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Last week, a report by the Watson Institution for International and Public Affairs revealed that since 7th October 2023, the United States spent over $22.76 billion dollars in taxpayer money on military aid to Israel and related U.S. operations in the Middle East. This figure does not include commitments to future spending that were made this year. 

God of Life, in a world that invests in so much in violence, we look towards your example through your Son Jesus Christ, who taught us that to be faithful to you is to always honor the sanctity of life. Holy Spirit, remind us of Christ’s call to be peacemakers, to turn swords into plowshares, and to choose compassion over conflict. In a time where so much is spent on destruction, we pray that the hearts of leaders may be transformed, choosing to invest in life, in peace, and in justice. May we, as your people, be instruments of your peace, standing against the systems of violence and bearing witness to the life-giving power of love. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer