On Saturday 19 February, Sabeel and many people from the local community and expatriate community in Palestine made a solidarity visit to the Tent of Nations. During the last two years, the Tent of Nations have been under attack several times. Last month, Daoud and Daher Nassar, two brothers in the family that manages the Tent of Nations, were attacked by fifteen people with sticks and knives. After the attack, Daoud and Daher were in the hospital for some time healing from their injuries. The Tent of Nations is located in the hills southwest of Bethlehem on over 400 dunums of land. For years, the Israeli government has been trying to confiscate the land. After the Nassar family won a legal battle against Israel, outlaws have been attacking the family and land. Many believe that the Palestinian Authority has not supported the Nassar family against these multiple attacks by imprisoning the attackers.