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In the last few months, the international community has been increasingly worried that the Palestinian Authority (PA) might collapse in a few months. Several factors, such as lack of funding, unpopularity amongst Palestinians, and half a million Palestinians unable to work in Israel since the 7th of October, contribute to this worry. Furthermore, the Israeli security cabinet met on June 17th to discuss increasing settlement expansion and imposing sanctions on the PA due to its activity at the United Nations and at both international courts in the Hague.

• Divine creator, we are living in difficult and uncertain times, with no clear vision of a better future. Many of us carry deep fear and anxiety. Lord, as the realities around us are collapsing, give us faith. Give us faith like the Psalmist that “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Psalm 56:3). Give us courage, O Lord, to face our realities and put our faith on you rather than our own understanding or on corrupt powers. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer