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Since October 7th it has been difficult to estimate the death toll in Gaza due to the catastrophic destruction and collapse of civil services. Last week, one of the most credible and oldest medical journals, The Lancet, has claimed that it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. This translates to 7.9% of the population in Gaza having been killed. The bombing in Gaza has been relentless, especially in areas such as Khan Yunis, Al-Mawasi, and other refugee camps.   

• God incarnated in Khan Tunis, Al-Mawasi, and in Gaza overall, help us to be disturbed with the suffering in Gaza. We repent by dehumanising the dead in Gaza by counting them as numbers, but not as people who had dreams and aspirations. How long, O lord, will this nightmare continue? Let the victims of injustice, remind us of our mandate to practice revolutionary love.  

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer