Wave of Prayer

Oct 12th, 2023

On October 7th, a historic and devastating series of events unfolded in Palestinian-Israeli history. Hamas initiated an operation known as “Al-Aqsa Flood,” launching thousands of rockets from Gaza into Israel and breaking through the electronic boarder barrier, causing the loss of hundreds of Israeli lives, and the taking of several Israelis as captives including women and children, into Gaza. In response, Israel declared “Operation Swords of Iron,” involving a brutal and continuous aerial attack on Gaza that claimed hundreds of lives. and various acts of aggression in the West Bank, resulting in the deaths of several Palestinians. The true extent of the recent events’ damage remains unknown, marking the beginning of a period of immense suffering.

Heavenly Father, as this period of violence and bloodshed unfolds, we pray for Your justice and mercy. We pray for all who are suffering. We lift up all innocent people in particular the people of Gaza who are vulnerable and helpless to the Israeli airstrikes. May we remember that the recent events are connected to the long history of the Nakba and Israeli systematic oppression against the Palestinian people. Lord, only a just and lasting solution will end the cycle of violence. We call on the international community to work towards this end.

Lord in Your mercy…hear our prayer

Next week, Kumi Now Online will focus on how governments, companies, and individuals are profiting from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. The Israeli military-industrial complex has turned the occupied Palestinian territory into a testing ground for advanced weaponry and surveillance technology, which it exports worldwide. Indeed, capitalism and the oppression of Palestinians are linked, making the Palestinian suffering a commodity for some. 

Lord Christ, we remember how you flipped the tables of the money changers and expelled the merchants of the livestock in the temple. Today, the corruption and den of thieves are seen in the various ways people profit from Palestinian oppression. We pray for Your justice to reign; bring judgment to greed, theft, and exploitation.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

From the 29th of September to the 6th of October, Jews around the world celebrated Sukkot (known as the Feast of Tabernacles). Sukkot is a weeklong holiday that celebrates the gathering of the harvest, the giving of the Torah, and the protection God provided. During Sukkot many Israelis take the opportunity to provoke Palestinians in the old city of Jerusalem. This year many Christians were spat on and harassed by religious Israeli Jews. 

• God of creation, we lift up the Palestinian farmers as they gather their harvest, and we ask Your blessing for our Jewish friends who have celebrated Sukkot. We are angry as we witness Jerusalem’s transformation from a city of tolerance and love into one marked by Jewish supremacy and hatred. May our collective efforts in pursuing justice in Jerusalem yield a harvest of peace and flourishing.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On September 26th, a devastating fire swept through a wedding hall located in Qaraqosh, a town in northern Iraq. This tragic event claimed the lives of at least 107 individuals and left 150 others injured. The incident was a profound tragedy that deeply affected the entire Middle East, especially the Christian community of Qaraqosh since the majority of the people attending the wedding were Assyrians Christians. 

Loving God, we pray for the 107 individuals who lost their lives in the tragic fire, and we ask that you embrace them in your loving arms. For those injured, grant them strength, both physical and mental, as they navigate the path to recovery. In Your name, we pray for healing and restoration for the city of Qaraqosh and its Assyrian community. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 4th of October, the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem as a part of their annual Christian Zionist conference titled “King of the Earth”, held a Jerusalem march for thousands of Christian Zionists from all across the world. In response, Sabeel went to the march and handed out pamphlets which showed the unjust realities Palestinians face and the theological misinterpretation of Christian Zionism.

• God of inclusivity, we pray that through the presence of Sabeel and the pamphlets, You awaken the Christian Zionists to their theological blindness that is causing harm to so many. We pray that Your holy name may no longer be associated with those who invoke it for unjust purposes. You, God, are the embodiment of love, justice, inclusivity, and mercy.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave Of Prayer

Oct 5th , 2023

Next week, Kumi Now Online will focus on mental health in Palestine. Mental health is one of the most significant health crises for Palestinians. According to several reports and studies, over half of Palestinian adults meet the diagnosis of depression and many Palestinian children suffer from mental distress. These mental health issues stem from the extreme exposure to violence, generational trauma, poor living conditions, restrictions of movement, and more. Sadly, post trauma treatment is limited since the trauma for Palestinians is ongoing.  

Lord Christ, You understand the mental distresses and struggles that many Palestinians experience and suffer from. The sorrow and anxiety that You experienced in the garden of Gethsemane is a lived reality for Palestinians. In Your name, we ask for strength, compassion, and healing for all Palestinians suffering from mental health illnesses. May the root cause of mental suffering in Palestine be uprooted by Your healing powers of justice.

 Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

On September 27th, six people were killed in two shooting incidents in the lower part of the Galilee region. The victims were two brothers aged 14 and 17, a mother in her 40s with her 25-year-old son, a family relative in his 20s, and a man in his 50s. Several investigations have been made to see if the two shootings were related. A total of 188 Palestinians have been killed this year in Palestinian towns in Israel, compared to 80 last year.  

Divine Creator, we come before You shocked, saddened, and angry. We pray for the families mourning the loss of their loved ones in the recent shootings, may they be met with Your compassion and loving heart. We know that the Israeli police are systematically neglecting Palestinian towns in Israel so that they may be festered with internal violence. We call for Your intervention. Protect Your children and guide us towards a more secure and just future.                                                                                                             

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

On the 22nd of September, A Palestinian teenager, Abdullah Abu Hasan was shot and killed by the Israeli forces during a raid near the city of Jenin. On the 24th of September, two Palestinian young men, Asid Abu Ali, 21, and Abdulrahman Abu Daghash, 32, were killed during the Israeli raid of Nour Shams refugee camp.  

God of the oppressed, every week we mourn the precious lives of young Palestinians. We are persistent in our prayers because You are a God who listens to our cries. Send Your Holy Spirit to comfort the families of the martyrs. May their blood cry out from the ground, bearing witness to the unjust reality in Palestine. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

This advent, Friends of Sabeel North America is launching a campaign called “Preach Palestine”. The aim of the Preach Palestine campaign is to work for the dismantlement of oppression and segregation, in Palestine and beyond, through prayer, a study series, film screenings, and a fundraising event.  

• God of power and might, we thank you for our friends’ work and solidarity. We pray that through the Preach Palestine campaign, solidarity will grow and translate into support for the Palestinian people and other oppressed communities around the world. May Your gospel of liberation be proclaimed and celebrated. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

On the 29th and the 30th of September, Sabeel Jerusalem held an ecumenical training workshop in Beit Sahour for facilitation of Bible Studies. This workshop consisted of Palestinian clergy and biblical study experts who equipped the participants with valuable tools for Bible study facilitation.  

• Emmanuel, You are the Word made flesh, the God who is with us. We pray that the Sabeel workshop will assist the participants as they proclaim the Word and illuminate the gospel of liberation. May we continue to liberate the Bible from theological heresies such as Christian Zionism and reflect on the Holy witness of the Bible to our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.

On the 22nd of September, Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the UN General Assembly held in New York regarding the potential peace accord with Saudia Arabi and the alleged threat posed by Iran on Israel. During his speech Netanyahu completely ignored the existence of Palestine. Throughout Netanyahu’s stay in New York, thousands of people, amongst them many Jews, protested Netanyahu and advocated for a free Palestine. 

• Resurrected Christ, the distortion of truth and attempts to erase Palestine were on full display in the UN General Assembly. Yet, the voices of truth and insertion of Palestine’s existence was seen outside the UN and on the streets. We come before you, asking for guidance to be wise as serpents and innocent like doves in our struggles to liberate Palestine and confront oppression.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.    

We join the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

Wave of Prayer

Sep 28th , 2023

Next week, Kumi Now Online will concentrate on nonviolent resistance in Palestine. Nonviolent resistance is a powerful and historically significant means of challenging injustice. Nonviolent resistance represents a form of empowerment, creativity, and resilience among individuals and communities who may lack the conventional sources of power and authority.

All powerful God, bless those who choose the path of nonviolent resistance, for they seek justice without perpetuating hatred. May their actions inspire change, compassion, and reconciliation. Let us resist creatively against sinful powers, working towards the redemption of our world.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer  

On September 19th, Azerbaijan initiated an “anti-terrorist operation” within Nagorno-Karabakh. Following the assault, Azerbaijan and Armenia swiftly reached a ceasefire agreement, and they are scheduled to convene for peace negotiations. According to a former leader of the regional administration, nearly 100 individuals were killed, with hundreds more sustaining injuries, including civilians, as a result of the attack.

Heavenly Father, we ask for your divine intervention in this conflict. Let your love and mercy prevail over hatred and division. May the spirit of reconciliation and justice be present in the peace talks, leading to a lasting and just peace. We pray for all our Armenian friends who are affected from the conflict.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On September 19th, over 24 hours, Israeli occupation forces tragically claimed the lives of six young Palestinians in a military operation spanning various locations within the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Reports indicate that Israeli forces launched an invasion into the Jenin refugee camp, unleashing several missiles that struck multiple residences. Moreover, the Israeli army hindered the access of ambulances and medical teams to attend to the wounded.

Merciful God, we hold onto the belief that you hear the cries of the oppressed. We remember how Jesus wept and we believe is still weeping for the young Palestinian lives lost by sin. We cry out for Your intervention. Bring justice, liberation, and judgement in Palestine-Israel and have mercy on the families of our martyrs.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer     

On the 26th and 27th of September, Bethlehem Bible College and Gurukul Lutheran Theological College will be collaborating for a conference titled “Indo-Palestinian Theological Conversations”. This conference hosted in Bethlehem will discuss theologies of liberation, colonialism, the relationship between India and Israel, and transnational solidarities.

God of love, we ask for your blessings upon the discussions that will take place during this conference. May the insights and conversations lead to greater awareness and compassion for the struggles faced by oppressed communities around the world. May Your Holy Spirit help fostering connections that transcend borders and lead to meaningful actions.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Currently, there are over 5,000 Palestinian individuals incarcerated for political reasons. Among them are more than 1,200 Administrative detainees and 170 minors. Each of these Palestinian detainees endure harsh conditions and receive cruel treatment within Israel’s judicial system. One such case is that of Walid Daqqah, a 62-year-old Palestinian prisoner diagnosed with cancer. He is being denied critical life-saving treatment by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) who refuse to transfer him to a civilian hospital.

Lord Christ, You, like many Palestinians, were wrongfully arrested and convicted by powers that portray themselves as agents of justice and truth whilst they are truly agents of injustice and deceit. God of the captives, liberate all those wrongfully imprisoned and have mercy on them as they endure brutal punishment and torture by Israel. We particularly pray for the situation of Daqqah who is suffering unimaginably. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer  

On the 15th of September, Sabeel in partnership with Bethlehem University organized a training workshop as part of the “Young Christian Leaders Project”. The workshop took place in the village of Haddad near Jenin and was attended by various scout groups from areas north of the West Bank. This training is the first of a series of future meetings.

• Resurrected Christ, we thank you for the efforts made for the young generation of Palestinian Christians. May these workshops cultivate leadership skills that will bear fruit in the near future and materialize into action. Grant the young Palestinian leaders wisdom, strength, and protection.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer  

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of  Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Peru.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayers

Wave of Prayer

Next week, Kumi Now will focus on Bedouin rights in Palestine. Palestinian Bedouins are a nomadic people who are a characterized by a semi-pastoral and agricultural lifestyle. Ever since the establishment of the State of Israel, many Palestinian Bedouins have been repeatedly ethnically cleansed and those remaining in Palestine-Israel experience daily violence.  

Resurrected Christ, we pray for all Palestinian Bedouins who are suffering immensely from the State of Israel. Protect the way of life of Palestinian Bedouins who are under constant erasure by violent settlers and the State of Israel. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer    

On September 9th, Melad Al-Raei, a 15-year-old Palestinian boy was killed by Israeli occupation forces in the midst of clashes in Al-Aroub refugee camp north of Hebron. The Palestinian Authority health ministry reported that he was fatally shot in the back. 

Heavenly Father, we lament the news of the death of yet another young Palestinian. Bring comfort to Melad’s family and community. Bring an end to this occupation that results in the loss of life for so many. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

Following the controversial property deal in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City between the Armenian Patriarchy and Israeli settler organization, Sabeel is continuing to call for unity among Christians in the face of this challenge. Last week, Sabeel participated in the first of what will become weekly protests against the property deal.  

Lord, we cry over the city of Jerusalem as You did. Bring unity by your Holy Spirit to all the Christian denominations in Jerusalem so that we may be a strong prophetic voice against sin.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

On September 7th, clashes between various groups in Ein el-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, reignited. The violence resulted in 11 deaths, 2 of which were civilians, and 100 injuries. This incident follows a similar event from late July when another 13 people were killed in the camp. 

God of peace and refuge, we cry out in lament over the continued violence taking place in Ein el-Hilweh camp. Bring comfort to the families of those who were killed and healing to those injured. We plead for Your intervention to bring justice to all Palestinian refugees and allow them to return back to their homeland.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

In the past few weeks, Tamir Pardo, a former senior official of Mossad, described Israel’s actions in the West Bank as enforcing an “apartheid” system. Pardo has now joined the small but growing list of retired Israeli officials to speak out about the injustices being done to Palestinians. 

Lord, may the statements, confessions, and voices of those who proclaim Israel as Apartheid be heard in every corner of the Earth. Let the sins of Apartheid be exposed for the whole Earth to see, leaving no doubt how Israel is systematically oppressing Palestinians. We yearn to see Your justice flow like a mighty river, liberating all those under oppression.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

On Sunday, September 3rd, Sabeel-Kairos UK held the first of four webinars for their new online series, “Hope for Palestine.” On the first Sunday of the month, from now until December, they will host Palestinian speakers Marah Sarji, Jonathan Kuttab, and Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei. 

Father of all nations, we thank you for the work of Sabeel-Kairos UK. Bless their efforts and continue to strengthen the relationships between Sabeel and its partners worldwide. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer. 

A death toll rising above 5,000 is reported from the north eastern city of Derna from catastrophic flooding in the wake of Mediterranean storm Daniel. The city lacked the infrastructure to withstand the 414.1 millimeters of rain that the city received from Sunday to Monday. 

Lord Christ, we pray for all who have lost loved ones and are suffering from storm Daniel and the lack of infrastructure in Libya. Safely guide the search and rescue teams who are working tirelessly to save lives and recover bodies. We also continue to pray for those in Morocco suffering the effects of the earthquake. May the international community increase their aid to the victims in Morocco and Libya.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

We join with the World Council in their prayer for the countries of Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Sep 14th , 2023

Next week, Kumi Now will observe the International Day of Peace, which falls on Thursday, September 21st. Our focus will be on advocating for peace in Gaza. Following Hamas’ victory in the 2006 election, Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza which has created one of the worst humanitarian situations in the world. 

Lord, we lift up the precious people of the Gaza Strip who remain steadfast against all odds. We pray for the lifting of the Israeli blockade of Gaza to enable the people to live in dignity. 

Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 5th of September, the human rights organization, B’Tselem, uncovered, in a report, how dozens of masked female Israeli soldiers, with dogs, entered homes belonging to the extended Ajlouni family in Hebron. During their raid, Israeli female soldiers forced five women to strip naked in front of their frightened children.

• Lord Christ, You are the protector of the vulnerable. We pray for the Ajlouni family who were humiliated by Israeli soldiers, especially the five women who were forced to strip naked. Lord, restore the dignity of the Palestinian people and convict the hearts of those who sin.

 Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On September 5th, Israeli forces, with armored tractors, stormed the overcrowded Nur Shams refugee camp from several fronts. During their raid, A Palestinian young man, Ayed Samih Abu-Harb, aged 21, was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers.  

Divine creator, we lament this news. We pray for the comfort of Abu-Harb’s family who have lost their precious grandson, son, and brother. We ask that our hearts will be filled with compassion, compelling us to be courageous by challenging the powers that are killing precious lives. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 3rd of September, fighting broke out between two Eritrean groups, and the Israeli police in south Tel Aviv. The fighting broke out due to an event organized by Israel and the Eritrean embassy, marking 30 years of independence. Critics of the Isaias government saw it as an attempt to celebrate a dictator’s rule. During the fights, Israeli police used brute force including firing live bullets. Over 100 people were reported injured and 19 are seriously injured. Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his intention to expel all African migrants from Israel.

God of all nations, we pray for our Eritrean brothers and sisters who are suffering for several reasons, amongst them, the racism of Israel. We pray for recovery to those who are injured. May all those suffering from Israel’s racist policy stand with one another in solidarity. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

During world week of peace (between the 16th to the 23rd of September), Friends of Sabeel Australia and other organizations will be conducting worship services, educational events, and acts of support in favour of just peace for Palestinians and Israelis. 

• Benevolent God, we thank you for the efforts of Friends of Sabeel Australia and the other organizations that are acting for the goals of justice, liberation, and peace in Palestine-Israel. We pray that these efforts will be blessed by Your Holy Spirit. We also pray for our indigenous brethren in Australia who still suffer from colonialism. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 9th of September, a devastating earthquake struck Morocco. It has been reported that more than 2,000 people are killed, and the toll is expected to rise as rescuers struggle to reach hard-hit remote areas. Many of the areas suffering from the earthquake are not built to withstand such force, making the damages catastrophic.

Lord Christ, we lift up the people of Morocco who are undergoing a national tragedy. We pray for comfort for those who have lost their loved ones and strength to those fighting for their lives. We pray for all the rescue workers as they try to save every precious life still stuck in the rubble of the fallen buildings. 

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer  

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Ghana and Nigeria.

 Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave of Prayer

Sep 7th , 2023

Next week, Kumi Now Online will shed light on how the illegal Israeli occupation has harmed the city of Bethlehem. The economy of Bethlehem has suffered significantly due to its confinement by the Apartheid wall, which severely limits the freedom of movement for Palestinians. Additionally, this situation has had an adverse impact on the religious practices on both Christian and Muslim Palestinians, as they are unable to visit certain Holy sites.

Lord Christ, we pray for the city of Your birth whose residents are suffering from the realities of being occupied by a foreign ruler. This is something you are familiar with. As Kumi Now Online shines a light on the challenges brought about by the unjust Israeli occupation, we humbly ask for your mercy and intervention. May the barriers that enclose Bethlehem be dismantled and replaced by bridges of compassion. 
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Three weeks ago, Agzaya al-Kar’aan, aged 51-year-old, was deported to the blockaded Gaza Strip after 32 years of living in Israel under the pretext that she does not have Israeli residency. Al-Kar’aan was forced to leave behind her 12 children, the youngest of whom is eight years old. This decision by Israeli authorities was made in a matter of hours. Thankfully, Al-Kar’aan was able to return to her family shortly after. 

Divine consoler, we pray for Your Holy Spirit to comfort Al-Kar’aan and her family. We lift up their suffering and sadness to Your merciful heart. May we remember all Palestinian families who are separated because of Israel’s cruel policies and hope that Al-Kar’aan will be to remain permanently with her family.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

In the past few weeks, Swimmers from all over the world took part in the ‘SwimWithGaza’ campaign, which aimed at raising awareness of the evil siege imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip. They participated in their thousands from all around the world holding banners in support of Gaza. 

God of power and might, we thank you for their dedication, their selflessness, and their determination to bring awareness to the plight of those suffering. May their united message spread across the world and more people join in solidarity for the Palestinian people.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 30th of August, hundreds of Google employees and pro-Palestine activists participated in a demonstration in San Francisco, California, in solidarity with the Palestinian people. This demonstration calls for the end of the company’s contract with the Israeli government and army which helps maintain the system of Apartheid in Palestine.  

Heavenly Father, bless the efforts of the various tech workers and supporters of Palestine who peacefully raised their voices to advocate for justice, equality, and human rights. May their demonstration multiply and expand to more cities.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

On the 30th of August, Sabeel Jerusalem held a meeting with Jerusalem activists and leaders of Palestinian Churches. In this meeting, discussions were made regarding the reality of Palestinian Christians in Jerusalem in light of recent attacks against Christians and land sales by several Christian Churches to settler organizations.  

Resurrected Christ, grant those who attended the meeting wisdom, discernment, and the strength to address the reality of their situation. May they be light and salt of the earth through their actions and leadership. We pray that these meetings be translated into actions which witness to Your goodness and mercy. 
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

Last Friday and Saturday, Sabeel Jerusalem held a bazaar in honor of the Assumption of Mary. In the Bazaar, Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and surrounding areas sold and celebrated Palestinian culture, food, and their native Christian practices. This was intended to revive a dying tradition surrounding the Assumption of Mary in Jerusalem.

• Eternal God, we lift up the recent Sabeel bazaar held in honor of the Assumption of Mary, where the vibrant spirit and tradition of Palestinian Christians was exhibited. We thank all those who participated, volunteered, and organized the Sabeel bazaar. May this initiative inspire more Palestinian Christians to celebrate their identity through their culture and tradition.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo.
Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer 

Wave of Prayer

August 31st, 2023

In the upcoming week, Kumi Now will delve into the issue of unfair discrimination encountered by Palestinian citizens of Israel within the realm of education. This discrimination manifests in various aspects such as inadequate funding, biased curriculum, and the pervasive violence directed towards Palestinian students, thereby highlighting an additional element of the systematic prejudice against Palestinians.

Divine creator, we pray for all young Palestinians who are faced with unfair discrimination experienced in the Israeli schools. May You provide the next generation of Palestinians with the strength to face adversity and the wisdom to discern truth from lies.
Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, Sabeel in cooperation with their Armenian partners in the old city of Jerusalem issued a statement titled “Standing Unwavering and Resolute”. This statement addresses the challenges faced by Christian communities in the Holy Land, particularly the recent events like the controversial property deal in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City between the Armenian Patriarchy and Israeli settler organizations. The statement further calls for unity among Christians, international support, and the protection of historical heritage in the face of discrimination.

• Dear Lord Jesus, we lift up the challenges and concerns that the Christian community in the Holy Land are facing, particularly the recent events surrounding the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City. Grant us strength to stand as one, to support and uplift each other in the face of adversity.
Lord in Your mercy… 

Last week on the 21st of August, Palestinian protesters marched along the eastern borders of Gaza City to mark the 54th anniversary of the arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli soldiers were stationed along the Gaza borderlines attacking protesters with live ammunition and tear gas canisters, shooting and injuring one person. 

• God of the oppressed, we pray for the Palestinian protesters who demanded their freedom and dignity by marking the anniversary of the tragic arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We pray for recovery for those injured and for the end of the illegal Israeli siege on the Gaza strip.
Lord in Your mercy…

On the 22nd of August, Othman Abu-Khoruj, aged 17, was fatally shot in the head during an Israeli raid on the town of Zababdeh, south of Jenin. Abu-Khoruj worked at the local bakery and was the youngest son of his family. This is the highest number of Palestinian fatalities since 2005 in the West Bank. 

Eternal God, we lift up his family, his friends, and his community as they navigate through this unimaginable pain and sorrow. We remember all those who have lost their lives and loved ones in similar situations. May their memories serve as a call for peace and a reminder of the value of every life.
Lord in Your mercy…

We are delighted to announce that during the previous week, the board of Friends of Sabeel North America convened in Chicago for discussions regarding the optimal path forward in their mission. Adding to this good news, Jonathan Kuttab, the Executive Director of Friends of Sabeel North America, was honored with the prestigious title of the 2023 Legacy Peacemaker by the Mennonite Church in USA. This esteemed award is bestowed upon individuals who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of peace and justice.

• Gracious God, thank you for the important work of Friends of Sabeel North America. We pray that they be steered by Your wisdom and insight, paving the way for impactful actions that foster understanding and compassion. We are delighted by the news of Jonathan Kuttab. Grant them strength, perseverance, and resilience in their pursuit of a more harmonious and equitable world.
Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, San Francisco State University (SFSU) once again worsened its harassment of Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi. SFSU cancelled the Palestine course which was moderated by Dr. Abdulhadi, and thus confirmed its pro-Israel bias and complicity with Zionist organizations that have long sought to silence Palestinian voices in higher education. 

• Heavenly Father, we pray for Dr. Abdulhadi to be encouraged and strengthened during these frustrating times. We pray that all institutions of higher education, including SFSU, uphold the fundamental principles of academic freedom and inclusivity. May they cease actions that contribute to the silencing of Palestinian voices and perpetuate bias.
Lord in Your mercy…

In the past week, the Christian community in Jerusalem came together to honor the assumption of Mary, a celebration of profound beauty. This meaningful observance includes cherished indigenous customs, like the symbolic journey from the Church of Resurrection to the Church of the Sepulcher of Mary. Sabeel Jerusalem, with a mission to rekindle the spirit of the community picnic commemorating the Virgin Mary’s Assumption, is actively arranging a vibrant bazaar for this purpose. Set to unfold in the serene Garden of Gethsemane, situated within the grounds of the Armenian Orthodox Church, this noteworthy event is scheduled for the first and second days of September.

• Gracious God, we gather in gratitude for the rich tapestry of traditions that define our world. We celebrate the recent local Christian celebration in Jerusalem, where local Christians celebrated in honor of the assumption of Mary. This sacred occasion, woven with indigenous practices, reflects the depth of tradition that is present in Jerusalem. May the Sabeel bazaar in the Garden of Gethsemane be a source of joy, unity, and renewed faith. 
Lord in Your mercy…

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal. 

Wave of Prayer

August 24th, 2023

Next week, on the 29th of August Kumi Now will reflect on art as resistance. Art has always been a powerful channel for human expression, capable of transcending boundaries, defying oppression, and bearing witness to the struggles and aspirations of individuals and communities. In Palestine, art has long played a role in providing a voice to the voiceless and articulating the Palestinian condition.

Dear Lord, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude for the remarkable creativity and unwavering strength of Palestinian artists. We pray for more artistic endeavors to serve as a beacon of hope and a call to action, compelling the world to stand together in support of justice and the inherent dignity of all people.

 Lord in Your mercy…

On Tuesday the 15th of August, Israeli forces invaded Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in the city of Jericho and shot 16-year-old Qusay Al-Walaji and Mohammed Nujoom, 25-years-old. Al-Walaji and Nujoom eventually died from their wounds. This brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces so far this year to 216.

Heavenly Father, we lift up our prayers for the families of Al-Walaji and Nujoom. May your gentle comfort and boundless mercy encircle them in their time of grief. We collectively mourn their loss and pray that the root cause of their deaths be addressed and eliminated. 

Lord in Your mercy… 

On the 7th of August, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich refused to release NIS 200 million (around $55 million) for economic development in Palestinian municipalities in Israel. Moreover, Smotrich announced a five-year freeze of funds amounting to hundreds of million dollars to the development of East Jerusalem. At the same time Smotrich has allocated more funds to the building of more illegal settlements.

Lord Jesus Christ, we come before you in a time of concern and uncertainty, seeking guidance, wisdom, and compassion. We pray for the Palestinian communities that will be affected directly by the recent actions by the Israeli government and we pray against the expansion of illegal settlements. 

Lord in Your mercy…

For the past few weeks, a total of 13 Palestinian detainees remain on an open-ended hunger strike. This is in protest of their unfair administrative detention under Israel’s so-called administrative detention policy. According to B’Tselem, 2023 has been the year with the most Palestinians in administrative detention since 2003. 

God of liberation, we pray for strength and justice for the 13 Palestinian detainees who are enduring an open-ended hunger strike. We lift them up in our thoughts and prayers, their courage is a testament to the human spirit’s unwavering dedication to justice and freedom.

 Lord in Your mercy…

It’s truly wonderful news that Rev. Dr. Ateek is visiting Palestine and Sabeel Jerusalem from the United States this week. Rev. Dr. Ateek’s legacy as one of the founders of Sabeel and the father of Palestinian Liberation Theology has left a lasting impact amongst Palestinians, Internationals, Palestinian Theology, and many other areas. The land of Rev. Dr. Ateek’s origins eagerly anticipates the return of one of its esteemed native sons.

Gracious Lord, we ask for blessings to accompany Rev. Dr. Ateek’s journey. May his travels be safe and his interactions be infused with your wisdom. May his reunions with family, friends, and the Sabeel staff be filled with joy and meaningful connections. 

Lord in Your mercy…

The famous Greenbelt Festival is scheduled between August 24th to 27th. This event will feature various Palestinian voices and initiatives, including Muna Nassar, a representative of Sabeel-Kairos UK. Muna will be presenting on the main stage at Greenbelt in front of thousands of attendees. Additionally, three participants from the recent Sabeel Young Adult conference will share their insights about their involvement with Sabeel and their experiences related to Palestine.

Divine Creator, we pray for Muna Nassar. May her words be a bridge that connects hearts, fostering empathy and a deeper appreciation for the struggles faced by the Palestinian community. Bless all those involved with Sabeel-Kairos UK, where the work of Sabeel-Kairos UK and Sabeel Jerusalem will be showcased. May this space radiate with the light of compassion and education, illuminating the path toward justice and equality for all. 

Lord in Your mercy…

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for Liberia, Sierra Leone.
Lord in Your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

Aug 17th , 2023

Next Tuesday the 22nd of August, Kumi Now will reflect on the Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism, issued on the 22nd of August, 2006. This declaration was jointly written by several Palestinian Christian leaders addressing the implications and theological corruption of Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism perceives Palestinian presence as an obstacle to God’s plan and believes in the divine sovereignty of Jews in the whole land of Palestine, promoting an exclusivist, violent, and racist theology.  

  • Lord Jesus Christ, give us the courage to challenge any attempts to distort Your Holy word for the sake of oppression and supremacy. We pray that those who have been misled by Christian Zionism to repent and be true witnesses of Your love.
    Lord, in Your mercy…

Last Sunday, Thousands of Palestinian and Jewish-Israelis protested in what is called “The March of the Dead”. This was a joint call on the Israeli government to combat the spiralling violence amongst Palestinian communities in Israel, that has claimed 141 lives so far this year. The Israeli state has systematically neglected and removed funds to address the needs of the Palestinian communities in Israel.

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for those families who have lost their loved due to the violence in Palestinian communities in Israel this year. We pray for the end of this violence and are grateful for the recent joint protest by Palestinians and Israelis.
    Lord in Your mercy…

On Friday the 4th of August, A mob of armed Israeli settlers stormed Burqa east of Ramallah, torching at least two cars and opening fire at Palestinians who were there. Qusai Jamal Ma’atan, aged 19, he was shot dead by the armed settlers and four other Palestinians were wounded. This marks another death of a young Palestinian by armed settlers this year. 

  • Lord, we lament another death of a young Palestinian by armed settlers. We pray for Ma’atan’s family who are grieving their loss and pray for the recovery of the Palestinians who were wounded. 

In the past few weeks, a petition has been circulating among Jewish academics, practitioners, and public figures titled “The Elephant in the Room”. This petition Supports the Israeli protest movement, yet calls on it to embrace equality for Jews and Palestinians within the Green Line and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Moreover, the petition demands from elected leaders, institutions, and governments around the world to confront “The Elephant in the Room”, which is the injustices committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. 

  • Dear Lord, we are thankful for our Jewish brethren who showcase their solidarity with the Palestinian people through this petition. We pray that more academics, practitioners, and public figures, follow this petition and discuss the injustices Palestinians face.
    Lord in Your mercy…   

This week, one of our senior sabeel staff members, Sawsan Bitar, will be part of a small committee of Palestinian Christian leaders planning the annual retreat for all Palestinian clergy from Palestine/Israel. This retreat aims to foster ecumenicism and collaboration for all Christian churches in the land. 

  • Dear Lord, we thank you for all individuals, organizations, and initiatives who strive for ecumenicism, justice, and peace within the Holy land. We pray for wisdom, discernment, and protection over all those participating in the clergy retreat and in the planning committee.
    Lord in Your mercy…  

This week on Tuesday the 15th, Sabeel will be launching Kathleen Christison’s new book titled “Justice on the Cross: Palestinian Liberation Theology, the Struggle against Israeli Oppression, and the Church”. This book surveys several Liberation Theologies before exploring more deeply Palestinian liberation theology, illuminating the powerful and contextual prophetic voices around the globe.

  • Gracious God, we thank you for Kathleen’s book which witnesses to the message of hope and liberation that was fulfilled by Christ. We pray that the message of her book spreads across the globe and reaches all people, especially those suffering from oppression.
    Lord in Your mercy…  
  •  We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger.
    Lord in Your mercy…

Wave Of Prayer

August 10th, 2023

Next week’s Kumi Now will mark August the 19th as World Humanitarian Day. On this day we advocate for humanitarian aid workers and for all those affected by crises around the world. Simultaneously, we call for attention regarding the massive cuts in humanitarian aid to Palestinians and for the suffering of refugees living in Gaza, Syria and the Lebanon now living in dire need. 

Lord, we pray for all those working in humanitarian aid, and we pray for the end of the Israeli occupation and for the right of return for all Palestinian refugees forced from their land.
Lord, in your mercy…

In the last month, Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq announced his withdrawal from his seat in Baghdad after Iraqi President Abdul Rashid revoked a decree recognizing him as head of the Christian Church in Iraq. Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako of Baghdad is currently living in a self-imposed exile in Kurdistan. Patriarch Sako declared that it is part of a bid to wrest control of the Church’s assets and thus left Baghdad in protest. Patriarch Sako is a devout Christian leader of the East and is known for his stand on justice issues in Iraq.

Heavenly Father, we are thankful for Bishop Sako and the work of the Church in Iraq. We pray for justice and peace to reign in that region and we ask that Bishop Sako to be encouraged by Your presence and our solidarity.
Lord, in your mercy…  

Last week, Sabeel held a meeting with various Christian communities in Jerusalem. During the meeting, testimonies of steadfastness, hope, and courage were heard. Moreover, there was a sense of urgency to act regarding the various difficulties faced by Christian communities in Jerusalem to form a strategical plan of cooperation.

  • Lord, we pray that through the work of Sabeel with the various Christian communities in Jerusalem they will become witnesses to Your justice and mercy. We pray that our Palestinian people in Jerusalem will continue to work for freedom and justice despite the harsh realities and temptations of collaborating with the occupation.
    Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, two Palestinian boys, Mohammad Farid al-Za’areer and Mahmoud Abu Sa’n were killed by Israeli forces. Mahmoud Abu Sa’n, was killed from point blank range at the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarm.  Mohammad Farid al-Za’areer was killed near the illegal Israeli settlement of Shim’a close to Hebron. According to local Palestinian sources Za’areer was one of the top students in his class and had just finished the 9th grade.

  • Lord, we pray that You comfort the families of Mohammad Farid al-Za’areer and Mahmoud Abu Sa’n as they grieve their loss. We pray for the end of the occupation which continues to take so many young Palestinian lives.
    Lord in Your mercy… 

Over the last couple of weeks, clashes between Palestinian armed groups broke out in the refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh in the coastal city of Saida. At least 11 people have been killed and 40 wounded, hundreds of Palestinian refugee residents have fled the camp for their safety.

  • God of the oppressed, we pray for the Palestinian refugees of Ain al-Hilweh camp who are suffering from the clashes and the inhuman conditions in the Palestinian refugee camps. We pray for right of all refugees to be acknowledged, especially their right of return to their homes.
    Lord in Your mercy…

On the 27th of July, Israeli forces raided Palestinian farmland in occupied Hebron with bulldozers and poured concrete into the water sources to stop agricultural irrigation in an area that serves 25 families. This marks another incident in a long assault on Palestinian agriculture and water sources this year.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian families and farmers who continue to be deprived from their right to water. We continue to pray for an end to the Israeli military occupation and for the rights of our people to be respected. 
    Lord in Your mercy…

Last week, the World Youth Day (WYD) occurred in Portugal. WYD is a gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope. It is also a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelization for the youth of the world. Although its Catholic identity is clearly evident, WYD opens its doors to everyone, no matter how close to, or distant from the Church they are. This year over 150 young Palestinian Christians are participating int his event.

  • Loving and Gracious God, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude and hope. We thank you for the gift of youth and the opportunity to celebrate. We lift up the 150 young Palestinian Christians who join us in this pilgrimage. Bless them with strength, courage, and your unwavering presence as they navigate their journey. May this World Youth Day be a beacon of light, spreading love, understanding, and compassion in a world often divided. Inspire us to carry the spirit of this gathering into our lives, fostering unity and kindness.
    Lord in Your mercy…

– We join the World of Council of Churches with their prayer for the countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea.
Lord in Your mercy…