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On the 22nd of December, Sabeel published a new issue of Cornerstone which contextualizes Advent and the Christmas message to our present reality in Palestine. The authors of the Cornerstone issue argue that the authentic message of the incarnation of Christ is one which demands repentance, revolution, courage, recognition to those unseen, and liberation to the oppressed. This interpretation rereads the Christmas story as an event which challenges colonialism in all its forms and empowers those who are the least of these in our societies. 

God who is and was and is to come, you are the true ruler of the earth and cosmos. Evil powers, structures, or individuals are an illusion in their own temporal might. We thank you for all the Palestinians who are witnessing to your Holy name this Christmas. Lord, help us as we attempt to carry our own crosses. Guide us in your wisdom and not in our own understanding. Let us remember your faithfulness to creation as you choose to be incarnated in the humblest of ways.     

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer