Sabeel Wave of Prayer

4th, October 2018

The ‘Great March of Return’ continued into its 27th Friday along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip. Seven Palestinians, including two children, were shot and killed by Israeli forces during protests across the eastern borders of the besieged Gaza Strip, on Friday afternoon.

  • Lord, we come before you ready to lay our anxieties and fears at your feet and ask that you would guard our hearts with your peace which surpasses all understanding. We pray for the peaceful protestors in Gaza and that others would be led to express their grievances using non-violent means. Lord, in your mercyhear our prayer.

During the recent UN General Assembly the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) received pledges of $118 million from several donor countries to help it overcome a financial crisis triggered by the United States’ aid cuts.

  • Lord of the refugee, we pray for those prevented from returning to their homes by the unjust laws of Israel and the USA. We pray that the international community will awake to this injustice and apply pressure to make their return possible and permanent. Lord, in your mercy

The Israeli authorities declared an eight day closure on the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip starting late Sunday until Monday, the first of October, for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Rabbis for Human Rights announced that they have set up sukkah’s, which are temporary tents constructed for use during the week-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot, to show solidarity with the residents of Khan al-Ahmar and as a protest against Israel’s planned demolition of the village.

  • We pray that this Jewish celebration of return will open ears to current cries for freedom from the oppressive Israeli occupation. Even greater disruption and hardship is imposed on Palestinians during Jewish festivals like Sukkot, when checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza are shut down. Lord, in your mercy

On Monday, the 24th of September, the Israeli military court of Ofer placed a 45-year-old Palestinian detainee under ‘administrative detention’ for six months. Ayman Nasser Karajeh is a legal co-ordinator for Addameer, a human rights group which focuses on promoting the rights of Palestinian prisoners.

  • Lord, your Word tells us that you lift up ‘those who are bowed down’ and that you ‘love the righteous’ (Psalm 146:8).We bring before you all those who risk their own life and liberty for the sake of others. Lord, in your mercy

Nour al-Din Shakarneh, a 20-year old Palestinian was injured before dawn on Sunday, after Israeli forces raided his family home and shot him while he was asleep in the village of Nahalin, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem.
Twenty four year old Muhammad Rimawi, from Beit Rima near Ramallah, was beaten to death by Israeli occupation soldiers who raided his home in the early hours of the morning on the 18th of September. His body was returned for burial on the 1st of October.

  • Lord, protect those who face the daily threat of arrest,  injury or death by Israeli soldiers. Grant them your peace in their hearts and surround them with your powerful love . Lord, in your mercy

Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN General Assembly last week. He spoke of the need for the US and Israel to abide by international law and for a peaceful Palestinian state to be recognized by the world.

  • We pray that the world community may come together and support Palestines legitimate cry for sovereignty. In the meantime the Palestinian people watch while illegal Jewish settlements expand around their communities, choking their movement, farmland and livelihoods. Lord, in your mercy

 Palestinians observed a 24 hour strike on Monday the 1st of October, in protest against Israel’s Nation State Law, against the demolition of Khan Al Ahmar and in remembrance of the 13 young people killed in cold blood 18 years ago during the Al Aqsa Intifada. This strike was observed by Palestinians inside Israel, in the West Bank-including East Jerusalem, the Gaza strip, as well as Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora.

  • God of all, we pray for perseverance of Palestinians who are trying, peacefully, to have their voices heard. We ask that you give the powerful, ears to hear and hearts open to understanding our struggles and concerns. Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Lord, in your mercy

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