Sabeel Wave of Prayer

December 15th, 2017

 This week marks thirty years since the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada. The Palestinian uprising, that was mostly nonviolent, which is considered  a model of grassroots resistance all over the world.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the resilience and steadfastness of our Palestinianpeople. We pray that the people of Palestine continue to prove that Justice is mightier than the sword andrenew their commitment to nonviolence. Lord in your mercy…


While we continue to follow on from the repercussions of the United States recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the people of Jerusalem  try to keep their attention and hope on the Baby in the manger in anticipation for salvation and liberation from the darkness of the Israeli occupation.

  • We pray for the Sabeel Jerusalem Christmas dinner on Saturday. Local clergy from different denominations, international workers, and community members from all walks of life will gather for fellowship, food and song. We pray that God will be glorified by our celebration. Lord in your mercy…


Israeli Housing Minister,Yoav Galant,is promoting a plan to build 14,000 new settlement units in the occupied city of Jerusalem.  According to media analysts, 7,000 settlement units are expected to be approved this week.

  • Lord, the foolish Israeli decision makers continue to build settlements on sand ignoring your will for justice. We pray for the Palestinian people who continue to be bombarded by Israeli injustices and theft of land, that they will not surrender to hopelessness and despair. Lord in your mercy…

The U.S. administration’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been met by hundreds of demonstrations across the world, the United Nations condemnation and statements of solidarity from the four corners of the world.


  • Lord we give thanks for all the people of conscience who cry out that Justice is not dead. We pray for the hundreds of thousands of Jews, Muslims and Christians who marched together to show Palestinians that international law and human rights are still respected and must not be ignored even by the powerful. Lord in your mercy…

 At least, four Palestinians have been declared dead in the besieged Gaza Strip during clashes along the border areas with Israel, and when Israeli airstrikes targeted alleged Hamas military positions.  Over one hundred Palestinian civilians have been injured in the West Bank. The clashes erupted in response to the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  • Dear God, we pray for the speedy recovery of all the wounded, and for your spirit to comfort the families of the people killed. We pray that the Palestinian people do not give in to the temptation of violence and commit to nonviolence as the only means to gain self-determination. Lord in your mercy…

 Students across Palestine and Israel are preparing for their mid-year school exams this week.

  • Lord, please give them clarity of thought, quick recall of information, and peace to finish the school term in this period of political uncertainty and unrest. Lord in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries ofCambodia, Laos and Vietnam.Lord in your mercy…

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