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Last week, Israeli forces killed a U.S.  activist in the occupied West Bank. Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old American citizen, was killed by a shot to the head. Active as a student in advocating for the Palestinian struggle in the U.S., she came to Palestine three days prior to her death to protect Palestinian farmers with the same peace activist movement that Rachel Corrie, a U.S. citizen killed by an Israeli bulldozer in 2003, was also a part of. In a statement following her death, her family wrote: “Like the olive tree she lay beneath where she took her last breaths, Aysenur was strong, beautiful, and nourishing […] an Israeli investigation is not adequate. We call on Biden, Harris, and Blinken to order an independent investigation.”  

Dear God, we come before You in grief and sorrow for the loss of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a victim of empire violence and hate. We lift up her family, praying for solace and strength as they navigate this unimaginable pain. As we mourn beside them, fill us with the same courage that moved Aysenur Ezygi Eygi, Rachel Corrie, Aaron Bushnell, Shireen Abu Akleh, and many others who, in witnessing injustice, remained as strong and unmoving as the olive trees. Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with the fire of Your wrath, just as You were filled with it when You confronted Cain, saying: “Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground” (Genesis 4:10). May we, too, hear the cries of the oppressed and respond with unwavering conviction, guided by Your justice and love.  

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer