Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
October 17th 2024

Last week, Israeli forces ordered the evacuation of patients from Kamal Adwan, Indonesian, and al-Awda hospitals in a renewed ground invasion into North Gaza. Patients, healthcare workers, and families taking shelter were forced to leave with nowhere to go, with many vulnerable patients and injured in the ICU who were unable to evacuate. In addition, thousands of people trapped in the Jabalia and Beit Lahia camps are suffering from a near-total shortage of food supplies due to a blockage by Israel and continuous bombings. Eyewitnesses able to escape to Gaza City report dead bodies lying on the street, hundreds under the rubble, and the blocking of ambulances and other methods of victim support. 

God of Mercy, the horrors in Gaza worsen each week. The scenes of death are beyond anything we can fathom, and we are overwhelmed with grief and despair. We ask you to protect the families of North Gaza as they endure unimaginable suffering. We ask for your provision in their time of need and for this violence to cease.  Strengthen us in our courage and in our numbers to escalate our voices for Gaza and all people suffering under oppression. Lord may your light shine amidst darkness.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Israeli settlers launched attacks that targeted Palestinians, their property and a mosque in the West Bank. The assaults occurred in Nablus, Ramallah, and Bethlehem. These attacked injured at least 11 Palestinians, including a child. Since October 2023, incidents of settler violence–averaging 4 per day according to the United Nations–have resulted in the displacement of 28 Bedouin communities and the deaths of 19 Palestinians throughout the West Bank. 

Gracious God, we come before you in grief and anger over the continued violence inflicted upon Palestinians, Bedouins, and all marginalized communities in the West Bank. We pray for the injured and for all those traumatized by these brutal acts. We ask for justice to prevail, and for the hearts of those who perpetrate violence be transformed. We hold the displaced Bedouin communities, and the lives lost in our hearts, and we ask for your protection over them. May the Israeli military occupation come to an end and faith be restored in international law and human rights.  

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Israel conducted an airstrike on the Tulkarem Camp in the West Bank, which was the largest and deadliest air strike in the West Bank in over 20 years. At least 16 people were killed. Many fear that Israel’s tactics in Gaza are now being applied to the West Bank, Lebanon, and beyond. 

God of Compassion, we witness in horror as violence continues to spread across the region and beyond. We hold the people in Tulkarem Camp in our hearts, and we pray for their protection. May your healing presence be felt in their grief, and may they find strength in each other. We ask that the cycle of violence cease and that all who commit war crimes be held accountable for their evil deeds.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, a report by the Watson Institution for International and Public Affairs revealed that since 7th October 2023, the United States spent over $22.76 billion dollars in taxpayer money on military aid to Israel and related U.S. operations in the Middle East. This figure does not include commitments to future spending that were made this year. 

God of Life, in a world that invests in so much in violence, we look towards your example through your Son Jesus Christ, who taught us that to be faithful to you is to always honor the sanctity of life. Holy Spirit, remind us of Christ’s call to be peacemakers, to turn swords into plowshares, and to choose compassion over conflict. In a time where so much is spent on destruction, we pray that the hearts of leaders may be transformed, choosing to invest in life, in peace, and in justice. May we, as your people, be instruments of your peace, standing against the systems of violence and bearing witness to the life-giving power of love. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Many Friends of Sabeel networks have been planning events to mark one year since October 7th. Canadian Friends of Sabeel is holding a webinar on November 4th, 2024 titled: “One Year Later: Our Response to Genocide and Occupation in Palestine” featuring Palestinian theologian Daniel Bannoura and Palestinian peace activist Shadia Qubti. To register either in person or online, please visit the CFOS website. 

God of justice, we thank you for the work of our friends around the world, and we pray that they may continue to be guided and protected by the Holy Spirit as they lead with prophetic action and imagination. May this event and all the advocacy efforts by Friends of Sabeel networks continue to move the Church towards compassion, peace, and justice. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayer for the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer