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In Israel’s continued invasion of the West Bank, the Israeli military destroyed large segments of civilian infrastructure in the Palestinian cities of Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarem. As Israel declares the West Bank as a second war zone and the second most critical front after Gaza, Jenin has become the epicenter of Israel’s violent incursion of the West Bank. Military forces have deployed armored vehicles, bulldozers, snipers, drones, and aircraft to decimate entire communities, with at least 33 civilians already killed (including young children) by snipers and drones and 70% of streets and infrastructure destroyed.  Journalists and others are pointing out that Israel is rendering Jenin uninhabitable, and just like Gaza, all essential services like water and electricity have been cut off. IOF raids are also expanding to central West Bank areas of Ramallah and Bethlehem.  

Divine Protector, how much despair can our people take? As we lose our loved ones, our homes, and our livelihoods, we cry out before You. Grant us the strength to resist oppression with dignity and the hope to continue striving for peace. We pray for an end to the occupation and for the restoration of justice, asking that international law and human rights be upheld for all. May those in power act with compassion and fairness, and may violence give way to dialogue and reconciliation. End the injustice that plagues our land, and bring forth a just and lasting peace.  

Lord in Your mercy… hear our prayer.