Youth Advent

“Christmas, my child, is love in action. … Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” – Dale Evans Rogers

On Saturday 7th of Dec. 2013 we took around 11 young adults to Jericho for the Advent. There, we were hosted by Fr. Mario Hadshiti and his church, and we were re-united with the young adults of Nazareth after several months of not seeing them.

In total, we were 25 participants; including 3 people who joined us from the youth group of Jericho. Fr. Mario gave us a short introduction about Christmas and its importance, which led to a conversation about how we as young adults can make a difference and have stronger faith.

Later on, we played a couple of ice-breakers and discussed the future of young adults with Sabeel, and how we can strengthen it. We also talked about the areas that we need to fill for the youth in Jerusalem. We at Sabeel were glad that we have planned most of our programs based on their needs. We are very much looking forward to working with them, as they are with us.

We worked together to prepare lunch, which was barbeque, and the nice weather also helped. We had a lovely meal and good conversation.

We look forward to meeting again for a great activity together, and we will be exchanging our Christmas wishes at our annual Sabeel Christmas dinner on December 19th.

Have a Merry Christmas!
