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On the 28th of December, masked men numbering around 30 stormed the Armenian Quarter in the old city of Jerusalem. These men attacked the Armenian community and clergy by throwing rocks and other objects. Unfortunately, the Israeli police was late to intervene. This attack is one of several against the Armenian community in the last two months. These attacks are believed by the local Armenian community to be connected to the cancellation of the deal to acquire a plot of land in the Armenian neighborhood by Jewish investors.

God of power, we thank you for the brave individuals of the Armenian community and the “Save the ArQ (Armenian Quarter) movement” which seeks to defend and preserve Armenian presence in Jerusalem. We hold on to our faith that all corruption whether through land deals or violent attacks will be held accountable through your justice. We pray that the recent statement by the Save the ArQ movement will be heard like trumpets all across the world.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer