Bishop Edmond Browning

Bishop Edmond Browning’s Funeral
Trinity Cathedral

Portland, OR
July 19, 2016

On behalf of SabeeI and Friends of Sabeel I would like to express my deepest condolences and sincere sympathies to Patti Browning and to all the Browning family. We share your grief.  We also loved Bishop Browning; and we give thanks to God for his life and witness.

It is a great honor and privilege to be asked to take part in this funeral service for a person I loved, admired, and respected greatly.

Bishop Browning was the President of Friends of Sabeel North American from its inception in 1966 until he became president emeritus in 2012.  He and Patti visited us in Jerusalem a number of times.  They were both dedicated to the quest for a just peace in Palestine-Israel.  In one of our international conferences, Bishop Browning was the keynote speaker in Jerusalem.  He and Patti were true friends and staunch supporters of Sabeel’s ministry.

When I think of Bishop Browning, two words come to mind:

The first is HUMILITY:  During my high school days in Nazareth, we had to memorize the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling.  One of its stanzas reads, “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings …nor lose the common touch.”  These words, I believe fit well Bishop Browning.  During his time as presiding bishop, he met with presidents and world leaders and he had a good collection of photos with them.  On a visit to their home in Hood River, I expected to see those pictures displayed in the living room.   To my surprise they were relegated to a lesser visible place in the house.   This is the kind of person Bishop Browning was.  He walked with kings and presidents but did not lose the common touch.  He was reachable, approachable, and accessible.  “God gives grace to the humble.”

The second is COURAGE:  Bishop Browning had a soft voice but a big heart and a great courage.  In the Gospels, Jesus criticized religious leaders for having eyes but could not see.  Bishop Browning’s eyes could see.  He saw the agony of the victims of injustice.  When he visited Palestine, he felt with the Palestinians who were living under the oppressive Israeli occupation of their country.  Like Bishop Desmond Tutu who also visited us, he could see and feel the injustice and oppression.  In 2003, with the help of Bishop Browning, we were able to invite Bishop Tutu to become the international patron of Sabeel.  And he continues in this role to this day.   Bishop Browning took a courageous stand for justice for the Palestinians.  Even when it was not fashionable, he stood on the side of the marginalized.  For Bishop Browning, there were no outcasts.   His stance reflected the spirit of love and compassion for the victims of discrimination.

As we pay our respect for this dear friend and brother, I believe he still has a pertinent message for us all:  “Don’t forget the victims of discrimination and racism in your communities.  Work for their liberation.”  And I would like to think that he has a special word to the leadership of our Episcopal Church, bishops, clergy, and lay:  “Don’t forget the Palestinians.  They too are God’s children.  Champion their just cause, and work for their liberation so that they and their Israeli neighbors may live in security and peace.”

Canon Naim Ateek

Chair of Sabeel Board

CORNERSTONE – N° 74 – Edition française

Le Courage de changer de Direction

« Jean-Baptiste, dans sa prison, entendit parler des oeuvres du Christ. Alors il envoya quelques-uns de ses disciples demander à Jésus : « Es-tu le Messie qui doit venir ou devons-nous attendre quelqu’un d’autre ? » Jésus leur répondit : « Allez raconter à Jean ce que vous entendez et voyez : les aveugles voient, les boiteux marchent, les lépreux sont guéris, les sourds entendent, les morts reviennent à la vie et la Bonne Nouvelle est annoncée aux pauvres. »
Matthieu 11, 2-6.(FC)


Bible Study Facilitators Training

On July 22nd, 2016 Sabeel held the third training meeting for Bible Study Facilitators at the Latin Church in Zababdeh. Two young men and 4 young women attended the meeting from Ramallah, Bethlehem, Zababdeh and Jerusalem. Each Facilitator was asked to prepare two of Jesus’ parables from the Bible. We were amazed at the way they presented the texts, despite the fact that they were a little bit afraid when we asked them to prepare their own bible reflections. They all did a great job. We ended the meeting with a lovely lunch arranged by one of the facilitators. The clergy in the village of Zababdeh joined us for lunch and they expressed their appreciation for the work that Sabeel is doing with those young people.

Sabeel Jerusalem Visiting Nazareth

Sabeel organized a field visit to the city of Nazareth on Friday, July 15, 2016. The visit included a tour to Mary of Nazareth International Center. During the tour our group watched a high-tech film on Mary’s childhood up to the annunciation, ending with the mystery of the Ressurection.

After lunch we visited Nasijona organization that seeks to preserve local heritage, support women and revive Palestinian art, and care for culture and social relationships. Sthe women of Sabeel Nazareth came and met our group at Nasijona and we had wonderful time and very warm hospitality.

Women’s Meeting: Al-Ghabseyeh

On July 8th 2016, there was one of the monthly women’s meetings. They have been doing a book study on I Come from There…and Remember, about Palestinian villages which were displaced during the Nakba. One of the women prepared information and discussion questions about the village of Al-Ghabseyeh. There was a discussion about the differences in the area then and now.

June Youth Bible Study

On June 30th, 2016, there was a youth Bible study. The youth met with Sister Losel, the youth and women’s Bible study facilitator, to read, discuss, and ask questions. The passage for this meeting was the story of Jesus healing in Capernaum in Luke 5:17-36. There were eight participants.


Eilaboon is an Arab Palestinian village inside Israel. The village is located on the far west-side of the Sea of Galilee. It is  inhabited by Christians and Muslims, with a population of 5000 people.

The village was occupiedby the Israeli forces on October 30th 1948. A massacre took placeafter the village surrendered.

The inhabitants of the village were forced to abandon the village on foot heading North. After 50 days, the people returned gradually, as part of an agreement between Archbishop Hakim and the leader of the “Arab Sector” in the Israeli Foreign Ministry. The village remained under Martial Law until 1966.

Sabeel organized an educational tour to the village of Eilaboon.

A Tour to Haifa

Inspired by the successful book launch of “Haifa” Sabeel Nazareth organized an educational tour to the city of Haifa. The Participants walked in the city and listened to stories and testimonies from the people who have remained, and escaped the forced eviction of the Jewish militias.

Women’s Meeting: Al-Birwa

The women’s book study group had their monthly meeting on June 10th. They are currently doing a series of meetings where they talk about a village that was displaced in 1948, during the Nakba, using Sabeel’s book I Come from There…and Remember. This month, the focus was on the village of Al-Birwa.