Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
29 November 2019


Fourteen Palestinians were injured by Israeli live ammunition during the 35th Friday of ‘The Great March of Return’ protests along the eastern borders of the Gaza Strip.


  • Lord, we pray for all those who have been injured in Gaza. We pray that the international authorities would pay attention to their cries of anguish and would resolve to act to restore justice to the people of Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers


On Wednesday, the 21st of November, Israeli bulldozers demolished twenty Palestinian owned shops in Shufat refugee camp in occupied East Jerusalem. The reason given for the demolition was that the shops had been built without Israeli permits, which are rarely, if ever, granted.


  • Lord Jesus, you are the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls. Help us, Lord, to know how to respond when we witness the Israeli authorities pushing Palestinians right out of occupied East Jerusalem. We pray for all those whose livelihoods have been devastated. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers


Israeli settlers vandalized a children’s playground and a cafeteria which were under construction in the village of Burqa along the Nablus-Jenin road. Settlers use these attacks to discourage Palestinians from completing building projects. They are rarely held to account for their actions.


  • Lord, you love justice and you are a stronghold for those who seek righteousness. We pray that these attacks on Palestinian property would cease and that the perpetrators of violence would face due punishment. We pray that the Palestinians would endure and remain steadfast, even under constant provocation. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


All members of the US Congress and the Senate, as well as members of the White House, received an ecumenical statement form Global Ministries on November 14th. The statement has sixteen signatories form different churches. It voices dismay over the US support for Israel over the concerns of the Palestinians, since President Trump took office in 2017. The statement outlines in detail how US policies are designed to ‘punish’ Palestinians and to ‘take away their human rights, dignity and hope’.


  • Lord we pray that those in authority in the US may be challenged by the statement from Global Ministries and  may reflect on the harm their policies are inflicting on the Palestinians. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers


Airbnb decided to remove 196 listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. These settlements are recognized by the Israeli government, but remain illegal under international law. Three days later an Israeli settler, Maanit Rabinovich, from the illegal Kidar settlement has filed a request to the Jerusalem District Court for a lawsuit against Airbnb.


  • Lord we pray that international lawmakers may focus on the proliferation of illegal settlements in the occupied territories and all hardship and suffering inflicted on  nearby Palestinian villages and towns. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


Leila Malki from Palestine, was presented with a prestigious award by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports at a ceremony in Bahrain. She received the ‘Against all Odds’ award for overcoming prejudice and persevering in entering equestrian events all over the world.


  • Thank you, Lord, for the gifts you give our young athletes and for their courage in using their gifts well. We praise you and recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from you. We pray that we might encourage others to find their particular gifts and to use them for your glory and  to help others. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers


On Saturday Nov.24, the Friends of Sabeel in France iheld a one day conference at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Paris on following theme : “Israel in the Bible and today’s State of Israel – Christians from here and over there have questions…”.  The Theological Institution was one of the co-organizers of the Conference, and Father Jamal Khader from Ramallah was the guest speaker from Palestine. Over 100 people assisted to the conference.


  • Lord, we are grateful for the success of this event and hope that it will shed more light on the life and challenges of Palestinians. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers


The Kumi Now nonviolent initiative continues this week with the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) and their topic of ‘Violence against Women’. This week’s action asked you to draw a picture or take a photo of flowers and send it to the UN Women’s Office in New York, asking them to hold Israel accountable for the fear tactics of night raids and arrests (at least 1360 recorded each year) carried out by the Israeli army on Palestinian families.


  • Lord, you encourage us in your word to show love and sympathy to our brothers and sisters. We pray for the mothers in Palestine who go to bed at night dreading a night raid and sick at the thought that they or their children might be arrested. We thank you for support groups like WCLAC who seek to help victims of violence. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers



We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Lord, in your mercy…. hear our prayers


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