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Last week, Euromed reported that 10% of Gaza’s total population, or approximately 120,000 people, have been killed, injured, kidnapped, or disappeared by Israel. This number is likely underreported, as other sources such as from reputable British medical journal Lancet have estimated a death toll of at least 186,000. Furthermore, Gaza officials revealed that over 70% of Palestinians killed by Israel were women and children.   

Lifegiving Creator, we cannot fathom the stench of death surrounding Gaza. As we grieve for the victims who are denied the dignity of a proper burial and for the countless lives reduced to mere statistics, we ask You to hold each soul in Your tender care. Grant us the strength to remember their names, their stories, and their humanity. Holy Spirit do not allow us to be numb to the suffering, violence, and death of the people of Gaza, but rather, move us to be even more active in our resistance against injustice.  

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer