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 Since the Israeli invasion of Rafah, access to food and aid in Gaza has been further restricted, compounding threats of starvation and malnourishment faced by an already weary population. Latest estimates state that 3,500 children are at risk of dying from malnourishment. Furthermore, the UN and other aid agencies say transfer of goods from the US built pier to Gazans remains suspended due to the Israeli military usage of that area in the hostage rescue that took place a few weeks ago.

• Good God, where are you amidst the man-made famine in Gaza? Do you see what is happening? Lord, “Have you eyes of flesh? Do you see as man sees?” (Job 10:4). Amidst our lament, we ask you to cast away the miserable comforters who increase the pain of the oppressed by offering words of false optimism. Help us with our faith, help us with our witness, help us see your face and participate in the work of your revolutionary love.

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer