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On the 7th of April, Walid Daqqa, one of the most prominent Palestinian prisoners and novelists, died due to medical negligence in Israeli prisons. Walid was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after being held for 38 years. In 2022, Walid was diagnosed with cancer. Despite the many calls for his urgent release on humanitarian grounds, Israel denied Walid medical attention and treatment. Israeli forces also raided the tent where his family was receiving condolences, attacked mourners going to attend his funeral, and have withheld Walid’s body from his family.  

● God of the captives, although the powers of empire may imprison, kill, torture, harass, and silence, they cannot conquer love. We pray that you stop the systematic medical neglect of Palestinian prisoners by Israel. We plead that you hold all enablers and partakers of injustice accountable. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer