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Last week, Israeli settlers armed with weapons and IOF protection stormed an elementary school in Jericho, physically assaulting children and school staff. The ongoing Israeli invasion into the occupied West Bank has seen escalating settler violence with IOF backing while Israel continues daily raids in multiples cities. Another place of education, Dar-al-Kalima University near Bethlehem, was also attacked during Israel’s assault at the nearby Dheisheh refugee camp, disrupting the daily activities of students and staff. 

God of Justice, We grieve the violence against children and places of learning in Jericho and Bethlehem. Protect the innocent and strengthen those who stand for peace and justice. In the face of settler and military oppression, empower the Palestinian people to rise with courage and dignity. Transform hearts hardened by hatred, and bring an end to the occupation that causes such suffering. Let Your justice flow like a mighty stream, so that all may live in peace and freedom.

Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.