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Last week, Sabeel hosted two delegations. They traveled across East Jerusalem and the West Bank, bearing witness to the stories of communities under duress on the ground. They will return back to their home countries this week with renewed commitment and advocacy. 

Gracious God, we give thanks for the two delegations that Sabeel hosted. We are grateful for the stories they heard, the connections they made, and the courage they showed in being present with those living under occupation. As these delegates prepare to return to their communities, we pray for their safety and for the Holy Spirit to bless them in their important work back home. May the experiences they have witnessed take root deeply in their hearts. We pray for the communities they leave behind, that they may feel uplifted by the presence of those who stand in solidarity with them. Strengthen Sabeel in our ongoing mission to foster hope, healing, and justice.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer