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Last week, amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East, the United States deployed the THAAD missile defense system and around 100 troops to Israel. Ironically, the increase in US troop presence comes at the same time that the Biden administration verbally threatened to withhold military aid to Israel. U.S. soldiers will be operating from Israeli military bases, deepening direct U.S. involvement in Israel’s war and possible participation in war crimes. 

Merciful Creator, we come before you with heavy hearts, grieving the deepening conflict and the risk of further suffering for all peoples in this region. Lord, we lift up all people caught in the crossfire—those living under occupation, those fearing for their lives, and those struggling to find hope amidst violence. We ask that your spirit of peace dwell among us. Empower the voices calling for justice and peace to rise above the noise of war. Transform the hearts of soldiers, leaders, and all in power so that they may become instruments of peace rather than participants in harm. May your will, which is peace for all people, be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer