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Over the past months, there have been many stories of horror coming out of Gaza, one of them is the killing of Muhammed Bhar, a Palestinian man with down syndrome and autism. After Israeli soldiers invaded Muhammed’s home, they unleashed an Israeli combat dog who mauled Muhammed to death. The family was intentionally separated from Muhammed who was left alone to die. Muhammed’s story is one of many which bears witness to the immense suffering in Gaza. 

• God of the oppressed, in a world that turns a blind eye to Gaza’s suffering, stories like Muhammed’s often go unheard and unseen. Yet, we cling to our faith, knowing that you see Muhammed and all who suffer in Gaza. Illuminate the policies, structures, and ideologies that led to Muhammed’s death, and empower us to rise against them. Lord, rescue the people of Gaza from the teeth of the Israeli occupation. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

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The Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) is hosting a Spiritual and Psychological Support Program from July 21st to 26th. This program aims to provide spiritual and psychological support to both clergy and laypeople working in violent and extreme conditions. Twelve representatives from Sabeel, including two staff members, will be participating in this program. 

• God of healing, we thank you for the efforts of the MECC in their spiritual and psychological support of people working in contexts of war. Lord, we ask that you bless all participants who are attending this program and pray that their training will bear fruits to their respective communities.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

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Israeli settlers, officials, and ministers continue to enter the grounds of the Al-Aqsa compound performing prayers, accompanied by many Israeli police officers. Under the status quo, non-Muslims may visit the site in coordination with the Mosque authorities but not allowed to perform religious practices. Therefore, these actions by Israeli ministers and officials are a clear attempt to provoke Palestinians and causes fear amongst them that Israel intends to take over the site.    

• Jesus of Nazareth, Jerusalem, as in your days, is a city of hate where corrupt powers thrive. Lord, we are infuriated by the daily double standards of morality and pray that all should be treated equally. Lord, have mercy on those who believe they can act without consequence, for their illusion is false, and your judgment is true and just. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

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On July 19th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s ongoing presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is unlawful and constitutes Apartheid. The judges highlighted numerous violations of international law by Israel in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. While this ruling is not legally binding on Israel, it significantly influences the legal interpretation of Israel’s actions as it comes from the highest authority in international law. 

• God of Justice, whilst we know the truth of Israel’s crimes for many years, educating and advocating against Israel’s Apartheid, we are glad about the ICJ’s ruling. Lord, ignite in us a fire that continues to struggle for justice, freedom, and peace. Lord, let the victims of injustice remind us that there is plenty of work to be done regardless of the progress the Palestinian cause has in international legal bodies. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

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In the early hours of Friday the 19th of July, a Houthi drone hit the city of Tel Aviv killing one person and injuring 8 others. Although the drone was identified, it was not intercepted by the Israeli military due to human error. Since then, the Houthis stated that this attack will be the first of many if an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is not achieved. However, Israel since then has heavily bombed a port in Yemen killing at least 80 people.  

• God of peace, for months we have been pleading for an immediate ceasefire. Lord, illuminate to the world that an immediate ceasefire will save numerous lives, both Palestinian and Israeli. Lord, have mercy on all the bereaved families who are mourning their loved ones killed because of violence.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

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The Israeli military continues its relentless bombing of Gaza through weapons supplied by several countries, most of which is provided by the US. The headquarters of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza has been destroyed and the man-made famine is increasing to unimageable levels. Moreover, the highly infectious polio virus has been found in sewage samples in Gaza, putting thousands of Palestinians at risk of contracting a disease that can cause paralysis. 

• God of the broken and destitute, we come to you again and again asking for you to stop this nightmare. Incarnated Christ, you stand among us, yet we fail to recognize you. We repent our failures to the people of Gaza and thank you for the voices from the wilderness who help us to turn away from sin. Make us your instruments of love by fighting the good fight, even if it makes our discipleship costly.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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Last week, Friends of Sabeel France announced that Ernest Reichert has stepped down in the role as president, and Marilyn Pacouret will be the newly elected president. Sabeel is grateful for the dedicated service Ernest has given over the years and looks forward to working with Marilyn Pacouret in the role as president.  

• Loving Father, we thank you for working through Ernest and we ask you to bless him for his service. We pray for a smooth transition for Marilyn in her new role. We pray that you grant Marilyn wisdom and courage, so that Friends of Sabeel France be able to witness to your love for the oppressed.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

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Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) will be hosting Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac in 8 cities across the United States this summer. These cities include Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, and South Carolina. Details from each city will be shared shortly by FOSNA.   

• God under the rubble, we thank you for the teamwork our movement has, functioning as one body with many parts. We pray that you bless Rev. Dr. Issac as he witnesses to your goodness and mercy in the heart of the empire. Lord, grant all in our movement wisdom rooted in humility, unwavering strength grounded in faith, and accuracy instructed by the Holy Spirit. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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The Israeli army has installed a ceiling above the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron without permission from the Palestinian authorities. Palestinian officials have accused the Israeli army of trying to change the features of the Ibrahimi Mosque, erasing the historical character of the Mosque.  

• God of inclusivity, we know that Holy spaces are meant to be places of worship for all, not for some. Lord, we pray that you illuminate to the world that the actions of Israel in Holy places are a part of a larger structural system of injustice. Lord, protect the Ibrahimi Mosque and ensure that its rich and diverse features are preserved.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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Israeli forces continue to raid towns and camps in the West Bank. The refugee camps of Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, and others have endured severe infrastructure damage from the Israeli bulldozers. Moreover, Palestinian youth get shot or detained on a weekly basis. Over 500 Palestinians in the West Bank have died since the 7th of October, many of them children. 

• God of the oppressed, everyday crimes are being committed, too many to count. Lord, how is the world so numb and ineffective towards the war crimes committed in the West Bank more than ever before? Lord, remind us that although the world seems to function with double standards which provide justice and mercy to the few, all are seen equally in your eyes and all will be judged accordingly, irrespective of their identity.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer