Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer

This is Holy Week for Orthodox Christians, and many joyously celebrated Palm Sunday last Sunday, and will rejoice in Easter Sunday in just a few days. Unfortunately, it is challenging for many Palestinian Christians living in the West Bank to get permits to enter Jerusalem, where many of these celebrations and services take place. This is especially true when the Easter holy season collides with Passover, a holy week for Jews.

God of all, we join with our Orthodox brothers and sisters in remembering Christ’s death and celebrating His glorious resurrection. We also lament that the simultaneous occurrence of two religion’s holy days leads to fear and limitations on movement, rather than joy and an outpouring of peace. Please help us to see one another as all part of your future kingdom here on earth.

Lord, in your mercy…

The Israeli government has decided to build a new illegal settlement on Palestinian land behind the separation wall, within the West Bank. They are going to build 1,690 housing and industrial units on this land, which would further isolate occupied East Jerusalem from Palestinians living in the West Bank. This is problematic, because East Jerusalem is the desired capital for a Palestinian state, and this settlement construction would make that almost impossible.

God of justice, we watch in anger and frustration as more Palestinian land is taken for illegal settlement construction and expansion. We struggle to maintain hope, and are at a loss for what to do. Send us your spirit to walk alongside us during these dark days, and remind us that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Lord, in your mercy…

France is convening a preliminary meeting of foreign ministers on May 30th, prior to the scheduled international conference. This meeting will have neither Palestinian nor Israeli representatives there, but groundwork will be laid towards a future two-state solution that hopefully both sides can agree on.

God of mercy, we are cautiously hopeful about what the French Initiative might produce. Be present with those at the May 30th meeting – open their hearts and minds, and help them to not be blinded by politics or power. Inspire those at the peace summit to act in the best interests of all, and help them find a solution that could finally bring lasting peace to this country.

Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel Nazareth took a women’s trip to Haifa on April 22nd to walk through the old city in memorandum of the Nakba. April 22nd is the exact day of the occupation of Haifa, and therefore a very significant day to remember those who suffered expulsion from their land and homes on that day.

God, we are grateful for the ability to remember, both the good and the bad. Help us continue to do so, and to not forget the pain experienced by those who have come before us. Let us learn from their experiences and work to create a future where those injustices will not be repeated

Lord, in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Djibouti and Somalia.