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Last week, 42-year-old Lara Tannous who worked as a pharmacist at a Jerusalem hospital died from her wounds sustained by a shooting nearly three weeks ago. Amar Mansour, aged 32, was also killed during the attack. The shooters have yet to be identified, however, local sources claim that the shooting was by Israeli settlers. The Palestinian Christian community is in mourning as Tannous was a beloved and admired figure in the community. 

God of love, we come before you saddened by the loss of Tannous and Mansour. We lift up their families who are mourning, and we pray that they may feel your love during these difficult times. Lord, whilst we have little hope that injustice will be accounted for, we lift up our grievances in lament that you shall hold all preparators and enablers of injustice accountable. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer