, our land is filled with the blood of so many. Help us understand the root problem of these tragedies and resist it. Hold each person and system accountable for the injustice occurring in the West Bank and be with all who are mourning and afraid.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

In the beginning of April, a group of Israeli settlers accompanied by Israeli police officers entered the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City, known as the Cows’ Garden, and began assaulting Armenians and vandalizing their property. This incident is part of a series of events where Israeli police and settler groups have assaulted Jerusalem’s Armenians. Armenian community members say losing the Cows’ Garden would pose an existential threat to their community and would irrevocably damage Jerusalem’s diverse character.

• God of inclusivity, the beauty of our people is akin to a colorful mosaic. The more supremacy and exclusivity reign in our land, the more our vibrant society is erased. Intervene and halt the bullying of Israeli police, settlers, and municipality who pose an existential threat to the Armenian community. Give joy and unwavering resolve to the Palestinian Armenians as they resist their own erasure.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

This week, Sabeel will host its yearly community Easter egg hunt in Beit Sahour, bringing together children from orphanages and the margins of society. Scheduled for mid-April to coincide with both Western and Eastern Easter celebrations, the event has a range of delightful activities for all participants.

• God of joy, we thank you for all children who teach us to delight in your creation and have joy despite our realities. Lord, we pray that the Sabeel Easter egg hunt will provide moments of laughter and happiness to these kids who have experienced so much sadness and pain. Lord, we remember your words, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mattthew 18:3).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Last week, Layan Nasir, a member of the Anglican Church in Beirzeit, was arrested, along with several others, by Israeli forces in the early hours of the morning. Following Layan’s arrest, the Archbishop of Canterbury has called for her swift release. Nasir was previously arrested on the 7th of July 2021, during which Israeli forces stormed her home where she was handcuffed, blinded, and transported to Ofer military camp for interrogation. The Israeli military court has placed Layan under a 4-month administrative dentation which means she has not been charged with any crime and her detention can be renewed indefinitely.

• Heavenly Father, we are worried for your precious daughter Layan and all others arrested with her. We come to you in prayer because “The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people” (Psalm 69:33). Lord, protect Layan and all those in detention. Comfort their families with your presence. Lord, deliver our oppressors who imprison themselves with hatred. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Germany is facing charges at the top United Nations court for allegedly “facilitating the commission of genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza in coordination with its military and political ally, Israel. Nicaragua presented its case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the 8th of April, demanding judges impose emergency measures to stop Germany from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.

• Righteous God, we come before you are seeking justice. We know that righteousness and peace must be grounded in truth. Lord, we pray for all countries who are funding and supplying the Israeli military operation in Gaza to repent publicly, work for an immediate ceasefire, and give reparations to the victims of their crimes. Lord, remind us that all should be humble before God, even nations and empires. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer        

• We Join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave Of Prayer

April 11th, 2024

Last week, The Israeli military withdrew from the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital after a two-week raid, leaving behind scenes of devastation. Local sources who have witnessed atrocities for more than 180 days remark that the scenes at Al-Shifa Hospital are “indescribable”. Indeed, photos, videos, eyewitness stories reveal torture, killings and destruction that cannot be imagined. It is unclear what is the death toll since bodies are unidentifiable, however, Gaza’s civil defense agency claim at least 300 Palestinians were killed in and around the hospital. Al-Shifa is completely out of service.     

God of healing (shifa), how much more death, destruction, and torture can our people take? How many Palestinian lives need to be killed for the world to respond? Why do you not stop this O Lord? Man of sorrows, help us be witnesses to your love and the suffering of the oppressed even though it is hard to see if you are with us “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Last week, Israeli lawmakers have overwhelmingly approved a law that gives senior ministers the power to temporarily shut foreign news networks that they deem a security risk. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would ‘act immediately’ in accordance with the law to stop Al-Jazeera’s activities.

God of truth, we are worried about the recent Israeli law as it restricts free press and freedom of speech. We know that those who commit evil want to do so in the dark and those who illuminate their deeds are a thorn in their sides. Lord, help us in the struggle against political disinformation and censorship. We thank you for the brave journalists in Gaza who sacrifice themselves to give voice to the voiceless and reveal truth amidst immense deceit and confusion.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

On the 1st of April, Israeli military killed seven people in a World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid convoy in Gaza. Despite coordination between WCK and the Israeli military, markings on the vehicles that had the WCK logo, and travelling in a “deconflicted zone”, the convoy was hit. In the aftermath of the attack, hundreds of tons of life saving aid intended to reach Gaza is returning to Cyprus. Since the 7th of October, nearly 200 aid workers have died in Gaza, most of them are Palestinians.

God of life, help us understand that the killings of the WCK workers and the hundreds of Palestinian aid workers, is an attack on those trying to help dire situations around the world. We pray for the souls of the numerous Good Samaritans in our land, whether they be internationals or Palestinians who have been martyred. May we remember that “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty” (Proverbs: 11:24).  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

Sabeel is saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Guy Fabreguettes, a Sabeel friend, and the treasurer of Friends of Sabeel France. Sabeel sends our condolences to Guy’s family and all his loved ones and join with Friends of Sabeel France in their mourning. Guy passed away on the 1st of April on Easter Monday.   

God of mercy, we lift up Guy and all those mourning his lost. You are a good and loving father whose mercies are new every morning. Help, Guy’s family as they in grief his passing from this world and pray that the Holy Spirit comforts them. We remember the promise of resurrection on Easter Monday where one day death shall be no more, and love’s victory will be everlasting.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer       

A couple of weeks ago, Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has declared 800 hectares (1,977 acres) in the West Bank as state land, in a move that will facilitate the use of the ground for settlement building. Furthermore, Smotrich used biblical references to justify this decision. The land intended for settlements is the Jordan Valley.

God of power, we identify with the story of Naboth’s vineyard. As our land is slowly being stolen which is the source of our identity, culture, and livelihood we cry out to you to intervene. Lord, be with the communities in the West Bank who are oppressed from the illegal settlements. Help us steward your good creation by resisting the expansion of the illegal settlements which corrupts your creation. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

A recent statement has been formulated by several Christians from the Holy Land and other parts of the world such as Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, Patriarch Emeritus Michel Sabbah, Rev. Robert O. Smith, Bishop Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, and Rev. Prof. Dr. Chris Ferguson. This statement is titled “Statement on Plans to Sacrifice a Red Heifer” which condemns the plans of the Temple Institute which is aided by Christian Zionists to build the Third Temple within the Haram al-Sharif compound. 

God of inclusivity, Jerusalem is known to be a Holy city but sadly it has become a city of hatred and supremacy. We the living stones are appalled from the exclusive attempts to promote Jewish supremacy which is supported by Christian Zionists, and are determined to resist it. We give thanks to the Palestinian Church which has a living prophetic tradition of theology and leadership. Help us, Lord “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you’” (Psalm 122:6).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of prayer

April 4th, 2024

This week’s Wave of Prayer is focused on Western Easter which will only contain liturgies focused on Easter which the Western Church celebrated last week. Moreover, these liturgies were used in the special Easter vigil held on the 30th March which held messages from Reverend Munther Isaac and prayers led by many of our partners: Bethlehem Bible College (BBC), Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC), Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), Freedom Road, Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages, Global Emersion, Kairos Palestine, Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME), Red Letter Christians (RLC), and Telos.

● God of light, we know that oppression is grounded in deceit and Holy justice is centered on truth. Illuminate the wicked lies that systems, governments, ideologies, and theologies hold which result in so much suffering. Bless the journalists and advocates in Gaza who are exposing to the world the hidden and unhidden crimes which are being committed. Hosanna in the highest, to Christ who entered Jerusalem not on white stallion but on a donkey, save us from our unbelief, and deliver the oppressed from the modern-day Pharaohs and Pilates.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer       

● God of Mary, we understand your cries over your Son through the cries of Palestinian mothers weeping over their martyred children. Lord, if we are the ones witnessing the Gaza crucifixion, let us be like Mary Magdelene, who did not let the pain and grief make her numb to the suffering of Christ. Lord, give us courage to witness with our actions and voices, and if we are the ones doing the crucifying, move us to repent and confess publicly.    

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

● Crucified Messiah, we behold how you were tortured, mocked, beaten, stripped, and killed on the cross. Your cry “My God my God why I have you forsaken me” (Matthew 27:46) is an exclamation we are saying for more than 75 years, and now more than ever. Lord, we thank you for identifying with us since “You were despised and rejected; one who knew suffering and was familiar with pain; people despised you and looked away and considered you worthless” (Isaiah 53:3). We await the day of your return.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

● God of resurrection, although we are in despair and feel as though we are forever in Holy Saturday, the tomb is empty. We proclaim your victory over death, by continuing to resist against all odds and remembering your words “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 28:10). Your resurrection is good news to the oppressed since it is a proclamation of victory of sin and a liberation. Help us, O Lord to participate in your new creation by working for justice, liberation, and peace in Palestine. 

El-Messiah Qam… Haqan Qam

● God of new creation, after you rose from the dead you were identified as a gardener. Help us steward your creation, uprooting the evil weeds and roots of oppression and planting trees and plants of love and justice. As we face dark days let us have active patience since, “if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently” (Romans 8:25). We hold on to our faith that the day will come when, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4). 

El-Messiah Qam… Haqan Qam

● The God who was, and is, and is to come, we the living stones the descendants of the Early Church, and the Saints are few in number in our land. Lord, the fate of your flock in Gaza is uncertain, yet they remain steadfast. Help us understand that the mission is the same, irrespective of our numbers and capabilities. Lord, let us not lean on our own understanding, but have faith that produces good fruit. Help us in these days struggle for our existence in our native land and purge any corruption in our churches, theologies, and institutions.    

El-Messiah Qam… Haqan Qam

● We join the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Mar 29th, 2024

Time is running out for the people of Gaza. The UN, several governments, the World Bank, many other organizations and bodies, along with millions around the world, are pointing out that the people of Gaza are at imminent risk of famine as a result of starvation. Several Palestinians, many of whom are children, have already died due to starvation and dehydration. The small amount of aid that enters Gaza is like a drop of water in the ocean.

Eternal God, no words can express the suffering of the people in Gaza. Many of us are in despair. As our hearts, minds, and spirits are consumed with the suffering in Gaza, we remember the promise that “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst” (Revelation 7:16). Lord, help us to continue fighting the good fight, bearing witness to your love and our native land. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Last week, Jared Kushner has praised the new US-built makeshift port off Gaza, and suggested Israel should use the port to remove Palestinians civilians in Gaza while it continues its military operations. Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly suggested that the new US port, which was installed to help ship aid to Gaza, could be used to deport Palestinians. Several scholars, experts, and organizations have noted that the US port was built to gain access to the Gaza Marine which contains a large natural-gas field.

God of the poor, we remember the Psalmist words that “God is a righteous judge, and a God who has indignation every day” (Psalm 7:11-12). Help us, O Lord, channel our anger which stems from injustice, towards sin. Help our oppressors as they dehumanize themselves by treating us and the oppressed as an obstacle for their self-interests. Sober the powerful from their drunkenness.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

Last week, Palestinians marked Mother’s Day on the 21st of March. This day honors and celebrates all Palestinian mothers. Moreover, on the 19th of March, many Palestinians celebrated the birthday of the “Patriarch of the People”, Patriarch Michel Sabbah who celebrated his 91st birthday. 

God of Mary and Joseph, we are grateful to all the Palestinian mothers who have had to be mothers in very difficult circumstances. Many of whom can identify with Mary, a mother of a person who was martyred by imperial powers, and a great woman of agency. We are also grateful to the leadership and devotion of Patriarch Michel Sabaah who many consider in the Palestinian community as a spiritual father. Let us remember the words of the “Patriarch of the People” in light of the current situation: “I call on each one, that he may take up his responsibility… and to contribute more light and more hope in the difficult situation which we live, by their own reflexion and their various services” (Sabbah, First Pastoral Letter, 1988).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

This week for the Western Church is Holy Week. This week is between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ. This year in Palestine, as we commemorate Holy Week, our thoughts will be with our people who are suffering so terribly. Sabeel will be having a devotional study for Holy Week which is inspired by the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage and the Sabeel Contemporary Way of the Cross.   

Prince of Peace, we remember that you rode on a donkey not a white stallion, we remember you were betrayed by a kiss and denied by your followers, we remember that you lamented on the cross “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Lord, help the world understand that the proclamation “Hosanna” is the cry of the oppressed to be delivered, the cry of Gaza amidst their suffering. Lord, it feels that we are forever in Holy Saturday, help us with your resurrection power not to be in despair.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

Last week, horrific scenes have come out of Al-Shifa hospital. Israeli military has sieged the hospital and killed at least 100 people, many parts of the medical compound has been destroyed, and people sheltering inside were ordered to leave, including hundreds of patients. Israel has claimed to have killed terrorists during their assault. However, Palestinian health authorities and international NGOs strongly denied claims by Israel that Hamas fighters are based in the hospital. It is still unclear how many patients and other civilians were killed in the raid.

God of life, we come to you broken and afraid from hearing the news in Al-Shifa hospital. The events known to us are horrifying and the events we do not know haunt us. It seems that the empires today and the systems who oppress us “love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.” (Psalm 52:3). Lord, be with all the victims at Al-Shifa hospital and stop the madness of military operations in hospitals.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 26th of March, Sabeel will be having the Contemporary Way of the Cross event in Jerusalem. This is part of a larger tradition at Sabeel where Palestinians and internationals walk together the 14 stations of the Cross (Via Dolorosa) and connect our suffering as Palestinian Christians with the suffering of Jesus through songs and prayers. Unfortunately, this year Palestinians from the West Bank will not be able to attend due to the restriction of movement. 

Crucfied Messiah, we Palestinians interpret your journey to the cross with our own historical and contemporary experience. We interpret our own crucifixion with yours and proclaim that you have identified with us and care for our liberation. Lord, we pray that you continue to reveal to us the good news that Christ brings, and pray that we participate in sharing it by working for justice for all. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia.

Wave of prayer

22nd of March

Last week, Prime minister Netanyahu announced that the military plan for a ground invasion of Rafah, where about 1.4 million Palestinians are sheltering, has been approved. The UN and several countries that have supported Israel uncritically since October 7th have warned Israel against this plan. The majority of people in Rafah are displaced Gazans who have been living through hellish circumstances.

God of the oppressed, give us sight which recognizes that although structures, governments, and empires have powers to kill, starve, ethnically cleanse, and oppress our people for years, that you are amongst us, even those who are suffering alone and abandoned. Lord, we plead for an immediate ceasefire and hold on to our faith that you are faithful and your love is everlasting.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

It has been more than 160 days of bombings, starvation, torture, and overall catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza. According to UNRWA, the death toll in Gaza is higher than that of all wars around the world in the last four years. Furthermore, almost daily, aid seekers across Gaza have been killed by Israeli strikes. 

Eternal God, your love to your precious children in Gaza cannot be separated through bombs, starvation, and hatred. Lord, you breathed life into each soul in Gaza that has been taken away by evil. Help us Lord, not to commit idolatry by being fatalistic, but be witnesses that you are a good God who restores justice, loves liberation, and is the source of hope. Multiply the food and aid in Gaza as you did when feeding the 5,000.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

In the last week, Israeli police forces prevented hundreds of Palestinian Muslim worshippers from entering the Haram al-Sharif compound. Some Palestinians who attempted to enter Al-Aqsa were faced with severe beatings as a large Israeli police force permitted only women and men aged over 55. Simultaneously, Israeli settlers have stormed the compound with the protection of the Israeli army.

All merciful God, help us to uphold people’s freedom to express and live out their faith for what they believe. May we work for genuine tolerance by being intolerant for what is evil in all spheres of our lives. Lord, comfort those who are unable to express their faith in security and liberty this Ramadan.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 12th of March, Rami Hamdan Al-Halhouli, a resident of the Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem, was shot and killed by Israeli police. Israeli police claim that Rami had pointed the fireworks at them, whilst Rami’s father, who was an eyewitness, claims that this is a false allegation.  Israeli Justice Ministry officials are not expecting the Israeli police to be indicted for the killing of Rami. Rami was only 12 years old.

God of justice, your Holy anger heals. Heal our wounded hearts, broken from the killing of Rami. We remember that you were powerless on the cross like Rami’s father in seeking justice. You know how it is to see your son killed. Lord, assure us that not only the shooter of the bullet will be held accountable, but also the policies, decision makers, and ideologies who were responsible for the killing of Rami. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

The Custos of the Holy Land as part of its traditional collection for Good Friday is fundraising for Schools in the Holy Land. This is the result of the Pope’s wishes for the bond between all the Christians in the world and the local Christian community and the Holy sites in Palestine-Israel to remain strong. The schools in the Holy Land, which are part of the Churches, are in great financial difficulty due to the events taking place after October 7th.

Loving Father, may every contribution, small or big, be a blessing to the children of the schools in the Holy Land. We see how the events in Palestine are affecting our children. We are grateful for your work through the fundraisers and work of individuals, organizations, and churches. Help us Lord, participate in the works of your kingdom though we might not see it or understand it.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

After February’s successful webinar on “Zionism and Antisemitism”, Sabeel is looking forward to hosting a panel titled “Islam and Islamophobia” as part of our preconference webinars leading to the Sabeel 2024 conference in November. The speakers for the upcoming webinar include Santiago Slabodsky, Mariam Barghouti, and Iskander Abbasi. 

God of truth, use the speakers and this panel to educate the listeners for better understanding of truth, which leads to truthful action. We pray that our fight for justice will be in all spaces, and we pray that this webinar creates a ripple effect which causes actions of love throughout the world.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer


On the 10th of March, the Muslim world marked the first day of Ramadan. Ramadan is the most important month in Islam which is observed with fasting, daily communal prayers, and recitation of the Quran, amongst other practices. Nearly every year in Palestine the month of Ramadan is marked with violence, provocation, and the obstruction of the freedom of worship by the State of Isarel against the Palestinian Muslim population. 

Holy God, we pray that all Palestinian Muslims will be able to practice their spirituality this Ramadan without restrictions and violence. We remember that our oppressors enforce rules not to protect, but to restrict. Lord, as millions fast this Ramadan let them remember the people in Gaza who are starving, and as they come together in community to break their fasts, may they be reminded of the collective strength communities possess to challenge injustices.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

People in Gaza are waiting for the outcome of ceasefire talks while Israeli attacks, starvation, diseases, and hellish circumstances continue, affecting 2.2 million people. Children are dying of starvation in northern Gaza, and many are experiencing severe malnutrition. Aid is systematically denied from entering Gaza, especially the northern part and the aid that does make it through is at times under fire from Israel’s military.   

God of the oppressed, the full extent of the suffering in Gaza is unknown. Lord, we come to you like the Psalmist asking “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (Psalm 10:1). Lord, we hold on to our faith that the depths of agony and pain are only truly known by you and the people of Gaza. Lord, deliver the people of Gaza and stop the starvation they are experiencing. Keep us from growing numb to the suffering that is occurring.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

An internal UN report describes widespread abuse of Palestinian detainees from Gaza in Israeli detention centers, including beatings, dog attacks, the prolonged use of stress positions and sexual assault. Moreover, some Israeli soldiers are seen enjoying the abuse of Palestinian detainees by sharing videos and photos of the torture.   

God of life, for those humiliated, sexuality abused, tortured, and beaten, provide signs of your presence. Grant strength to those who are struggling. For those who have died, embrace them with your arms. Give courage to those who have committed horrific acts to repent and confess publicly for their crimes. Help us bring down the systems and decision makers who have caused so much torment.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Since the 7th of October, Israel has stepped up its arrest campaign in the occupied West Bank, and mistreatment of prisoners in its overstuffed jails. Palestinian organizations are documenting abuses by Israel and its forces in the hope that one day they will be held accountable. Several Palestinian prisoners have died in the last few months for unknown reasons. Simultaneously, the Israeli families of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas set out on a four-day march from Kibbutz Re’im to Jerusalem advocating for the release of their loved ones who are being held hostage. 

God of the captives, we pray for all the hostages, those in Israeli prisons who are considered administrative detainees, and those held by Hamas in Gaza. Lord, protect the Israeli hostages from the Israeli bombs that are dropped in Gaza and ensure their safe and soon release. Lord, protect all Palestinians unjustly held in Israeli prisons and bring an end to their suffering. Lord, help us find a vision in our land where political strategies which use hostages as pawns cease to exist. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Sabeel is immensely sad with the sudden passing of our dear friend Eric Merx. Eric was a good friend of Sabeel who often worshiped with us, attended meetings, and helped us with several projects. Last Christmas, Eric helped Sabeel support many Palestinian families in need. Thanks to him, over 100 families were able to access food and cover basic bills. This all-bears testament to his loving and generous heart. Sabeel will dearly miss our friend.  

Loving Father, we join in mourning with Eric’s family. Comfort all who were close to Eric and assure his family that he is in your presence. We celebrate Eric’s life by continuing our mission and pray that we will continue to learn from his life and legacy. Lord, we are grateful for the ways you worked through Eric, and we were privileged to have known him. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

Since the beginning of Lent, a network of autonomous Christian groups have been on a pilgrimage of solidarity for Gaza, also known as the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage. This group has been engaging in a prayerful show of solidarity, where people during Lent are walking the length of the Gaza Strip (41 kilometers long and 6-12 kilometers wide) advocating for an immediate ceasefire. These pilgrimages are taking place throughout Lent across 145 cities in 18 countries. 

God of mercy, we thank you for those participating in the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages who are praying with their feet. Help us, Lord, here in Palestine, and across the world to, “walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice” (Proverbs 8:20). Let this pilgrimage be a prophetic action which bears witness to the injustice of this world and to the revolutionary love which resists against all odds. Stir in us an unwavering zeal for a ceasefire. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Mar 8th, 2024

In recent weeks, several Palestinians in Gaza have died from starvation, most of them are kids and babies. Furthermore, humanitarian aid has been systemically denied entry into Gaza and aid convoys are coming under Israeli fire. On the 29th of February, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, which resulted in the killing of over 120 Palestinians and wounded over 760 people. This massacre is known as the “Flour Massacre.”

Lord Christ, you tell us that you are the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35). We come before you shocked, disgusted, and lost. We plead that you provide the people of Gaza their daily bread while so many are starving. Lord, intervene and stop these atrocities which kill people even as they wait for aid. Provide aid to our oppressors who are sick spiritually, morally, and politically.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

Last week, the Israeli finance minister announced the approval of new illegal settlements in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and said work would continue to authorize further settlements. This is part of a larger plan to Judaize Jerusalem.

Holy God, we cry like you did over the hatred, corruption, and disgrace in our land. We remember the words of the Psalmist, which encouraged us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Help us bring peace to Jerusalem and all around the world by liberating it from the sins of colonialism, supremacy, and corruption.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

The 1st of March was the World Day of Prayer. This year, prayers were written and led by Palestinian Christian women. Our sisters, mothers, daughters, and grandmothers reflected collectively on Ephesians 4:1-6 from the context of their suffering as Palestinian Christian women, which reads, “I beg you, bear with one another in love”.

God of Mary, Martha, and Hannah, we are grateful for the leadership and resistance of Palestinian women, a tradition that spans across centuries. We pray for all Palestinian women who are uniquely oppressed because of their ethnicity and gender. We pray especially for the women in Gaza who are victims of colonialism including sexual violence.   

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

Last month, members of U.S. Congress received more than 500 olivewood hearts made and blessed in Bethlehem from the United Church of Christ. Each wooden heart represents one beating heart of the nearly 12,000 Palestinian children killed in Gaza since October 7th. The hearts were accompanied with a letter urging Congress to “raise your voice for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land. True peace can only be achieved through the pursuit of justice for all parties involved.” 

Prince of Peace, it has been over 150 days with no ceasefire. We come before you bewildered that the Western world has not exercised their power to stop the loss of so many lives, loss which will damage generations to come. Lord, bring an immediate ceasefire and give us courage and wisdom to pursue a just peace in our land.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

On the 20th of February, Sabeel held a Women’s Bible study as a part of its larger program of Bible Study Groups. This meeting is intended to help Christians use the Bible as a tool to relate faith with their daily life, reflecting a core component in Palestinian Liberation Theology. 

Word Incarnate, the scriptures are a holy witness to your nature of love and activity in history. Help the Sabeel Bible study program collectively uncover the revelation of your love and the meaning it has for all Palestinians today. Help us, cultivate a contextual theology of love and liberation.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

Friends of Sabeel France and Christians in the Mediterranean Area issued a letter to the Churches of France and their leaders on February the 21st. This letter calls the Churches of France and their leaders to work for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, the provision of essential humanitarian aid into Gaza, an end to all violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the implementation of the measures proclaimed by the International Court of Justice to prevent the act of genocide in Gaza, amongst other requests. 

Loving God, we thank you for the work the Friends of Sabeel France and Christians in the Mediterranean Area are doing. We pray that their letter spreads across all of France so that more will work for justice. Lord, help the Churches in France rise up to this call and serve as a prophetic voice so that they may be salt and light in the world.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

 ● We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Ireland, United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer