Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
7th of February, 2019


The ‘Great March of Return’ continued on Friday, the 1st of February. The Gaza Health Ministry reported that 32 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli occupation live fire along the border between Gaza and Israel.


  • Lord, every week we hear of more injuries and deaths in Gaza and the situation there is desperate. We pray for an end to the suffering and the blockade of Gaza. Lord, in your mercy….


Mahmoud Omar Jaafreh, a Palestinian from the Jabel al-Mukabbir area of occupied East Jerusalem, was forced to demolish part of his own home on Friday, the 1st of February.

The municipality would have charged him to carry out the demolition, had he not carried out the work himself. The Israeli authorities use the pretext of building without permits to carry out frequent demolitions of Palestinian-owned homes. For Palestinians, building permits are almost impossible to obtain from Israeli authorities.


  • Lord, we pray for those who are forced to tear down the walls of their homes. Lord, we pray for an end to the Israeli policies of discrimination. Lord, in your mercy..


UNICEF and UNESCO expressed deep concern over the rise in Israeli interference in Palestinian schools in the occupied territories. These incidents are impacting children’s safe access to education. In 2018 five schools in the West Bank were demolished or seized by the Israeli authorities. Fifty other schools in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem are presently under threat of demolition.


  • Dear God, we know that there is a special place in your heart for children. You told your disciples to let ‘the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God’,(Luke18:16). Lord, may we care for the safety of all our children, especially for those subject to violence and abuse as they go to school. Lord, in your mercy…


Lina Osama Quteineh, a Palestinian geneticist from occupied East Jerusalem won second prize in Switzerland for the best published research in 2018 on the subject of organ transplant.

  • Lord, we thank you for the insights you give to our doctors and researchers into the intricate workings of our bodies. Thank you that their work may be used to help those who are sick. Lord, in your mercy…


The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas suspended the new Social Security Law. The Palestinian Authority had begun to implement the law on the 15th of January. However the President listened to the widespread protests over its implementation and agreed to enter into further negotiations over it.


  • Thank you, Lord, that a general strike has been averted in Palestine as the new law will be reconsidered. We pray for all those in positions of authority that they would fulfill their roles with honesty and integrity. Lord, in your mercy…


This is Week 16 of the Kumi Now Initiative. The focus this week is on taking a well-earned rest from activism. Take this opportunity to rest and renew your energy by enjoying a walk or preparing a healthy meal.


  • Lord, we give thanks for all those with a burden for those suffering injustice in Palestine and in other places around the world. We pray for their refreshment and renewed commitment for the work you have prepared for them to do. Lord, in your mercy…


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City. Lord, in your mercy…
