Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer 

26th September 2019

On 75th Friday of Great March of Return, 109 civilians were injured as a result of the Israeli military’s continued use of excessive force against peaceful protests along the Gaza Strip’s eastern border; 39 children, a woman, 2 paramedics, and a journalist, were among those injured this Friday, 20 September 2019. The organisers of the ‘Great March of Return’ and ‘Breaking the Siege’ called for the protests to be held under the slogan “Refugee Camps of Lebanon”, coinciding with the 37th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacre that targeted Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

  • God of justice, we cry out to you in lamentation of the injuries caused by the use of excessive force by the Israeli military against the mainly peaceful protestors in Gaza. We pray that those in positions of power will see the hardship and strife caused by the ongoing blockade of Gaza and act to lift that blockade. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

This week is the third Kumi Check-In to take place during the year. The Kumi Initiative would be grateful to receive any response to the entries or actions suggested, by e-mail to

  • Lord, we are grateful for the information provided by the Kumi Initiative about organisations working towards peace and justice in Palestine/Israel. We are thankful too for the non-violent actions suggested by Kumi to raise awareness around the world about the oppression of Palestinians in their own land. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

On Monday 16th September, Sabeel held an ecumenical Bible Study in Jerusalem for Women. Sabeel conducts a number of contextual bible studies in different parts of the country to deepen the faith of the Christian community and to connect our faith to the realities on the ground. 

  • Lord, we are so thankful that there is a hunger for your Word in the faith communities served by Sabeel. We pray that your Spirit would lead and guide this time of fellowship and that it would glorify you and bless those taking part. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

The Sabeel 1st International Gathering will take place from the 2nd to the 7th of December in Bethlehem. The Gathering will update delegates on the current situation in Palestine on the ground. There will be opportunities to share worship and fellowship with Palestinian Christians and to meet with Muslim and Jewish brothers and sisters working in organisations seeking a just peace in Palestine/Israel. 

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of Sabeel and we place into your hands the organisation of the Gathering. We pray that you would prompt delegates from around the world to register for this conference. We pray too that the topics discussed at the conference would lead to a clearer understanding of the oppression of Palestinians and the way forward to seek the path of peace and justice in their land. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

On Friday, the 20th of September, a conference on the Palestinian Christian Curriculum, entitled ‘Identity and Belonging’ took place in Jerusalem. Sabeel supported this conference and the themes discussed included, ‘Blurring History’, ‘Ambiguity’, and ‘Building the Future’. The conference is the beginning of a dialogue on the curriculum, how it is written, and how others are viewed throughout the work.

  • Dear Lord, we pray for all those involved in the work of reviewing the Palestinian Christian Curriculum. May they know the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all they do. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

The Israeli army raided the offices of the prisoner support group Addameer overnight on Thursday, the 19th of September. They searched the office and seized five laptops, as well as other equipment. Addameer has been raided twice before, in 2002 and 2012. The office is based in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. It is nominally in an area under Palestinian control, but the Israeli army carries out regular raids in the area.

  • Lord, we pray for those who work to support the humanitarian rights of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. May they continue in their efforts to represent those who have been stripped of their rights and freedom, despite this attempt to silence them. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

As the summer heat cools in the Holy Land, the main tourist season has begun. This time will bring many groups to Sabeel and into encounters with the realities on the ground in Palestine and Israel.

  • Lord, we thank you for the opportunity for international visitors to share fellowship with Palestinian Christians and to come to understand what life is like for them living under occupation in their land. We pray that you will bless and guide those who will participate in this visit. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.