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On the 4th of May, Palestinian Christians and the Orthodox Christian world marked Sabt al-Nour, which symbolizes Christ’s victory when he descended to hell. Whilst the origins of Sabt al-Nour are unknown, the day has become an indigenous Palestinian Christian practice potent with meanings of faith, justice, liberation, and victory. Sadly, the day was tainted with Israeli police violence which injured one of the Sabeel staff who attempted to receive the Holy Fire. Moreover, for the first time in history, the Holy Fire did not reach those celebrating in Gaza.  

God of light, ignite in us a Holy Fire which consumes any impurities, fears, self-doubt, pride, so we may bear witness to the living Christ. Lord, remind us not to focus on the tomb of Christ, for it is empty, but focus on the mission to spread the liberating fire of the Holy Spirit, even if there are checkpoints and empires in our way.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer