Wave of Prayer

October 14th, 2021

This week’s Kumi Now online gathering focused on how the mental health and well-being of the Palestinian people has been affected by more than seventy years of Israeli occupation. Kumi Now will look at who is profiting from the occupation in the online gathering on Tuesday, the 21st of October. Governments, churches and individuals are being challenged to consider if their links with companies which profit from the occupation or trade with settlements are helping to sustain an illegal and divisive system.

Lord, our hearts cry out to you over the way the Israeli authorities seek to subjugate the Palestinian people. We pray that voices of conscience in the international community will speak out forcibly to challenge the escalation of violence and loss of Palestinian lives under the Israeli occupation.
Lord, in your mercy…

On Sunday, the 3rd of October, a Palestinian farmer was allowed to go and harvest the twenty six olive trees on his plot of land in Salfit, in the occupied West Bank. When he arrived he discovered his entire olive crop had been stolen by settlers from the nearby illegal settlement of Arial. This is just one incident among many perpetrated by Israeli settlers against Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest season.

Lord, we pray for Palestinian farmers who depend on the olive harvest for their livelihood. We pray for support and protection for them. We pray that Israeli governments would respect international law, cease transferring its population into occupied Palestinian territories and remove all settlers who are already living in illegal settlements.
Lord, in your mercy…

In the month of August nearly one hundred Palestinians have been displaced from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem, for the lack of a building permit, according to the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In one incident the owners of a home in the Shufat neighbourhood were forced to demolish their own home to avoid fines, making four families homeless. The Palestinian owners stated they bought the land in 1952, but the Israeli High Court ruled that Israeli settlers now own the land.

Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian families who have been forced from their homes because they cannot obtain building permits and for those who live under constant threat of eviction. We pray that the worldwide community will question the Israeli authorities about how they are carrying out their duties as an occupying power under international law.
Lord, in your mercy…

On Friday, the 1st of October, Philippe Lazzarini, the UNRWA Commissioner General announced that he would be seeking $800 million to maintain services to Palestinian refugees at a donor conference scheduled for November in Brussels. UNRWA provides schools, health centers and social welfare to more than 5 million Palestinians registered in the occupied Palestinian Territories, Jordan and the Lebanon.

Almighty and merciful God, whose son became a refugee and had no place to call his own; look with mercy on those who have to flee and continue to flee today from danger, homelessness and hunger. Bless those who work to bring them relief; inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts and guide the nations of the world towards that day when all will rejoice in your kingdom of justice and of peace,(Sabeel, 2017).
Lord, in your mercy ..

On Saturday, the 2nd of October, hundreds of Palestinian and Jewish activists took part in a solidarity march from Tawane to Mufaqara, in the South Hebron Hills. They marched in protest at the violent riot in the area by settlers from the illegal Israeli outposts of Havat Maon and Avigail on Tuesday, the 28th of September. Armed settlers had rampaged through the village of Mufaqara killing livestock, damaging property and injuring twelve villagers, including a three-year-old boy. The attack took place under the protection of armed Israeli soldiers who fired guns, tear gas and stun grenades at the Palestinian villagers.

Lord, we lament over this unquenchable thirst for violence we are witnessing among the illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian Territories. We pray that the Israeli authorities will act to restrain and stop these riots, instead of supporting them.
Lord, in your mercy…

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Panama.
Lord, in your mercy…