Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
6th of December 2018


At least eighteen Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces on the 36th Friday of ‘The Great March of Return’. Israeli occupation soldiers used live ammunition and tear gas against the protestors on the Gaza border.


  • Lord, we pray for all those protestors who have suffered injuries at this week’s protest in Gaza. We continue to pray that protestors may hold fast to their commitment to non-violence to achieve their demands. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers


The Palestinian Governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, was detained after Israeli forces raided his home in Silwan. His detention, along with the detention of a number of other Palestinians appears to be a campaign targeted at members of the Palestinian leadership.


  • Lord, we pray for all political prisoners. We pray that this campaign to undermine those in authority in Palestine may cease. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


November the 29th marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. On this day in 1947, the U.N. adopted the Partition Plan for Palestine. This day has has turned into a day of solidarity with the Palestinian people and has been commemorated in the U.N. since 1978, yet the Israeli occupation continues and the international community remains silent.


  • Lord, you are our God of righteousness and you tell us to speak out ‘for the rights of all who are destitute’ (Prov 31:8). We pray that the international community may speak out against the crimes of the occupation and take steps to defend the rights of the dispossessed in Palestine. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


Two young women fell victim to brutal murders last week. On the 26th of November, the body of Yara Ayoub, a sixteen-year-old girl, was found in her hometown of Jish, Galilee. On the same day, in Tel Aviv, the body of Sylvana Tsegai, the thirteen-year-old daughter of an Eritrean asylum seeker was discovered at her home. Suspects for both crimes have been arrested on the charges of rape and murder.


  • Lord we are deeply shocked by these brutal murders and pray that the perpetrators of these violent acts may be brought to justice. We grieve for the families of Yara and Sylvana as they mourn their loss. Lord Jesus, you teach us to turn away from violence, to confess our sinful desires and to walk by the Spirit, treating others with kindness and respect. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers


The 9th Kairos Palestine Anniversary Conference will take place on December 6th-7th at the Dar Annadwah International Centre in Bethlehem. The title of the conference is, ‘Hope where there is no Hope’.


  • Lord, we pray for the Kairos Conference in Bethlehem that it may be a reflective and motivating time for its local and international participants. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


The Kumi Now non-violent initiative continues this week with the work of Christian Peacemaker Teams and the topic of  Israeli military checkpoints used to enforce the occupation. Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron suffer from the presence of Israeli settlers and the military in the centre of the Old City. Christian Peacemaker Teams have been monitoring human rights abuses in this area since 1995.

The Kumi action asks you to send a letter to your local police chief or commissioner asking, ‘Do you purchase equipment from Combined Systems or any other company which profits from the Israeli occupation?’


  • Lord, we pray for Palestinians who are subjected to delays, body searches and even detainment as they have to pass through military checkpoints on their way to school or work in their hometowns. We pray for the work of the Christian Peacemaker Teams as they report human rights abuses resulting from the occupation to the international authorities. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers



Sabeel wants to hold several local programs during the Advent season: a) Christmas activities for Children in Nazareth, b) Community Bible Studies, and c) to Ecumenical Dinner in Jerusalem bringing together the Christian Community to celebrate Christmas.


  • Lord, we thank you for the beginning of Advent this weekend – for valuing humanity to become one of us, for taking on flesh and teaching us how to love. God, we ask for your guidance so that we will not only reflect on this time with hope, joy, peace, and love, but also act upon it. Lord in your mercy … hear our prayers



  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Myanmar and Thailand. Lord, in your mercy….. hear our prayers


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