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For over 120 days, Palestinian medical workers, journalists, and rescue teams have been working under constant life threating situations and hellish conditions. At least 300 healthcare workers have been killed in Gaza, according to the UN. This is more than the total number of health worker deaths recorded across all countries in conflict last year, and in any single year since 2016. Furthermore, according to the government media in Gaza, at least 100 journalists have been killed since the 7th of October.  

Everlasting God, words cannot express how the medical workers, journalists, and rescue teams have showed acts of heroism. They are saints in medical and journalist uniforms, risking their lives for the sake of others. Lord, protect the remaining medical teams, journalists, and rescue teams who have not yet been killed. Illuminate how we, wherever we are and with the capabilities we have, can act with selfless love for those most in need. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

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Over the past two weeks, Israeli demonstrators gathered to stop aid lorries from entering Gaza at several crossings. Some of the protesters include family members of captives being held by Hamas and are demanding that their release come before any more humanitarian aid can cross. As a result, hundreds of lorries carrying lifesaving aid have been forced to turn around at the crossings and enter through Rafah, severely delaying life-saving aid.  

 God of life, we are seeing how vicious one can be when their enemy is dehumanized. Protect us from the desire for revenge and give us the wisdom to seek healing through the end of occupation, siege, massacres, starvation, hostages, and any other form oppression. Allow the lorries with humanitarian aid to enter Gaza swiftly, saving the thousands of desperate Gazans.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer      

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Gaza has been experiencing death, starvation, displacement, diseases, and horrific humanitarian collapse for more than 120 days. Over 27,000 people have died in Gaza since the 7th of October. The cold and rainy weather conditions have added to the nightmare millions are living through daily in Gaza.  Furthermore, as more time passes without a ceasefire, the certainty of the security of the Israeli hostages diminishes. An immediate ceasefire could save numerous lives.    

God of the oppressed, bring an end to the suffering in Gaza. Preserve each Gazan life. Help us be agents of your kingdom. If you call us to be brave like Stephen, give us courage. If you call us to repent from our sins like Saul, open our eyes so that we repent. Give us faith which can move mountains and bring a ceasefire, despite the wishes of the empires of the world. Lord, may your will be done. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer     

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On the same day the ICJ delivered its provisional ruling regarding the charges brought by South Africa against the state of Israel, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) was plunged into crisis. This was due to Israel accusing 12 of UNRWA’s employees in Gaza of involvement in Hamas’ 7th of October attack. In response to these allegations, the United States, Britain, Germany, and other top donor countries suspended their funding to UNRWA. This suspension of funding threatens the “lifesaving” humanitarian assistance UNRWA provides in Gaza.    

God of justice, we are frightened by the news that so many countries are suspending funds to UNRWA, an agency that so many Gazans depend on for aid. We remember the words of Christ who taught us that, “everyone who sins is a slave to sin” (John 8:34). We pray for the liberation of those who decided to suspend their funds which so many lives depend on. We pray that oppressors repent of their sin, and begin working to restore justice in places where there has been none. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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On the 30th of January, Israeli forces disguised as medical staff and civilians shot and killed three Palestinians who were allegedly connected to Hamas inside a hospital in the city of Jenin. The killings were carried out by undercover operatives while the men were sleeping at Ibn Sina Hospital according to statements issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health and the Israeli army. Since the 7th of October, Jenin and other cities in the West Bank experience daily raids by Israel.  

Almighty God, places where the sick and wounded are cared for are sacred. We pray that the guns and death which follow the Israeli occupation stay away from the places where sick and wounded people are taken care of. Lord, what world do we live in where hospitals have become conflict zones? Lord, help us to diagnose the true source of oppression and treat it accordingly. Foster in us Holy anger against sin.     

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

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Last week, Churches around the world marked a week of ecumenical prayer for Christian unity. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from the 18th to the 25th of January. In Palestine, the services occurred in the Church of the Resurrection, St. James Cathedral, Church of the Redeemer, St. George’s Cathedral, and other Churches sacred to various denominations.   

God of inclusivity, we are encouraged to see the Churches praying with one another in the spirit ofecumenism. Lord, we pray for unity which is not rooted in the interests of preserving the institution’s legitimacy and life, but a unity which can raise the voice of those unheard and rejected. Let the Churches work together with God in our hope and commitment to confront injustice and oppression in all its forms.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer 

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Friends of Sabeel North America participated on the 24th of January in an interfaith event for Gaza which focused on liberation, lament, and learning. Sabeel-Kairos UK were a part of several protests in different cities in the UK calling for ceasefire and a free Palestine. All our friends abroad have demonstrated a Christian voice for Palestine in their respective contexts.    

Everlasting God, we thank you for the solidarity around the globe. We remember that “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” (Proverbs 29:7). Lord, increase the activism around the globe of those who are righteously standing for justice for the Palestinian people and courageously exposing how the wicked are complicit in the suffering of so many.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  

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On the 27th of January, marked the international day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. This day commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, which resulted in the genocide of one third of the Jewish people, along with countless members of other minorities by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. 

Almighty God, we lament the many lives lost in the Holocaust who were victims of supremacist and racist ideologies. Help us remember and recognize the sanctity of each human life, that all people are made in your image. We pray that genocide and hatred will be cease, and that love will triumph over evil. Never again means never again for anybody. Lord, we pray for an immediate ceasefire. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer

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In the past week, Khan Yunis has been a target of bombings and military operations. Many displaced Gazans who sought shelter in Khan Yunis were ordered to flee by the Israeli military, causing mass panic and adding to the hellish humanitarian conditions. Moreover, the Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis has been raided and bombed severely, causing 95% of the hospital staff to flee to Rafah, according to local sources. The complete extent of suffering in Khan Yunis is not yet known.     

God of justice, we are shaken by the few reports that have come out from Khan Yunis. Whilst it seems you are absent from the people in Gaza, we hold on to our faith that, “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed” (Psalm 106:3). Lord, take care of your children in Gaza who are suffering so terribly, and help us advocate their cause in our daily lives.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer   

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Last week, 42-year-old Lara Tannous who worked as a pharmacist at a Jerusalem hospital died from her wounds sustained by a shooting nearly three weeks ago. Amar Mansour, aged 32, was also killed during the attack. The shooters have yet to be identified, however, local sources claim that the shooting was by Israeli settlers. The Palestinian Christian community is in mourning as Tannous was a beloved and admired figure in the community. 

God of love, we come before you saddened by the loss of Tannous and Mansour. We lift up their families who are mourning, and we pray that they may feel your love during these difficult times. Lord, whilst we have little hope that injustice will be accounted for, we lift up our grievances in lament that you shall hold all preparators and enablers of injustice accountable. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer