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In the last two weeks, a large police force descended on the home of Fakhri Abu Diab, one of the most prominent social activists and neighborhood leaders in Silwan. Masked officers forcibly moved Abu Diab, his wife and son, and several journalists away from the house. Shortly afterward, a municipal bulldozer demolished the house. These house demolitions are done to make room for a religious Zionist theme park in Silwan. 

Everlasting God, as we witness violence justified in your name, we remember the words of Amos, “I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me” (Amos 5:21). Lord, we pray that justice may roll like a never-failing stream, restoring all demolished homes and holding all unjust agents accountable. Help us be better witnesses to the injustice taking place in Silwan.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer