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On Friday the 26th of January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered its ruling on the emergency measures requested by South Africa in its genocide case against Israel. The court has ordered Israel to take measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza, to prevent and punish incitement to genocide in Gaza, to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, obliges Israel to take more measures to protect Palestinians, but has not ordered an immediate ceasefire.

God of light, whilst there are split reactions regarding the ICJ’s ruling, Gaza is being bombed and millions are suffering. Lord, we pray for an increase of activism which calls for accountability concerning injustice and an immediate ceasefire. Let us remember the words of the Apostle Paul, “And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good” (2 Thessalonians 3:13). 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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On the 19th of January, Palestinian-Armenians in Jerusalem celebrated Christmas. While Armenians around the world celebrate Christmas on 6th of January, Armenians in the Holy Land are the only group to mark the holiday on the 18th and 19th of the month, according to the Julian calendar. Normally, on the eve of the 19th there are special church services and ceremonies which are conducted in the Church of the Nativity all night long until the next day. However, this year, due to the current situation in Gaza, there are limited displays of Christmas festivities.    

• Emmanuel, the third Christmas in Jerusalem showcases the beautiful and diverse mosaic of our holy city. Whilst this year Christmas is not celebrated with joy but in solidarity with all who are suffering in Palestine-Israel, we wish a revolutionary and meaningful Christmas to our Armenian siblings. May you provide the local community with the gift of resilience, justice, and protection as they struggle to defend their presence in the Holy Land. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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On January 7th, Israeli forces opened fire at a car whose driver had allegedly attempted a car ramming attack in a checkpoint northwest of Jerusalem. According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces opened fire with no regard to the security of civilian life. One of the Israeli bullets killed four-year-old Ruqaya Jahalin, who was sitting in the backseat of a shared taxi.⁠ After Israeli ambulances took Ruqaya and her mother to the hospital, her body was withheld from her family by the Israeli military and was released on the 16th of January. 

• God of protection, we ask you to show the family of Jahalin that you are a merciful God who will take care of their daughter who has passed away from their sight but not from your love. Lord, so many Palestinian families have lost children from the bullets of oppression. We hold on to our faith that you are a just judge who will execute your justice on all. Help us Lord, participate in your kingdom so that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer    

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History was made on Saturday the 13th of January with global protests for Palestine. Hundreds of thousands of protestors marched in Washington and London demanding an end to U.S. and UK weapons transfers to Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and a free Palestine. More than hundred days have passed since the 7th of October and the solidarity movement for Palestine has continued to show its support. 

• Holy God, we sanctify your name when by our own life, by our own actions of solidarity, we help to build a more just world, cutting off access to violence and exploitation of others. We know, O Lord, that you are insulted when violence is done to any human being made in your image and likeness. We know, O Lord, that we worship you when human dignity is restored to the oppressed and the victims of violence. Let us worship you by working for justice for all Palestinians. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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In the past two months, Sevan Karakashian, Siham Rashid, Irene Khasho, and Anton Salameh joined the Sabeel team. All of them bring diverse and unique talents, experiences, and expertise which will aid the mission of Sabeel. The new staff will be leading new projects in addition to supporting existing ones. We are happy to see our team grow and excited to learn from the new team members.      

• God of peace, we know that fulfilling your mission is a collective effort which requires teamwork. You created us in your image and each of us are an essential part of your infinite mosaic. Lord, bless Irene, Anton, Siham, and Sevan as they begin their work with Sabeel. Protect them and guide them with your Holy Spirit. Let us remember the words of the book of Hebrews “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

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Last week, Israel’s military intensified its drone strikes and ground incursions in the West Bank, killing many. Furthermore, more Palestinians in the West Bank are being shot by Israeli soldiers on the pretext of “security”. One disturbing case was that of the young Palestinian man, Mohammad Sayil, who was killed by Israeli forces when he went to open a barrier blocking a street in Beit Jala. 

• God of love, it is hard to mourn while our suffering is increasing every day. We have been enduring continuous trauma for generations. We know that you see and feel the pains of oppression with us. Lord, comfort the bereaved families as they mourn their loss and help them with their needs. Help us with our selfishness and fear, may we not ask what will happen to us if we do not act, but what will happen to the oppressed if we remain complicit. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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Last week, Gaza had a near-total telecommunications blackout, making it difficult for information to get out. The small amount of information which managed to reach outside of Gaza is horrifying. The death toll continues to rise, with hundreds dying every day. There is a rise of cases in Hepatitis A among Gaza’s population, and Israel is conducting attacks on the vicinity of the only remaining functioning Gaza hospital (Nasser hospital) in Khan Younis. The suffering in Gaza is unspeakable.     

• God of light, you dwell with those who are crucified by weapons, public policy and social indifference. We are not able to know the true extent of what our Palestinian siblings are going through in Gaza, but trust that you, O Lord, know intimately every single tear and cry. Hear the cry of the oppressed, deliver us from the many forms of oppression. Lord, we remember the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Help us Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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Friends of Sabeel globally have been active in their efforts of advocating for justice in Palestine-Israel since the 7th of October. Friends of Sabeel are seen on the streets protesting, holding vigils, organizing petitions and statements, hosting webinars, helping, and fundraising events. This is an illustration of the power of friendship which is proven in dark times. 

God of the oppressed, we are thankful for the beautiful solidarity of our friends. We pray that you empower us as one human family to join hands in our struggle for liberation, justice, and peace in Palestine. Aid us in our teamwork and deepen our friendship, so that we become true agents for justice that empower the oppressed holistically. Lord, help us spread the work of Sabeel, promoting it’s vision and working for it’s mission. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer          

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After 100 days of war in Gaza, more than 10,000 children, or 1 percent of the total child population in Gaza have been killed, according to a new report by Save The Children. The report also details that Gazan children surviving Israeli aggressions are enduring unspeakable horrors, including life-altering injuries, burns, diseases, inadequate medical care, and losing family and loved ones.

God of peace, you have created each of us in your image and likeness, you sustain us through your songs and melodies of life, even if some people deny this. Help us remember in our faith that every Gazan child who has died, has not passed away from your love. You are all merciful and will replace their pain and suffering with laughter and joy. Lord, as long as we live, the martyred children too will live, for they are now a part of us, as we remember them and bear witness to their loss.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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On the 13th of January, a Sabeel project called Palaction launched their online campaign. In their online campaign Palaction held a 24hour campaign holding a platform for videos and influencers to share their message of solidarity and advocacy for an immediate ceasefire and the implementation of international law. Palaction seeks to be a global resource for engaging with and supporting the movement for justice in Palestine. 

God of justice, we remember the words of the Apostle Paul “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). Lord, we believe that whoever and wherever people struggle for freedom through love, your spirit is there. Help us to realize your presence in the struggle for liberation. May Palaction be used as a vessel to express your love. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer