Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Wave of Prayer
June 16, 2016

Students across Palestine and Israel have been putting all their efforts and hard work to complete successfully this school year as it comes to an end. Many of these students are taking the national exam that will be a turning point towards their future.

  • Lord, give these students serenity and focus despite all the difficulties that surround them. Brighten their future with hope and lead their ways in their best interest.

Lord in your mercy……

This week our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, Israel and around the world started observing the holy month of Ramadan. In Bethlehem, at the
Hospice of our Lady the Virgin Mary, we find a model of social cooperation and solidarity where a group of volunteers, Christians and Muslims collect foodstuffs donated by Palestinians, and prepare 3,000 meals per day for the needy and those with special needs.

  • God of love and mercy, let your mercy and compassion be among all people of this land so that they may live in peaceful harmony, share sorrows and joys, away from ways that lead to violence and conflict.

Lord in your mercy……

Last Sunday the funeral of Mohammad Ali took place. He was a great boxer and caring human being. Rabbi Michael Lerner, who spoke at his funeral, raised his voice loud and clear, for the cause of justice, and against the oppressive occupation of the Palestinians.

  • God almighty, let the power of the truth shine through, and let courage empower people to overcome fear of speaking the truth in the face of power, so that your justice will reign and your Kingdom come on Earth.

Lord in your mercy……

On Saturday Friends of Sabeel held a conference in the UK. Omar Haramy represented Sabeel Jerusalem as well as Robert Cohen and Sami Awad. They all spoke about peace, faith, justice, nonviolence and reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. Over 90 people attended.

  • Dear God, strengthen the hearts of these speakers and empower them to speak out with courage and truth, and may those who hear them be filled with your spirit in order to be your emissaries for justice and peace in this troubled land.

Lord in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Angola and Mozambique.

Lord in your mercy…