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Gaza has been experiencing death, starvation, displacement, diseases, and horrific humanitarian collapse for more than 120 days. Over 27,000 people have died in Gaza since the 7th of October. The cold and rainy weather conditions have added to the nightmare millions are living through daily in Gaza.  Furthermore, as more time passes without a ceasefire, the certainty of the security of the Israeli hostages diminishes. An immediate ceasefire could save numerous lives.    

God of the oppressed, bring an end to the suffering in Gaza. Preserve each Gazan life. Help us be agents of your kingdom. If you call us to be brave like Stephen, give us courage. If you call us to repent from our sins like Saul, open our eyes so that we repent. Give us faith which can move mountains and bring a ceasefire, despite the wishes of the empires of the world. Lord, may your will be done. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer