Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

1st November 2018


The “Great March of Return” passed its 31st Friday amid increasing violence from the Israeli forces and militants amongst the legitimate protestors. More than 230 people were injured, and five killed including 19-year-old Nassar Abu Tim.

  • Lord of the suffering, we pray for a commitment to human rights by all sides and the protection of all lives. We pray for effective international intervention to ensure justice. We pray for humanitarian aid and rebuilding where destruction has occurred. We pray for peace and for justice in our homes and on our city streets. Wrap all and each of these your people in your love. Let them hear: “Come to me you who suffer and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


The death toll from flash floods near Jordan’s shore of the Dead Sea has risen to 20, with the majority of the dead and injured being local schoolchildren. At the request of Jordan, Israel has sent rescue teams to help with rescue and recovery.

  • Lord, surround us now with your grace and peace through storm or earthquake, fire or flood. By your Spirit, comfort the families of those children and adults who have died or have been injured, sustain those who work to rescue, and fill us with the hope of your new creation; through You, our rock and redeemer. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


A Human Rights Watch report has criticized both Hamas and Fatah for frequently arresting and torturing peaceful critics and opponents.

  • We pray for all those in authority in Palestine who are blinded by power. Grant them that they may see the wrong in their actions and be accountable to international law. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


Following a peaceful protest by Coptic Orthodox priests against Israel carrying out work on the Ethiopian Coptic church, several Coptic priests were assaulted with one being arrested by Israeli police.

  • Lord of grace grant the clergy within Palestine and Israel the strength to realise that “the son of man came not to be served but to serve” (Mark 10:45). Give them the faith to stand alongside one another rather than in opposition. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


The Sabeel Fall Witness Tour takes place this week following the Contemporary Way of the Cross.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground.  We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


Palestinian prisoner, Khader Adnan, 40, who has been on an open hunger strike for 57 days, as a form of protest against his “arbitrary” detention by Israel.

  • Lord, we pray for Khader Adnan as he continues to protest peacefully the unjust actions of the occupation. We pray for the speedy release of Adnan and all Palestinian political prisoners. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.


Week 2 of the Kumi Now initiative is now online at to read and start on the action for this week. We encourage you to take the time to read the information and to engage in this week’ s action of sending paper dolls.

  • Lord, we give thanks to all who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. May the Kumi nonviolent action open the eyes of the decision makers in Israel to abandon their policies of dispossession and unjust treatment. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer


  • We join the world council of Churches in praying for the countries of Canada and United States of America. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

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