Sabeel Wave of Prayer


As the ‘Great March of Return’ continues into its 29th week, Israeli forces have continued to use live fire against peaceful protestors, leaving over 370 injured and a three Palestinians dead including a twelve-year-old boy. Occupying forces have, once again, entered into Gaza and razed land metres beyond the fence. This ongoing practice has destroyed much of the agricultural land in Gaza.


  • O Lord, we pray for the peaceful protesters as they continue to resist the Israeli occupation, abuse of power and destruction of land. In particular we pray for the children and young people caught up in the conflict beyond their understanding or control. We pray for those who have been killed or maimed and for the bereaved families; those who have had their future torn away from them; those whose lives are bleak, lacking opportunity, freedom of movement and hope. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.


The demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar is expected imminently after an Israeli court gave the residents until the 1st of October to evacuate their homes. On the 2nd of October Israeli settlers from the illegal settlement of Kfar Adumin, east of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank stormed the village and flooded the area with wastewater from a tanker.


  • Protecting Lord, we pray that you may place your hand of protection over the people of Khan al-Ahmar. Be with them and those showing a protective presence as they stand firm against the constant threat of demolition by Israeli forces and abuse from Israeli settlers. Lord, in your mercy…


Several Palestinians suffered injuries after being assaulted by dozens of Israeli settlers in Jerusalem before dawn on Monday, the 1stof October. Israeli settlers stormed the al-Musrara Street, Damascus Gate and al-Wadi Street in Jerusalem City and began to assault Palestinian residents with verbal and physical abuse by shouting curses at them, repeatedly beating them, and damaging vehicles.


  • We pray for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem and across Palestine. May the Israeli authorities recognise their responsibility to act and not to keep turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by settlers. Lord, in your mercy…


The Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, announced on Thursday, the 4th of October, that he plans to remove the services of the United Nations› agency for Palestinian refugees, (UNRWA) from occupied East Jerusalem. He has accused UNRWA of ‘operating illegally and promoting incitement against Israel’. Following the announcement, the Jerusalem Municipality confirmed that UN schools, which serve about 1,800 students, would be closed by the end of the current school year.


  • Lord of the oppressed, open the minds of the Israeli authorities to realize that UNRWA is a United Nation Agency and cannot be closed as long as the Palestinian refugee problem persists. Grant them the conscience to see that they cannot ignore international law or the plight of refugees. Lord, in your mercy…


This week Sabeel announces the ‘Kumi Now’ advocacy initiative. It is a project, in partnership with dozens of organisations, aimed at allowing people all over the world to rise up in support of Palestinians through simple, effective actions.


  • We pray for the ‘Kumi Now’ initiative as it is announced this week. We give thanks for the Sabeel staff, volunteers, and the organisations involved in this initiative. Lord, in your mercy…


While we focus on the suffering in Palestine we also remember the plight of all those caught up in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia.


  • Lord, the earth belongs to You, all that is in it and all who live in it are Yours’(Psalm 24:1). We pray for those impacted by disasters, both natural and man-made, wherever they are in the world. Grant swift comfort and relief to the survivors. Lord, in your mercy…


Sabeel is conducting a Bible study training course this weekend to help thirty-five people become Bible study facilitators. The participants come from 23 parishes in Palestine. They will be led in their studies by theologians to enable them to go back and teach new contextual Bible study programmes in their local communities.


  • Lord, we are so thankful that there is a hunger for your Word in the faith communities served by Sabeel. We pray that your Spirit would lead and guide this training and that it would glorify you and bless those taking part. Lord, in your mercy…


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama. Lord, in your mercy…

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