Women’s Retreat

Sabeel Women’s Retreat in Haifa & Tiberias
Theme: Beatitudes
September 28-29, 2012

We began the first morning with a reflection on the meaning of the Beatitudes by Cedar Duaybis. She led us in two sessions, speaking specifically on Matthew 5:1-12 and including both historic and modern-day examples. During these sessions, we meditated on how Christianity is characterized by tranquility, simplicity, and generosity. Christianity holds as its ultimate example the life of Jesus Christ. A group discussion followed, and Cedar answered questions.

In the afternoon, the participants spent time at the seashore of Haifa, enjoying fellowship with one other.

On the second morning, Aida Haddad led the first session: a reflection on Matthew 5:13-16, the verses following the previous day’s text. Aida gave a detailed explanation of the verse, and a group discussion followed. The session emphasized Jesus as our guiding light and how we then reflect that light in our homes and with colleagues in our society by telling the truth and doing good acts. We also discussed the role of the Priest as the first spiritual guide after Jesus Christ.

For the second session, Mary Sahhar gave an overview of the objectives and activities of Sabeel’s Women’s Programs. The ladies then completed the questionnaire about Sabeel programs and evaluated the two-day retreat.

In the afternoon, the group lunched at the Mount of the Beatitudes and later visited the Church of the Beatitudes and Capernaum before returning to Jerusalem.