Wave of Prayer

August 2nd, 2018

 The ‘Great March of Return’ protests continue into the eighteenth week, as Palestinians call for the right of return to their homeland.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of the protestors and for them to continue to espouse non-violent means to achieve their demands. Lord, in your mercy…

Arkan Thaer Mizhar, a fifteen year old Palestinian boy was killed, while many others were wounded by Israeli forces in the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem on Monday, the 23rd of July. When Israeli soldiers carried out overnight arrests, a riot broke out and the soldiers fired live rounds at the protestors.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Arkan as they grieve for his loss. Lord, in your mercy…

On Wednesday the 25th of July, Israeli air raids killed three Palestinians and critically injured a fourth person in Gaza. The attack was carried out after a ceasefire brokered by the U.N. and Egypt helped to end an earlier wave of attacks on the besieged enclave.

  • Lord, we continue to lament the recent violence in Gaza. We pray for an end to the Israeli military occupation and for Palestinian refugees to be able to return home. Lord, in your mercy…

This week the Israeli government, along with Israeli military personnel, have used their might to cause harm in several Bedouin communities and have also demolished a vital water pipeline in the village of Ras al Ahmar in the northern area  of the Jordan Valley. On Wednesday the 25th of July Israeli bulldozers demolished a kindergarten and a women’s cultural centre at Jabal al-Baba, a Bedouin community in the eastern part of Jerusalem, in the West Bank. On Friday the 27th of July Israeli bulldozers demolished the village of al-Araqib in the Negev desert in southern Israel for the 131st time.

  •  Lord, we pray that those in authority in Israel, who continue to use their might to uproot communities and deprive them of the basic essentials to survive: shelter, water and land. We cry out to you and ask that their eyes may be opened to the inhumanity of these actions. And yet Lord, help us to remember that the hope you give us does not put us to shame, as you pour your love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, (Romans 5:5). Lord, in your mercy, 


On Sunday the 22nd of July more than a thousand Israeli settlers were given access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound under armed security by the Israeli police.


  • Lord, we pray for those who intend to provoke anger and violence, that their hearts may turn to seek peace. Lord, in your mercy…


The Palestinian activist and writer Lama Khater is reportedly being subjected to harsh and intensive interrogation at Ashkelon, the Israeli prison. Israeli soldiers arrested Lama at dawn on Tuesday the 24th of July in the city of al Khalil in front of her five children.

  • Lord, may we remember all those who speak out courageously for justice even at a cost to themselves. We remember the prayers of Peter and John the apostles after their imprisonment by the authorities for sharing the gospel, to ‘grant to your servants to continue to speak your words with all boldness’,(Acts 4:29). Lord, in your mercy…


The UN  agency for Palestinian refugees will cut more than 260 jobs in the West Bank and Gaza due to lack of funds. These cuts are the first outcome of a significant American reduction in their contribution to UNWRA.

  • Lord, Palestinian refugees are still not allowed to return to their homes, and now even the lifeline of aid to meet the basic needs of the refugees is under threat. We pray that leaders around the world will step up to bring relief to the refugees. Lord, in your mercy…


The Israel Army stopped the activist boat attempting to supply Gaza with medical supplies. The boat was carrying 22 people from 16 different countries in protest against Israel’s decade-long blockade.


  • Lord, we thank you for people who care about those living under siege in Gaza. We are grateful for the actions of those living abroad who seek to give a voice to those who are oppressed. Lord may they depend on your strength for you are ‘a stronghold in times of trouble’ Psalm 9:9. Lord in your mercy…


Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teenager convicted of assaulting an Israeli soldier, was released with her mother, after both serving a sentence of eight months.


  • God, we continue to remember the Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. We ask your spirit to guide us to mobilize the efforts of the peacemakers to set the captives free and to put an end to this occupation. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Republic of Congo, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe ……….