Wave of Prayer

In recent weeks, several Palestinians in Gaza have died from starvation, most of them are kids and babies. Furthermore, humanitarian aid has been systemically denied entry into Gaza and aid convoys are coming under Israeli fire. On the 29th of February, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, which resulted in the killing of over 120 Palestinians and wounded over 760 people. This massacre is known as the “Flour Massacre.”

Lord Christ, you tell us that you are the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35). We come before you shocked, disgusted, and lost. We plead that you provide the people of Gaza their daily bread while so many are starving. Lord, intervene and stop these atrocities which kill people even as they wait for aid. Provide aid to our oppressors who are sick spiritually, morally, and politically.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer