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Over 2 million Gazans remain at risk of food-insecurity, and half are at risk of starvation. Several Gazans, many of them children, have been killed due to the ongoing man-made famine. The reports of the famine in Gaza cannot depict the full scale of suffering. The news that manages to come out of Gaza may be the tip of the iceberg. According to UNRWA “food insecurity” has increased by 80 percent since December. Furthermore, the UN has suspended aid due to untenable security caused by the Israeli military invasion of Rafah.  

God of the starving, we pray for the millions of Gazans who are going through an engineered famine. Multiply the little aid and food in Gaza as you did when feeding the 5,000 and stop this horror of starvation. Lord, we also pray for our oppressors who are having their own famine of love and repentance. We hold on to our faith that, “the poor shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord” (Psalm 22:26).

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer