Young Women Program

As a response to the women’s desire to have sessions on health issues, Sabeel held a young women’s program on Friday 27th of February. There were 30 young women, 13 of whom were new to Sabeel family, and all were from different church denominations. They came together to our Sabeel offices to hear our speaker, Dr. Rasha Khoury, the Associate Director of the new Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Saint Joseph Hospital. She spoke about “Applying new evidence to Menopause Management.”

We started our meeting over a cup of coffee and some snacks, which gave the women the opportunity to talk with each other and meet the new additions to the Sabeel family.

Dr. Khoury gave a very well-received lecture. It was a very informative presentation that gave answers to most of the concerns that the women had. A very good discussion took place and the women got the chance to talk to Dr. Khoury in private after the session.

The women expressed their appreciation for the work that Sabeel is doing in addressing such a topic because culturally speaking, it is not very common to talk about this issue in public. The women felt comfortable talking about their different experiences and health problems. Some women wanted us to have sessions for their young adult children. Dr. Khoury showed her willingness to give more sessions to the women.

The atmosphere was positive and we were very happy to have younger women joining our program, as they have great potential for more active participation.

The women urged us to have more sessions and gatherings for them.

