To download the new booklets by Rev Dr Naim Ateek please see the links below for epub and PDF format.
To download the new booklets by Rev Dr Naim Ateek please see the links below for epub and PDF format.
On Friday, November 3, 2017 130 people gathered at Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem, as Sabeel, together with Bilda (Swedish Christian Study Centre), The Educational Bookshop and the Tantur Ecumenical Institute hosted a book launch to introduce Rev. Naim Ateek’s latest work, A Palestinian Theology of Liberation; The Bible, Justice and the Palestine-Israel Conflict (Orbis, 2017). Following are excerpts from endorsements given by Cedar Duaybis and Rev. Páraic Réamon:
Rev. Páraic Réamon:
From Gutiérrez and Ateek, Gustavo and Naim, I and many others have learned that the calling of the worldwide church – a calling the Western church finds particularly challenging – is to stand with the poor and the downtrodden. But that calling is also to invite those who tread them down to stop doing that – to invite the exploiter, the oppressor and the dominator instead into the new community of those who live as equals because we are all God’s children.
My friend Robert Smith was blogging recently about the New Christian Zionism. He concluded that all of us are confronted with a threefold task: “Now is the time for a new conversation about Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations, a new conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a new conversation about historical Christian responsibility.”
In that complex conversation, the Palestinian liberation theology that Naim began now almost thirty years ago, and that continues today in his own writings but now also in the writings of so many others, is an essential voice that must be heard.
Let my last word therefore be Walter Brueggemann’s word. “This important book will be a great learning among us to which Western Christians of every ilk should pay attention.”
May it be so.
Cedar Duaybis:
The context is Palestinian, the experience is Palestinian, the need is Palestinian and the theologian is Palestinian, but the Theology is liberating, and the Theology is liberated. “A theology of liberation is a way of speaking prophetically and contextually to a particular situation, especially where oppression, suffering and injustice have long reigned.“
Rev. Páraic Réamon is currently serving as pastor of St. Andrew ‘s Scots Memorial Church in Jerusalem. Cedar Duaybis is a co-founder of Sabeel.
A critical examination of political Zionism, a topic often considered taboo in the West, is long overdue. Moreover, the discussion of Christian Zionism is usually confined to Evangelical and fundamentalist settings. The present volume will break the silence currently reigning in many religious, political, and academic circles and, in so doing, will provoke and inspire a new, challenging conversation on theological and ethical issues arising from various aspects of Zionism – a conversation that is vital to the quest for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.
“The wall has been broken down,” Paul (or one of his pupils) writes in the Epistle to the Ephesians. The ‘wall of hostility” which separated Jewish people from non-Jewish people has been broken down by Jesus Christ, through God`s unconditional and universal love which goes out to all men and women, irrespective of their ethnic origin , race, sex or social position.
Time and again such a wall has been rebuilt as in our own days there is once again a high wall of separation in the Holy Land, a wall that divides Israelis from Palestinians. That wall is a means and a symbol of fear, hostility and violence. The wall has been broken down”, that proclamation by Paul is also a mission and a promise regarding all walls that keep people apart, walls which often go straight through our own hearts.
This collection offers a broad look at the history of Christianity in the Holy Land, the contributions of the historic churches, the tradition of pilgrimage, the effect of cultural context on Biblical reflection, and the current realities of Palestinian life both for those living under Israeli Occupation and for those who are Israeli citizens.
The issue of Palestinian suicide bombings has become a familiar topic to many people throughout the world. It is easy for people, whether inside Israel/Palestine or outside to either quickly and forthrightly condemn it as a primitive and barbaric form of terrorism against civilians; or condone and support it as a legitimate method of resisting an oppressive Israeli occupation that has trampled Palestinian dignity and brutalized their very existence.
As a Christian, I know that the way of Christ is the way of nonviolence and,therefore, I condemn all forms of violence and terrorism whether coming from the government of Israel of rom militant Palestinian groups. This does not mean, however, that all Christians believe in nonviolence. On the contrary, socalled Christian nations in the West have waged some of the bloodiest wars in history and have been responsible for the worst atrocities and violations of human rights.
At this site on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus asked the question of Peter, “Do you love me?” He then followed with the directive to go out to serve. It is our prayer that you will use this quiet time to hear Jesus speaking to you in a way that not only enriches your personal faith, but also challenges you to participate in God`s ministry of justice and peace.