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Last week, it was revealed by both the head of UNWRA and the Israeli National Security Council that the Israeli government has stopped issuing visas to members of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This comes on top of an ongoing entry ban of international media to report freely from inside Gaza, funding cuts to UNWRA, and at a time when several senior UN officials are not given permission to visit Gaza and/or are prevented to travel to the West Bank including East Jerusalem. 

God of Compassion, we lift up the aid workers in Palestine who serve with courage and dedication. Strengthen them in their mission, guiding their hands and hearts as they bring healing, hope, and relief to those in need. Fill them with a steadfast commitment to peace, and inspire them to promote the dignity and flourishing of all people in the land.

We also ask that You be with the local civil society organizations and communities. Empower them to continue their vital work of care, advocacy, and support, even in the face of great challenges. Grant them resilience, wisdom, and the resources they need to sustain their efforts.

Lord, in Your mercy… hear our prayer.