Wave of Prayer

The United Nations commemorated World Refugee Day on Sunday, the 20th of June. The Kumi Now Online gathering focused on the plight of Palestinian refugees forced to leave their homes in 1948 and 1967 and still waiting with their descendants to return home decades later. In 2019 UNRWA reported that 5.4 million Palestinian refugees were registered with its offices in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and Gaza.Next week’s Kumi Now will consider Israel as a nuclear power.

• Merciful Lord, we cry out to you as the resolution of the right of return for Palestinian refugees appears as distant as ever. The international community has failed us Lord, let your spirit ignite us with confidence that we will return to our homes despite the objection of the powerful.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer

A call entitled ‘Statement of Repentance and Hope’ was sent out on Saturday, the 12th of June, to hundreds of Palestinian Christians by the Christ at the Checkpoint Young Adults Group. The call urges Christians, including clergy and leaders, for a stronger response to the injustices committed against Palestinians over the past two months.

• Lord, we give thanks that Palestinian Christians continue to speak out with one voice to give witness against injustice and to speak truth to power.
Lord, in your mercy.. hear our prayer

After the Jerusalem flag march, a group of young Palestinians went to clean up the Damascus Gate area. The Israeli police attacked the young people, confiscated their cleaning materials and beat up several young participants in the volunteer project.

• Lord, we pray for the young Palestinians to remain determined to use nonviolent forms of resistance, may the violence by Israel, strengthen their determination. We pray for the Israeli authorities that they might see through their prejudices and recognize that their might does not break the will of Palestinians to regain their freedom.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

On Monday, the 7th of June, the second ‘ Apostles of Palestine’ competition took place at the Terra Sancta School in Bethlehem. Nisreen Al-Araj, the Director of the contest, stated that the aim of the initiative was to inspire 13-14 year old pupils from all areas of Palestine to study the Bible and to help them discern their mission as Christians. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem sponsored the contest for over 400 pupils. There were ten contestants in the finals and three prize-winners.

• Lord, we are thankful for the enthusiasm shown by the pupils who took part in this contest. May your word be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. Our people need to feel your presence, let your word guide our path to you.
Lord, in your mercy.. hear our prayer

The Palestinian residents of the village of Beita, south of Nablus, continue to resist the encroachment of Israeli settlers on their agricultural land on Mount Sabeeh. On Friday, the 11th of June, a Palestinian teenager, Mohammad Hamayel was killed by Israeli forces who fired live ammunition at the protestors. The livelihoods of seventeen Palestinian families depend on the olive harvest from the land they are trying to protect. Four Palestinians have been killed and many others injured since May, as they try to prevent the theft of their land.

• Lord, we pray for the family of Mohammad as they grieve the loss of his young life. We pray too for an end to the devastation visited on so many Palestinian families by the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Territories. Our trees, crops and land are the desires of the greedy Zionist project. Give us strength to continue to defy the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on our land. Protect our children who refuse to remain neutral as they see the land of their village being stolen.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

A Palestinian woman, Hala el Shareef was beaten by police, arrested and fined 2000 shekels for waving a Palestinian flag during the Jerusalem flag march at Damascus Gate.

• Lord, the women of Jerusalem continue to defy the armies who occupy Jerusalem and speak truth to power. As the courage of women of the bible is glorified, we pray that the church also applauds the courage of Palestinian women who remain in the streets of Jerusalem despite the powerful who rule it today.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer

Israel’s new government failed on Wednesday, the 16th of June, in its attempt to extend a law denying citizenship to Palestinians from the occupied territories who marry Palestinian citizens of Israel. Idit Silman (from the right-wing Yamina party) was forced to remove the measure from the Knesset Law Committee’s agenda when she realized that she did not have enough votes to pass the bill.

• Lord Jesus, even as you suffered on the cross, you entrusted your grieving mother into your disciple’s care. You knew the importance of family nurture. We pray that these Israeli laws will not be renewed as they would keep many Palestinian couples and families apart and cause untold suffering. May Love that unites people remain unbreakable by Israeli politicians.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer

Many Palestinian citizens of Israel, residents of Nazareth, were arrested on suspicion of rioting, as last month’s assault on Gaza was taking place. A court has ordered several of the cases of mistreatment to be handed over to the police internal investigations unit after being shown images of bruises on the bodies of several of the Palestinians detained at the Nazareth police station.

· Lord, we fervently pray that the continuous Israeli police violence against Palestinian detainees be stopped, and all allegations be thoroughly investigated. May your spirit guide the decision makers to hold all who are guilty accountable for their crimes. We pray for the recovery, physical and psychological, of all detainees. May your justice be transformed from a prayer to action through the people of conscience.
Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer

· Lord, we join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Malawi and Zambia.
Lord, in your mercy …hear our prayer