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This week marks one year of unprecedented violence across the region, with the number of casualties reaching record highs. Human rights continue to be violated, international law is disregarded, and world leaders appear either incompetent or complicit. The Middle East seems to be heading toward a regional war, with no signs of hope. There is widespread bloodshed and violence, and little hope for a ceasefire. 

Gracious God, in a broken world tethering on the edge of despair and darkness, we find redemption in your holy name. Despite the destruction around us, we hold steadfast to the example of Christ the liberator, who stood un-moving at the face of empire. Instill in us that same spirit, so that our collective strength will rise above the forces of war and destruction. Liberate the hearts and minds of those captive to the violent theology of empire and bring them closer to your grace and goodness.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer