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On January 7th, Israeli forces opened fire at a car whose driver had allegedly attempted a car ramming attack in a checkpoint northwest of Jerusalem. According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces opened fire with no regard to the security of civilian life. One of the Israeli bullets killed four-year-old Ruqaya Jahalin, who was sitting in the backseat of a shared taxi.⁠ After Israeli ambulances took Ruqaya and her mother to the hospital, her body was withheld from her family by the Israeli military and was released on the 16th of January. 

• God of protection, we ask you to show the family of Jahalin that you are a merciful God who will take care of their daughter who has passed away from their sight but not from your love. Lord, so many Palestinian families have lost children from the bullets of oppression. We hold on to our faith that you are a just judge who will execute your justice on all. Help us Lord, participate in your kingdom so that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer