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Earlier last week, Hamas accepted an Egyptian-Qatari mediated cease-fire proposal. After the acceptance of Hamas, the Israeli military began bombing Rafah and fighting broke out at the border of Rafah. Many have been killed, including children. Humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Rafah has completely halted. Rafah hospitals are shutting down and according to UNRWA over 110,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah. The true extent of suffering in Rafah is unknown; all eyes on Rafah.

God who was, and is and is to come, like Jesus, our souls are overwhelmed with sorrow by the actions of the empires. The present circumstances seem to have no end in sight. The experience of loss and pain will remain with us until we die. Lord, ensure us that you are present with those suffering in Rafah and that you see all evil deeds whether they are in the light or in the dark. Lord, teach us how to lament so that we can actively work for an alternative reality.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer